JD50AE ... In memoriam & looking for info.

JD50AE. Hello, I am JDs wife, and I felt I should make a post here as I am not sure where else to search. My husband, JD, passed away unexpectedly on November 2nd, after a brief hospice. It's been a difficult unsettling thing to deal with, and I am just now kind of getting back up on my feet. I just recieved a box of cigars in the mail for him from a fella named Shawn, today. I feel I should return them, after reaching out and saying thank you for thinking of him. He always looked forward to 'Bombs', I believe he called them, and to sending them out as well. Hope this is the right place. Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
So sorry for your loss. JD will be missed on the forum
My favorite cigar list here
Very sorry for your loss. His presence is missed on the forum
Thanks for telling us, Holly. I was thinking about driving over there to make sure he was OK. We'll miss him.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Thank you. I miss his old grizzly self so much. He said to make sure everyone knew that he "smoked all of his girls, and drank some of his four roses small batch port. (his words)" before he left, and he did. I posted on another forum thinking it was this one, but I just really did not know where to start. Someone there pointed me here. This place meant so much to him, so thank you all for calming & soothing my Big Bear.
Very sorry hear of JD's passing. I was missing his pet food recall thread...and of course his political rants. Mostly his political rants(especially if it irritated @VegasFrank). Stay strong and know his spirit will always be with you.
Sorry for your loss. I know he will be missed.
Sorry for your loss Holly...
@ShawnOL could be the Shawn in question.
My condolences, Holly, Peace to you and your horses. I will have a cigar in JD's honor tonight.
Sorry for your loss.
We all know JD loved animals and ranting about politics. He will be missed
I just read through some of his past posts, and I am going to venture out and tell yall what happened. Maybe it will explain some of the anger and rage he could emote. It was confusing, his passing. This last year he became very angry, at everything. He was typically a grumpy fella, but in a big bear Loganish sort of way, especially about political stuff. In the last year, maybe a bit longer, it grew quite over the top. After almost 20 years of marriage, he even got to the point of frightening me, which has never happened before. Grumpy, yes, but violent angry, never. In a nutshell ... he had undiagnosed prostate cancer that metastasized to his brain, so basically brain cancer. It took ahold of him and changed everything, in very short order, weeks, and his pain was unimaginable. However, neither of us knew this as he was going through it, other than the pain part. It was a very fast process, but because we did not know what we were dealing with it made getting hospice care in here hard. One day he literally ripped his computer out of the wall, all of his electronics, TV etc and threw them out the back door. He laid down on the floor and told me he was done, and he meant it. He was a veteran, and had an endgame in place, but it was not backed up with a doctor's diagnosis or care. He had gone non-compliant with his meds about 2 years ago, refusing to even go in for check ups. To say this made it difficult for me trying to get him needed help is an understatement. But, I am resilient and stubborn if anything, and managed to get Avalon in here after a very tough 2 weeks of fighting the system. The system, and him, because no one knew what was wrong with him, and as long as he could say NO, they would not treat him or especially perform the needed MRIs to determine what was wrong. After the 3rd trip to the ER, them witnessing his very difficult behavior, backed up with our local ER folks, they let me choose to have him sedated and then he was given that MRI which found the mass on his brain. Within a day, hospice was here. He wouldn't tolerate anyone but me taking care of him, which was fine, he was mine, but I did need help with managing his pain, and anxiety (too many people in & out) when needed it. He passed quietly & peacefully less than a week later. He was awake & cognizant, but could no longer speak. I knew what he was saying when he turned and looked at me, and I told him of his life & how good of a man he was, and that I would be okay and would take care of all our rescue dogs & horses. And that I loved him. He just signed quietly, and looked out the window, and as I was softly brushing his grizzly grey curly hair back from his face he sighed softly, and left. If under any circumstance such as this a soft peaceful passing could be wished for, he had it. I made certain of it. I miss him greatly. He loved this group.
As an endnote, I really want to stress that endgame situation, and urge anyone else who has one to make sure that it is backed up by a doctors care, or at the very least a visit to a physician's office at least once a year. For your loved ones, please do this.
I would also like to add no matter the pushback he received he never wavered from his core beliefs. That in and of itself is truly admirable. I will also miss reading his political rantings and getting under @VegasFrank skin. Again, sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss Holly. He will be missed
On a better day with his squid pen.

So sorry for your loss Holly, @chaeyahne. Just days ago I came across JD's address, and wondered when he would return to the forum. Often he would lay low and wait months before returning. And just hours ago I was rummaging in one of my humidors and came across a cigar that JD had sent me. Now minutes ago I logged in to the forum to learn he has passed. Goodbye JD. Tonight I'll smoke a Las Calaveras to his memory, but I won't go looking for that cigar he gave me. I'll leave it buried in the humidor to remind of JD again another day.
Thank you for coming here and letting us know, and letting us into your world; your posts give us a better understanding of JD, not only why he's not here but who he was when he was around. I'm the guy he was buying coffee from for a while and got to know JD better through emails during that time. You seem like a wonderful person, and God will take care of you. The next time you see JD, he'll be whole and happy.
Sorry for your loss. No more pain and suffering.
So sorry to hear of JD's passing and for your loss, Holly. Thanks for logging on to the forum and letting us all know. He was a member of our community here and he'll be missed.
Very sorry for your loss, Holly.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Sorry for your loss, Holly, and thank you for letting us into his world.
Sorry for your loss, Holly. I liked JDs fire and conviction. I think I'm now the only "right-wing nut" on the forum.
. It's great that he had someone loving and caring for him in his last times as no one should be alone when they go. Just know you did the best you could for him and can be proud of that.
If he had any local cigar smoking friends, pass along my bomb to them to smoke in Jim's honor, and I will smoke one as well tonight.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
So sorry to hear this.
I liked JD. I liked the banter he brought.
I liked giving him a hard time about 5 Vegas cigars and then sending some.
I am very sorry for your loss. He will be missed.
And thank you for letting us know. I appreciate it and it means a lot to us that he found it enjoyable here, cause there are those of us who like his friendship.
My sincere condolences,
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Sorry for your loss, Holly. Yes, I went back and forth a few times with him but it was mostly always in good fun. We even bombed each other a couple of times. RIP JD.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
So sorry for your loss. JD will be missed.
@chaeyahne so sorry for your loss, but thank you for sharing and letting us know.
So sorry for your loss Holly. I had sent JD a few bombs over the last year or so and we always chatted back and forth in messages. He will be missed. Prayers to you and your family during these times.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
Very sorry for your loss. I know how difficult it is to deal with some one suffering mentally at the end.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Holy hell!
Makes you wonder.
Sorry for your loss Holly.
He was quite a character and will be missed.
So sorry to hear of this. I know your pain personally. He’ll be missed. He was a guy that stuck to his convictions. Prayers for the family.