Anyone else getting no response from customer service?
What happened did this company go out of business? Tried email and phone, nothing. No response, but they did take money off my credit card. I have been on hold for hours already this morning. Seriously are they going bankrupt? What happens to the money they have already taken from me?
@TheCigarChick CS issue
@blutattoo We are continuing to experience unprecedented high call volumes, emails, online chat requests, and help sought via our Social Media channels. Since March when the world retreated home due to COVID concerns, our business exploded, as all those who used to buy their cigars locally in-person have thus been purchasing online in record amounts.
Please send me an email at, and I can directly put your request in front of someone in Customer Service via internal channels. Provide your name, order number, order date, and any other information that would be pertinent to your concerns.
For whatever it's worth, please accept my apologies for your troubles. Everyone at has been working harder than ever due to the increased demands placed on ourselves, as well as our carriers who have been charged with delivering more packages on a daily basis than the Holiday Season. I'll make sure whatever has gone wrong will be made right.
Lindsay Heller
Chief Merchant.
I thought it was only newbs with just one post that ask these kinds of questions.
My world has just been turned upside down.
Good to see you stop back in @blutattoo, and apparently you are still smoking cigars
My favorite cigar list here
First time I have been on the forum in years. My work life balance is for **** so I don't get to check in very often. I feel terrible I had to turn to this to get a response from someone at the company. Sorry y'all.
Now that you're here, pull up a chair and sit a spell.
Lindsay will get your order sorted.
I thought upside down was your normal state. Silly me.... 😜😜
@blutattoo Good to see ya!
Calls to company go unanswered.
Sorry to hear that @ImagineTim do you have the correct number.
🤔 only post in 11yrs
Try 1-800-EAT-****
Nope, must be you
My favorite cigar list here
11 years and nothing but complaints
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
I called customer service for you and asked them to follow up. Stay close to your phone in the morning, they'll be calling you for sure.
What a great guy you are Peter!
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
I like how I had this image of someone sitting next to an old land line rotary phone all morning.
I remember seeing these in people's homes, growing up;

No doubt, @ImagineTim has one that's similar.
I've got the perfect thing for that table. I know a guy.
Less than 2 hours to buy this one.
I think I may be experiencing the development of extra-sensory powers.
I knew before I opened the thread that this most recent bit of pouty whining would be the work of someone with only 1 post.
And I knew that y'all would be posting comments that would make me laugh! 'Splain that!
I didn't foresee the phone bit, though, so my powers must still be in the developmental phase.
Guess I'll wait before I buy that lottery ticket.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
@ImagineTim = @timb
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Speaking of telephones, I heard of a new party game called liquid telephone.
You line up your party guests and give the first person a glass of spirits. They pass this mouth-to-mouth down the line and the last person in line has to guess what they drank.
Let me know if you've played this game.
I played a game like this once..... but all the guys were sitting.....I didn't know a throat could get that sore.
Obviously I jest..... but seriously. Customer Service just called me and told me my computer has a virus. Only cost me $100 in Amazon gift cards to get my order shipped.
They drank a whole lot of backwash
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Growing up in the south, we all had one, and my mother would force me to do homework on it facing the corner. It mostly consisted of me drawing pictures and attempting to take a nap as Andy Griffith played in the background
Nevermind, that seems to be a phone table or something, we had a school desk lol
The Mononucleosis game or oral herpes HSV-1 game is more apt. Yummy! 😆