How to remove old magnet plates from cigar lid
Posts: 1 ✭
Has anyone done that before. How did you do it?
No, but I'd try a little heat from a jet lighter on the metal plate, and then try to pry it off with a putty knife. But you might end up with some glue remaining that would be impossible to ever remove. And don't try sanding the glue off. The wood is too soft and will cause a crater. (I have done that before,.......causing craters in spanish cedar by sanding it.)
Why? Why would you?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Because, magnets!!!
Oh...magnets...yeah, that's right, magnets. Fvcking magnets!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Just wear your tinfoil helmet - you’ll be okay.... 😜
If this is a serious question, here is what I would do.
1. Not give a **** and leave them.
2. Throw the piece of **** out
3. Heat a 2in scrapper/mud knife until glowing. Wait until it it slightly cools as to not scorch the wood, then go at it. Also heat the plate, this should take it off clean.
4. Use heat gun very low and gently to, by thumb remove the glue.
5. If you don't have these things or know what I'm talking about follow steps one or two.
6. You are welcome.
MOW badge received.
A scrapper or a scroller saw, @Patrickbrick?
But seriously, fight magnets with magnets. Glue some metal to a piece of Spanish cedar. Then, stick the metal plate to the magnet. Voila! No magnets shown. As a bonus, you have a magnetized metal plate behind that cedar suitable for mounting more magnetic hygrometer and humidification devices.
You're welcome.
I'm still confused why I get **** for owning a power tool. Just because you "tools" don't know what they are or how to use them doesn't mean I should keep getting crap. I don't mind the crap I just don't get why. It's an actual saw, would it have been better I said jig saw? Even though it's not?
MOW badge received.
Demonstrational video, of the Scroller Saw, would help
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Even Google has never heard of a scroller saw
My favorite cigar list here
You're getting crap for it because you spelled scraper with two ps. It's a misnaming of a tool, which brings us back to scroller saw, which is just a weird looking jig saw. It's okay, you can call it whatever you want, sparkles....
MOW badge received.
Google is retarded then. I can't spell for ****, my grammar is bad, punctuation is bad, I hate glitter, call me out make fun of me all you want about that crap. That is all true and undisputed, but to continuously rag on me about an actual tool I own is weird to me.
MOW badge received.
Just wear your tinfoil helmet - you’ll be okay.... 😜
You're a tool, @Patrickbrick
I still have no idea what OP is asking about, never having seen magnet plates on a box lid.
You should bedazzle the skroller saw then you would have a glitter covered saw
-- Winston Churchill
I'm guessing he means the lid of a desktop humidor. Most digital hygrometers have magnets on the backside for this purpose. Remember those metal plates included with little digital hygrometers? The metal plates have adhesive and you apply it where you want your hygrometer stay, usually under the lid of your desktop humidor.
And ain't it funny @Patrickbrick never uses hygrometers, something that everybody uses. But he uses a "scroller" saw,.... something that nobody's ever heard of.
Just keep the metal plate and put a magnetic sticker over it.
Yeah, that got explained to me last night on Vherf. And I said, just leave 'em, they're not hurting anything.
Attach a mirror to it so it looks like you have twice as many cigars in there.
Why in the h.e. double hockey sticks am I reading this? lol.
I'm half drunk and even I know that you just hit Ebay or Amazon for magnets.