Out of Room- More Cigars on the way...
Guys- I’ve participated as much as possible over the last several months of my cigar journey. I have a problem- and that problem is I can’t stop buying cigars. I now own three Boveda acrylic humidors each with a Boveda Butler and they are STUFFED full of cigars. I have two LFD sampler packs (10 cigars) arriving tomorrow. I’m assuming they will be in cigar boxes with an outside plastic wrapper (but maybe not?). What do you guys do with your “overflow” cigars? Should I leave them wrapped in the boxes they arrive in and put them in a drawer or remove them from the boxes and place them in a ziplock bag with a couple Boveda packs? I never dreamed I’d be in this situation but alas- here I am.
Ziploc with Boveda for emergency storage. Time to get a cooler or raid the tupperware cupboard.
Second Wineador for boxes and lots of Rubbermaid Brilliance!
Thanks guys. Since it’s only 10 sticks I’ll take the ziplock and Boveda route until I can smoke through space in my humidors. If the boxes fit in gallon size ziplocks I can go that route too with Bovedas.
And then coolers......
Save yourself the trouble and just buy a cooler now.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
Send bombs.
I have no idea what that means- but had I known that I would get this deep into cigars I should have just bit the bullet and bought the largest humidor I could afford. I figured one small Boveda acrylic humidor would be fine- boy was I wrong!!
Sometimes I think I prefer purchasing to smoking....
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
You can get a 48 quart cooler at Walmart for like $15. I used it until I had to get a bigger Coleman
Go out and find a six foot tall 180 bottle wine cooler and a twenty pound bag of kitty litter ........It helped me with overflow.
Or just take the spare room, a little plastic, some cedar planking, good lighting, a dab or 6 dozen of caulk and your problem changes from storage to supply.
Cooler, cooler , and when it gets bad... another cooler
Case elegance glass top is good, I hear
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
Coolers and it's amazing how much storage 20 gallon ZipLocks with Boveda's will give you. Trust me I know
That's some big zip-locks...
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
That's what she said...
There, fixed it but seriously you can store 20-30 cigars per bag, so thats 400-600 worth of cigar storage capacity, until another cooler or humidor setup is ready to move them too.
I think that Harrison sent Dave on a wild goose chase for the coveted 20 gallon Ziploc bag instead of a box of 20 one gallon Ziploc bags....
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I like to use the ziploc bags they ship couches in.
@VegasFrank just gets those snack sized ones. Most of his sticks aren't around long enough to bag up.
I’m now using ziplock bags.... spent spent spent over the holidays.
King sized mattress ziplock bags work well too.....Just get kinda lumpy to sleep on stuffed full of cigars.
Again, my standard advice. Get a bigger humidor and a second job!
Smoke more
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Tried that approach then won the lotto... plus 250 sticks overnight
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
Damn Cigar.com Sprint sales...! Having the same delima... Ugh
Things are about to get interesting...
@raidermike Welcome to the forum Mike. I am a big fan of the Coleman Xtreme line if coolers that many of us here on the forum use for storage. And it's super easy. Just load them up with some Boveda packets and you're done. They have all different sizes if you want to start small or go big either way.
A week ago I got a 13qt. Engel dry box/cooler. After this past weeked, I'm forced to start using my 26qt. Snowball rotomolded cooler as well... I'm expecting over 140 cigars to arrive today!
Thus far I have:
5 acrylic clasps tops = 50-60 capacity (all full)
1 flip top humidor = 10-15 capacity (this was my first humidor....what was I thinking?)
1 Apache 1800 dry case = 30 capacity (2/3 full)
1 travel case/humidor = 4-6 capacity (full)
1 13qt (not sure what this'll hold yet)
1 26qt (not sure what this'll hold yet)
Hopefully I can pull back on the reins and not need more coolers (soon)! Haha
How many Boveda packs do you think I'll need in the 25qt coolidor? Thanks!
Things are about to get interesting...
I would advise 5 or 6 minimum, 60 gram size packets. And I would advise you buy a dozen because they're cheaper by the dozen. And eventually you'll need them anyway. Amazon sells a dozen for $43 bucks, and some auction sites you can get a dozen for a lot less, and that's a great option if you're already bidding on cigars anyway because some of them combine shipping charges.
The title of this thread sounds like most of the guys here.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.