Political Discussions

Here you guys go, no memes allowed in this thread . Seems like the best solution. Now those who want to, can chime in on political topics without contaminating other threads.
Post edited by TheCigarChick on
I think the majority of politicians are simply out for themselves. They will never abolish student loan debt, end abortion, etc. because these are the issues that keep them getting elected. If only more folks had listened to George Washington and stayed clear of a two party system.
Oh well, life goes on.
Thanks for the thread, @CalvinAndHobo, I didn't realize a political one didn't exist previously.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Oh Shlt, wrong thread..... 😂
Calvin and Hobbes...hehe
I don't like to discuss politics.
I don't mind, depending on who the discussion is with. Though, doing it over text is not ideal, since it becomes easier to misunderstand, falsely attribute motive, or just write somebody off as stupid or uneducated.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
They do... check..... any thread.
It was funny.
I'm just hoping this thread gets used in the future. I don't want to look at political discourse when I'm trying to laugh or see what people are smoking, but sometimes I wake up in the mood to argue, so I can jump in here to scratch that itch. I'm not sure it's actually going to get used though, because most of the commenting seems to be people dancing for the audience. If not, wouldn't they just message each other?
To take this full circle and make it political, this thread symbolizes my belief on drug use. We're not going to stop it, so lets just get it out of the way as best as possible so that it doesn't impact other people's lives who don't want to be involved in it.
I would love SARMs or steroids to be available at my local vitamin shoppe..... just saying....
I just don't see how we can arrange it so that the drug use doesn't affect those who wish to stay away from it. Alcohol is widely considered less dangerous than most drugs, yet we have people being hit by drunk drivers or shot by drunken friends with guns all the time.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Should we make alcohol illegal then?
That has already been tried, it didn't go well.
You said, "We're not going to stop it, so lets just get it out of the way as best as possible so that it doesn't impact other people's lives who don't want to be involved in it." I am unsure of how this could be done, do you have any ideas?
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Make it legal with certain restrictions, tax the crap out of it, and use the taxes to pay for the problems it's already causing.
So are you thinking of marijuana only, or are you also thinking about harder drugs like heroin? Sorry, I should have asked this earlier.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
If I were dictator of the country, I would start with Marijuana and see how it went first.
Some problems don't have a solution.
Some solutions don't have a problem.
Legalize pot and maybe cocaine and heavily enforce prohibition on everything else. Actually have punishment for trafficking the bad stuff, like life in prison.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Marijuana is the one I am most willing to consider, since it often doesn't produce problems any worse than that of alcohol. Anything stronger than marijuana I am not really willing to consider, since they are highly addicting and absolutely ruin lives.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
So does weed, alcohol, sex, cars. The list of what people let ruin their lives is endless. Perhaps regulation, quality control and availability wouldn’t ruin so many. Just look at Amsterdam. Food for thought. It doesn’t matter what it is,if someone wants it bad enough they will get it.
MOW badge received.
Most of the people trafficking the “heavier stuff” aren’t scared of life in prison in this country. They come from places that make out prisons look like country clubs. The whole “war on drugs” is a joke there is too much money to be made in the drug trade both legally and illegally.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
I had some guy walking down the street stop me to try to sell me weed. I have 37 dispensaries that will deliver to my front door if that was what I was into. Why would anyone buy your wierd-ass pocket weed?
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Interesting idea, legalizing everything and taxing/regulating it, may reduce the population in prisons and generate more money as above mentioned. I am not sure if I am up for it because I would be terrified at the idea my kid could legally get heroin when they turn whatever legal age. But then the argument really turns back to me, shouldn’t I raise a child that doesn’t want these things, because if they did , they would seek it illegally (successfully) as well?
Regulation, then appears as more of “security theater” , a term used to describe TSA, and most people who are inclined find few barriers to getting what the want.
Paper ballots. As long as there is a computer between the citizen and the vote count the computer can be hacked. Americans want things right away as that is the American way but I think four to six weeks to tally the vote would be a small price to pay for the truth.
I think there would be a better chance of people being dishonest than someone hacking the computers. Also they would still report totals via computer I'm sure. And I'm sure someone's dog would eat some and who knows.
But that's currently happening. Lives are already being ruined. We're just wasting money and resources without fixing anything. Should we also set billions of dollars on fire when people ruin their lives in other ways, as a form of virtue signaling? Because that's what we're currently doing.
Can people not be bought off?
I would vote any way you like for a box of Davidoff and a $25 gift card to Dunkin.
Many of the other things, besides hard drugs, that ruin lives are not nearly as addicting as hard drugs. These drugs inspire their users to do absolutely revolting things in order to get another taste, it truly brings society down.
Also, if hard drugs are legalized and regulated by our government, then producers of said drugs will simply become an official special interest group. They will seek influence over our politicians and political system. I am not okay with that.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17