Questions about setting up my new wineador

I just got a whynter wineador the big 400ct one
I have not turned it in yet.
I have wiped down the drawers with clean sponges and a fresh bottle of distilled water.
I currently have a Xikar hygrometer in there as I calibrate the one that came with it.
Along with this I have the tray that came with it used for water filled halfish way up with distilled water.
How long should I leave that in full for for it to condition? How long should it condition for?
Can I turn it on before it's done conditioning?
Plug the drain hole (if it has one), plug it in, set temp at 65, two weeks.
I don't believe it has a drain hole.
What does that look like
Two weeks to condition it???
Drain for water to run out, if you had one you would notice a hole in the floor of it.
Yes two weeks you may get by in one since it’s a wineador. Gotta let to wood become saturated with humidity.
Make sure you take out the tray of water when you fill it and add bovedas. I use 69° but others use 65
-- Winston Churchill
Cigar storage/rest/aging takes time and patience's...But is worth doing right.
Do these things take a few hours to maintain temp?
Seems to be off by 1° set to 65 showing 66 and fluctuating.
That’s why it needs to season for a week or two.
I seasoned at around 75RH no wipe down for close to a month. I then dropped in 68RH for a few weeks until it stabilized. I pulled all Bovida packs to make sure it was good.
I only turn it on when it’s hot. Drops to about 64RH for about an hour or so then back to normal
I just have the container for water in it now filled with distilled water.
When I started I wiped down the shelves and it was at one point over 85%
It's been sitting in there since yesterday afternoon and now is only about 69%
Sound about right? Haven't wiped down the shelves again and really would prefer not to.
You should move it into a closet and then not open the closet door for two weeks. That's how you know you've done it right.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Bro this thing is huge
I've already had to fight it a couple times getting it level. Not fun.
This boi be chillin' right where it is for a while.
Haha. Point is to let it chill for 2 weeks without touching it. RH will go up and down as the wood soaks in the water. If the cup goes dry, refill it, but it shouldn't.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Banksy/....ignore Franky. He likes dat ****.
I wouldn’t wipe again. I have the entire bottom blanketed in Boveda
Have 2 320g packs in bound due in on Monday
I just looked at my original post .... typo 68 should have been 69RH... fat thumbed it. I switched over to 65 about 2 years ago for long term storage. No issues at all.
So I'm quite concerned
I have this set to 63°F currently
I have a Xikar hygrometer inside it's rather old but is reading 65
Is it normal for the temp to be off by 2° during this seasoning process?
I had a container filled 3/4th the way up with distilled water that came with this
It is about half way empty now
Been sitting in there since Friday.
Bro, you gots to chill! Remember what I said before? Two weeks! If the well runs dry, refill it. Other than that, it don't matter! Is it normal for it to be off by 2%? Sure. It's normal for it to be off by 10%. It's normal for it to be off by 15%. It's normal for it to be dead on balls accurate.
Unless you calibrated that hygrometer, you really don't know what the humidity is. Besides, 63 or 65 doesn't make much of a difference. Hell, Nick doesn't even use the hygrometer, And Nick is always right about everything!
I'm seasoning up a humidor that a buddy gave me right now. It's sitting right next to my smoking humidor and it has a glass top. I put a container of distilled water in it on Sunday and I haven't even looked at it, and it is next to the humidor I smoke out of! Anything that happens in the first 13 and 1/2 days does not matter....
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
-- Winston Churchill
Sweet man thanks.
Just wanted to make sure because I'm not gonna lie
This was a b**ch to get and took ages to get here.
And if it's f*!ked for whatever reason I'm gonna be pissed.
The whynters have pretty mixed reviews on Amazon for reliability so I just wanted to make sure mine wasn't jacked.
Plus I've been hitting the ol' cigar page pretty hard recently and the need room.
You should have bought two of them!
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Most thermostats, whether in stoves, water heaters or refrigerators have a thermal offset of x-number of degrees. You don't want your thermal device kicking on and off for every 1/2° of rise or drop.
Newair CC-300H is on my radar.
Out if stock though
Definitely gonna need to blow money on that. Already been determined
Sounds like you need a cigar. :-)
Absolutely. I need a No. 9 or Feral lol.
Okay... So two weeks later after starting the process of conditioning it's been holding at 75-76%
I filled it with about 200 cigars and used two 320 gram 72% boveda packs today
Doing so the humidity was like 67%
So I added 8 60 gram 69% packs
One hygrometer that's new reads 80%
One I have that's an ancient Xikar reads 75
Is it normal for the humidity to go up that high? Is that due to the moisture in the cigars I added and will level out ?
Also all the cigars are wrapped and in bags
Bovedas can be off up to 2% I’ve read. Those 72 are too high and the smaller ones are absorbing the difference. I personally would that out the 72 pack for a week and see what the hydrometers read then. If they still read high I would say they’re off
It will fluctuate when you add smokes. That part is normal. You should've stayed at 67-and hoped that it dropped another 2 percent.
If it stays high, leave the door open for an hour..
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
65-67 is perfect
-- Winston Churchill
But he’s got two of the giant boveda packs set at 72%