Inaugural Event on Facebook Live w/ Alec Bradley

Hey all you cool cats & kittens... (Sorry, not sorry for the "Tiger King" reference)
While many of us are home and we all love cigars, I thought it might be fun to have an event online featuring top manufacturers. On Weds., April 15th at 11am ET on's Facebook page, I'll be going live with Alec & Bradley Rubin. It's going to be like a virtual blending seminar with a behind-the-scenes conversation on the boys' work with E.P. Carrillo on The Gatekeeper, what it's like learning from their Dad, and some general cigar fun. It's completely free and you don't need a special link to join.
I hope to see many of your names pop across the screen and don't worry, there will be time carved out for a Q&A, so if you have questions, I'm sure between Alec & Bradley, there will definitely be answers.
And for future Facebook Live events, please let me know who else you want to see me talk to on the internet like a creeper.
I might check this out. I really appreciate the advance notice.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
A bit early for us west coaster. Very few things I get up at 7am 😎
I don’t do Facebook. You do an IG live and I’m in.
@deadman I don't know why we're doing something on IG, but I think it's because Facebook Live is easily compatible when you have multiple parties in different locations. I think there is some sort of program I have to download, so let's hope Marketing tells me what that is ahead of time. LOL
I think more than one of us don’t do Farcebook. Plus, I don’t do mornings. Other than that, it sounds like a good idea.
Thanks for your efforts, @TheCigarChick. Hope it goes over well..... 👍
But it's three Jews talking tobacco for an hour... What's not to love?
Sweet! Any virtual swag like an Alec Bradley meme or an Alec Bradley cigar gif slowly burning down to a nub? Let me check my schedu...yep I'm available.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I had a good one tonight, Tempest Natural.
I'm one of the lucky few who will be driving to work when this kicks off. Plus, Facecrook is banned like asbestos in my world.
I am somewhat amused at the utter hatred for Facebook, yet adoration for Instagram, and FB owns IG...
Maybe I'm just an Olde Phartte, but this forum is about the extent of my social media..
It's kinda like the utter hatred for the collections department of a hospital, yet adoration for the doctors and nurses when they work for the same hospital.
Does it make it any better that in May I'll have Steve Saka? C'mon, you know you guys love you some Saka!
Take into account time zones please... A couple of us are 4 hours behind you.
Ok, may make a FB account. It be under Rusty Shackleford
We will see if I'm awake by then, sounds fun.
I have a FB account, just for these purposes. My real, legal name is of course Brian K-Dog. Duh.
Oh that's right it won't say bigfoot when I get on, Paul McGahey
I'll be watching 👍🏻
I understand the issue, but the other issue on our end is that basically everyone who owns a brand in this industry is currently at their US home, and 99% of those folks are on the east coast. Our Marketing Dept also wanted this to be during the day since so many folks are home, and if we did this in the evening, there are more logistical issues with staffing being on-call, and potential loss of viewership as we're not trying to ruin anyone's family dinner.
Do some of you guys really want to upset your wives by choosing a V-Herf over family dinner?
LOL The advantage of being single! Perhaps archive them somehow? That would give those of us who can't be there the chance to see the festivities.
I'll try to tune in
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
+1 for the archive. I'll be working.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
+2 for the archive. That way, the rest of you can tell me if it's worth watching or not before I spend all that time.
I've seen fb live videos on my feed after they've ended. Not sure if there's something @TheCigarChick needs to do on her end or not, but it is possible.
Ok I'll get the e-swag started. @TheCigarChick you can tell Alec and Bradley that they can use these in their company promos for a forum fiver
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Going to just use the wife’s FB to watch but I have a phone appointment with my Dr from 11-11:30, so if you wouldn’t talk about anything interesting for the first 30 minutes 😂
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.