Boveda packs

in Cigar 101
Does it matter if the Boveda packs come in contact with the cigars? Thanks
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Boveda says it’s okay
No, toss em and walk away.
MOW badge received.
I lay them right on top.
@Yakster said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but, "humidity rises" so put them on the bottom. (As long as they're not buried, and the humidity has a chance to flow upward, keep 'em low.) Right?
Humid air is less dense than dry air. Dense things sink and less dense things rise, right? Well, according to Isaac Newton, in his book Opticks, humid air is actually LESS dense than dry air. ... So, in a home, humid air rises upwards, not downwards.
I also pack the bottom of the wineador with Boveda and have been testing them on cigars for nearly ten years with no issues.
Cigars roll off the lip of the tray easier than Bovedas. It's also easier to check and replace them without having to dig them out. I have Bovedas on top of the cigars for all the trays in my wine fridge winedor.
In my Crate the Bovedas are mixed in, many at the bottom but also throughout.
Cool. I do have a couple on bottom a couple on the sides and a couple on top of my 26qt coolidor. Keep your hands up! You're surrounded!!! Haha
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