awesome and like buttons

do you hit one of these buttons only if you have smoked the particular referenced stick? Or if you like the brand? Or what, if you want to be supportive? "Enquireing minds want to know"
do you hit one of these buttons only if you have smoked the particular referenced stick? Or if you like the brand? Or what, if you want to be supportive? "Enquireing minds want to know"
I just think you're awesome.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
I agree with most everything you post.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Um, what I am trying to understand is: when mentions a cigar and you hit the awesome button are you saying you think the cigar is awesome? Or are the buttons so undefined that they are next to meaningless? And why is the disagree button anonymous but the agree one isn't? Doesn't make sense to me. Disagreeing isn't the same thing as picking a fight, trolling, or hate speech. I think I will abandon the buttons and just post a reaction if I feel it is useful. It will be a little less tribal or solidarity-making but I see no sense in hitting the buttons just because someone is still breathing.
While I agree the buttons are pretty much meaningless in that they don't convey much info in an accurate way, they serve a purpose; they let us know someone has input (whatever that might be) without them having to post. Imagine how messy the forum would be if every button hit was a post.
I agree, hadn't thought of the mess of me-too posts. Carry on.
I always check how many "agrees" I get before turning in for the night. That way I can rest in peace, knowing how many recognize how truly brilliant (and humble) I truly am.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Maybe, in your case, we need a “you’re a real piece of work” button... n’est ce pas? 😜
If someone posts an awesome cigar I hit the awesome button. If it's a meh cigar I dont hit the button
-- Winston Churchill
I tend to think of it "someone is smoking a cigar, that's awesome", but I'll hold off if the cigar sucks in my opinion, because sucky cigars are not awesome.
I was trying to use the like button more because every cigar is not as awesome as the next. If someone smokes a My Father, which comes to mind because I'm enjoying one now, it may only get a like. But the next post containing a Bishop's Blend might get an awesome because it's a much better cigar in my opinion. I've barely been looking through the What Are You Smoking threads lately though.
For me its simple for the like and awesome buttons. If I don't view a bunch of new posts nothing gets hit. If I view a post and don't care for it nothing gets hit. If I like someones post, picture, cigar or haul the like button gets hit. If I love someones post, picture, cigar or haul the awesome button gets hits. Now I do believe most if not all of us including myself have been guilty by hitting the awesome button a lot of the time...
But maybe not, a lot if not everyone might just think everything is awesome.
This is a timely topic, thanks Edward, because I've recently been considering re-evaluating my use of the reaction buttons. I feel like I hit awesome a lot, I do hit like for cigars that aren't my to preferences, but I think I'm going to re-scale my ratings. Sometimes the awesome is not so much about the cigar but the situation. I don't really look at my stats and don't really worry too much about it, maybe I should since I've been flagged for Spam once and Abuse 4 times. I think the spam was unappreciated humor and the abuse was probably my "welcoming committee" posts to members who appear to be spamming the site or doing a drive-by to self-promote. Update: two abuses were for my "welcoming committee" posts and two abuses were for unappreciated poetry posts in a gun thread.
I agree with others that we should be able to see who hits disagree, I disagree with some posts, purely as a mater of taste or opinion, but that doesn't mean I don't like the poster. I guess posting a dissenting opinion might be a better option than an anonymous disagree. Making it anonymous makes it more ominous.
I find it a curious twist of the reaction system on the forum that we give awesomes when someone gets bombed which increases the recipient's awesome count instead of the sender.
Sometimes I miss the time before we had all the reaction buttons where we would post replies to things we liked and spur conversation.
I'll endeavor to be fairer with my reactions. Maybe we need new cigar rating reactions like "great cigar", "awesome cigar", "yard gar" but that would take too much space.
I think I'm going to start using the vote up button for phenomenal cigars or circumstances now just to differentiate from the awesome button.
Ive been wanting a ...WooF... button ever since Ive joined.
I'm like Oprah. You get an awesome. You get an awesome. Awesomes for everybody! If someone is sharing their smoke, they must be enjoying it. That's awesome.
I ain't changing for nothing!
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I try and save the awesome for when someone gets bombed. It is for the fact that someone thought enough of a BOTL/SOTL to send them. I may not enjoy the cigars they sent personally but it's awesome that they sent them.
Ah, but then you’d probably pee on the carpet.... 😜
Some reasons for "like", "awesome" or the infamous "vote up":

And at least one reason for the "disagree" or possibly even the "WTF":

Unless that person posts that they don't like what their smoking, I assume they're enjoying it, so I hit awesome....My options on someone else's tastes are irreverent.
I think I'll just hit WTF form now on...….
^^My WTF^^ Just 'cause.
In truth, it's quite subjective for me. On the "...smoking..." threads I usually just skim through. Occasionally something catches my eye, usually because I think highly of that cigar, and I'll hit a Like or Awesome. On the humorous or opinion threads I'm a little more attentive. Many I simply read and move on. I like the buttons because it allows for a quick recognition.
We still need an "Eeew!" button. And I didn't even know that there was one for "Abuse"?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Or is it? Is that my disagree? Maybe...
Is a post still awesome if you've seen the picture already on another thread? Is it twice as awesome?
No, for those we need a "waste of bandwidth" button. LOL
It'll just say "Peter" on it......And require a USPS tracking number.