I'm Back

I've been away for a while due to a medical adventure. I was on vacation in June in South Carolina and started to get some severe pain in my lower right side. Took some pain meds, laid down at the hotel and I was fine.
It started again when I got home and I gave up my man card and when to the doctor's. In looking for a hernia, they kept doing one test after another, ultra sound, CAT scan, cystoscope and a bunch of stuff. In speaking with the one doctor she kept saying they did not like what was on the CAT scan. I finally asked what the heck was on the scan. She asked if anyone spoke with me and I said no. She then said I had Stage 4 abdominal cancer! She could have lied.
The type of cancer I had did not respond to chemo so she referred me to a surgeon at Duke. He was one of the best in the country. I was operated on in September and spent 16 days in the hospital, 2 1/2 days in intensive care. The surgeon told my wife, not me, that when he opened me up, he seriously considered sewing me back up. Instead, he operated for 10 hours and removed my spleen, appendix, several tumors, reconstructed my intestine and colon and repaired the hernia. He said it have been growing inside me for two years. I had no symptoms and if not for the hernia, I would have not had too much longer.
I was very weak for a long time and really couldn't do anything, including teaching. I just did my online courses and that was it. As a precaution, because they found some aggressive cells, I am doing 8 sessions of chemo. I can do it locally and besides my hands a feet hurting a bit, none of the bad stuff is happening, like nausea, mouth sores, etc. I'm back teaching and I thought I would get back and see what you all are doing.
I had my first cigar last week after a few months hiatus and it was great. They told me cigars during chemo would not be a problem, especially if it relaxed me, which it does.
So that being said, you all will have to suffer again with my sick sense of humor.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
And for yiur return........
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.