
In 2020 we started breeding leopard geckos and ball pythons. My wife has a background in veterinarian care and she has always liked reptiles. Two of our kids are really into them as well.
We currently have 53 leopard geckos, 2 crested geckos, 1 corn snake, and 17 ball pythons. We have gecko eggs in the incubator now and hopefully some ball python eggs soon. We have a wide variety of morphs and genetics.
Anyone else here into reptiles?
Here is part of our gecko setup. We also farm our own mealworms, superworms, and dubia roaches.

We have ants in our bathroom. That count?
Had a lizard that sat on the living room curtain rod and watched TV, when I lived in Florida. Does that count?.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
had a baby garter snake that I kept in my shirt pocket for a few days until it got away, somewhere....
Years ago I kept a Colombian red tail boa for a friend for about a year. The enclosure was large enough for me to step inside to clean. His roommate had just gotten some kittens and he felt that keeping a 7 - 8 foot snake in the same place as kittens wasn't viable.
Currently my youngest daughter has a rosy boa and a bearded dragon that she got from her cousin that wasn't socialized properly.
Woah, awesome. How long do those leopard geckos typically live?
So, who's re-socializing the cousin?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Maybe it’s just a phase and she’ll grow out of it.
My ex is a cold blooded broom rider.
Does that count as a reptile?
Up to 30 years.
I had a ball python. Killed it. Had a red-tailed boa. Killed it. Had iguanas. Almost killed them. Had anoles. Don't remember how that ended. I love reptiles but have no luck with them whatsoever.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Dang, I didn't know that reptiles were that easy to kill. My friend took back that red-tailed boa and lost it. He didn't like to keep Lucy in a cage and one day it got out never to be seen again.
Long ago in a place far away I had personal encounters with multiple Bamboo Vipers, a Fer De Lance at night and some kind of thick snake that was at least 14 ft long. My squad was cutting trees with C-4 for fields of fire on a hilltop in the mountains around a place called Khe Sanh. A pissed off very large snake came at us out of a downed tree and what did a squad of heavily armed Marines Do? We ran like hell.
I've caught and released 6 or 7 good sized Black Snakes over the past couple of years. My other grew up in Alabama where she swears all snakes are deadly. I got her to put down her shovel and let me take care of them. I just carry them about 50 yards into the woods, warn them about Lucy and let them go.
Yep. I own about 1/4 of the shoreline on a watershed. Folks I let go fishing used to tell me all the time "I killed a water moccasin". Never was. Black snakes, indigo snakes, eastern water snakes, garter snakes, corn snakes, chicken snakes. Not one water moccasin.
I finally started making them look at pictures before they went fishing. A couple of folks took the attitude "Well, if it's a snake, I'm killing it"..."No fishing for you" was my answer to that.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
A five foot black snake nested in our woodpile some years back. Made adorable babies. Somehow, the babies came inside and molted. Found shed skins inside a pair wall sconces five feet up the wall. Can't figure out how they climbed up there.
Snakes gone now. Haven't had field mice since,
That 7' red tailed boa could climb to the top of my bookcases.