How to use the flavor wheel to choke out a b***h

Do you guys know any sources that use flavors/ flavor wheel to make suggestions about new cigars to try?
For instance , let’s say padrons are sweet expresso, sweet pepper, and unicorn hooves. And if you like that combination... this resource says try.... x new brand. I just kinda feel like everyone picks a price point and they shot gun it. Maybe I would love like Pier 23, but I haven’t bought it because I still need to smoke my andulusion bull for 2017 ( I am waiting for something special, like when my kids sleep through the night). Maybe my next favorite cigar is the discontinued peach flavored machine made cigar based on my flavor wheel characteristics but I am too pretentious to admit it.
basically what I do now is hear people say it’s a good stick and then I try it. It’**** or miss whether there is a connection.. I mean liga privada and padrons seem to make a bunch of people happy. But the next thing ... is out there ... waiting...
there is , however, an undeniable desire to try EVERYTHING, which until I get close ... I would like to focus my efforts. Maybe I SHOULD start with swisher sweets if I like drew estate so damn much.
Taste is too subjective to be much value when it comes to correlating between brands. Maybe wrapper leaf would be the best place to start. People join the forum all the time and say 'I like this. What's similar that I would like' and we give them answers but it's such a crapshoot and not really worth trying.
Taste is too subjective to be much value when it comes to correlating between brands. Maybe wrapper leaf would be the best place to start. People join the forum all the time and say 'I like this. What's similar that I would like' and we give them answers but it's such a crapshoot and not really worth trying.
Taste is too subjective to be much value when it comes to correlating between brands. Maybe wrapper leaf would be the best place to start. People join the forum all the time and say 'I like this. What's similar that I would like' and we give them answers but it's such a crap-shoot and not really worth trying.
Taste is too subjective to be much value when it comes to correlating between brands. Maybe wrapper leaf would be the best place to start. People join the forum all the time and say 'I like this. What's similar that I would like' and we give them answers but it's such a crap-shoot and not really worth trying.
Taste is too subjective to be much value when it comes to correlating between brands. Maybe wrapper leaf would be the best place to start. People join the forum all the time and say 'I like this. What's similar that I would like' and we give them answers but it's such a crap-shoot and not really worth trying.
Seems like I've read this before.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I just wanted to get my point across in case it didn't sink in the first time. ;-)
I saw a movie like this
Groundhog day
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Was I Bill Murray or was I the groundhog?
This is exactly what the site aims to do. I signed up for a free membership, but don't use their recommendation engine.They have some good articles from time to time and they have a podcast too.
Have you seen this statement,
it's pretty accurate.
Ned Ryerson
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
I found the Victor Sinclair part of the wheel

@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I want some pharmaceutical cardboard flavor please
I think there must be some formulaic way to see this... I know it’s crazy subjective ... maybe this forum can create its own flavor tree or algorithm... like if you like mild sweet earth you go to these 10 cigars, full sweet earth then these bends , sweet pepper over here, and so on...
I have never been particularly good at picking out really nuanced flavors. I guess my initial strategy was to find a brand I seemed to consistently like. From there you can find out who blends it and what leaf they typically use. You might find a certain leaf youre into and itll probably be a lot less hit and miss with finding another stick you like vs looking for a "coffee barnyard" flavor or whatever.
Also just buy some randoms everytime you go to a store!
Hope you kid sleeps all night soon! (Little one or just not a good sleeper?) We have a 3yo and twins 15mo. I do not miss that! Certainly deserves a cigar
I get what you're saying, but you are far better off becoming a member of a COTM club that tickles your fancy, learn from the experience, and drive on from there. Most of the work is already done for you with a monthly club, plus you get the variety and privilege of sampling a wide range of cigars. You will also potentially save money from not having to buy every damn 5-pack in the universe or entire boxes of XYZ blends because the deal is too good to pass up even though you've never tried them before. Next thing you know, you have ten thousand cigars across a dozen coolers and you're like a bearded juvenile rummaging through your stash like Golum petting the One Ring.
Yeah, a cigar of the month club is definitely the way to go. The club you decide on is up to you, most base it on value for their money and count cigars and check to see if they get their Dollars' worth, but I personally prefer to base my reasoning on what I like to smoke: boutiques and rare smokes only. By my estimation, this means I've only got a handful of options instead of many dozens of them, and I chose Privada Cigar Club and Cigar Federation. Optionally, I heard Small Batch is okay, and Stogie Bird is pretty good. If you are only into the budget aspect and prefer more 'Gars for your money, then pretty much every online cigar site (this one included) has some option for you to consider.
Cfed is a good one @BKDog That's my preferred way of finding new stuff.
I guess it’s just as much the journey as it is the destination... but the destination can be pretty nice when it’s a padron 64 ( I feel like I am beating a dead horse here )
I'm more of a Padron '26 natural guy. Everybody is a little different, tastes vary widely.
Maybe next month I start one of these clubs... I am waiting for shizzling package in the interim...
Let's not forget our own CCOM COTM, I'd have never tried Rose of Sharon, or many others if I hadn't had one from the COTM.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
You can call or email a CCOM sales rep and have them make you a sampler based on your likes.
My wheel only has four spokes...
Cigar-esque Sommelier training ...
or perhaps the cigar equivalent of what Christian bale did in the movie Equilibrium..
Am I the only one who looked at the title of this thread and still have no idea what it says or means??
Flavor wheel? WTF?
So when I say a Victor Sinclair tastes like dog crap and someone else says it has popcorn and caramel, who is correct?
Flavor wheels are a gimmick.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.