Attn Milwaukee area snokers

Just a heads up, I decided to check out this shop on my way home from work. It's near my new house and located off 108th and Oklahoma.
Just stopped in here to see what there selection was like, every single cigar was moldy. Broke my heart to see that they even had high end opus cigars for $25-$30 covered in mold.
I let the girl in there know, she said she doesn't know how to contact the owner.

-- Winston Churchill
I've seen that most of my local "Beer & Tobacco" stores now have a cabinet humidor to offer premium cigars, but their knowledge of basic cigar storage is suspect. Proper RH is an obvious concern but also I have seen that a few of these cabinets are close enough to the front windows that the cigars are exposed to direct sunlight. On the other hand, a few of my local liquor stores have nice, walk-in humidors with a decent selection available.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.