Temperature question

My house runs about 66 to 67° in the winter months. I my Boveda packs are 69% . I have my cigars in a Tupperware box's that seems to have temperature at 66• with humidity sitting at 72. We have had a lot of rain lately Are these stick Ok or do I need to make some changes. To get temp up and humidity down a bit.
Your fine with temp, that's the highest my wine cooler will go.
Do you think I should go down with my Boveda pack %?
LOL yep I see that
Sometimes the smoke get in my eyes and I was on my phone. I can't see worth a crap without my glasses witch I didn't have on.
I can't see shït without my glasses.
If I haven't said it before, welcome to the forum.
Looks like your hygrometer is off if you're getting mold.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Not opening your humidor's, tubby's, coolers etc. to let fresh air in will help mold grow. Stagnant air will make the spores grow regardless of perfect temperature and humidity. Sometimes you'll get it even in perfect conditions and letting fresh air in, it just happens.
This west coast heatwave has my cooler temp peaking at just below 72° for a few hours a day (usually from 4a to 11a). After that it goes back to around 70°. Is this anything to worry about?
I wouldn't think twice about it... you'll be fine.
My tower gets up to 75 76 in the late afternoon. Never had a problem.
Maybe some of the other guys can shed a little light on it, But I think the bugs start hatching when you get above 75 In both humidity and temperature. I've always used the rule of thumb that if humidity plus temperature is less than 145, you have nothing to worry about.
Mold can be a slightly different story, but not that different. Plus, mold won't kill your cigars if you detect it early, And I don't know how well it grows if the humidity is less than 78%
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Of course that's within reason. I can't keep my smokes outside in the backyard where it's 110 degrees and 5% humidity. That's less than 145, but it's the same as a pizza oven. Conversely, I can't keep them at zero degrees and 90% humidity because that will also ruin them.
I think in both cases you avoid mold and bugs, but in both cases you ruin your smokes. I don't think that 80° and 60% humidity will hatch crawlies, and I don't think 60° and 80% humidity will grow mold very quickly (though a long exposure to this environment might do so over time).
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Now's a good time to consider using 65% or 62% Boveda packs, the warmer air will hold more moisture at a given rH than cooler air. This will help mitigate potential mold issues and I think my cigars burn better when stored at a lower rH.
I switched to 65 a while back. Been doing me well
From CI
“Adult beetles measure about two to three millimeters long and live only 2 to 4 weeks, and thrive in humid climates and hot temperatures above 74 degrees.”
I’ve always tried to be below 75 degrees. Once way back in my early days I had a few beetles (Fuente sticks I traded for). At the time freezing 100 or so sticks wasn’t all that bad. Now would be tough.
Nope. I keep my AC set at 78 all summer long and don't even run it unless it gets above 85 degrees or so. I run 65% bovedas and have never had any issues with beetles and my cigars smoke fine. Moisture (humidity) is more a problem than temperature in my experience. 65% bovedas keep it in range no matter if the temperature creeps up a bit.
I've had two beetles long ago too, trades also. Quit trading after that. Some folks have trouble keeping humidity in check. Not worth the risk.
Just moved my collection to the basement for the summer. Stays at around 65% and 65-67 temp. It's more stable than the upstairs even with the a/c on.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Ccom info only, please. Did I do that correctly, @Usaf06?
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Meh…. Same company
Correct, please refrain from mentioning other sites. This is ccom only.
-- Winston Churchill