The Blundering Aficianado

I've been ordering from for a few years now and recently got myself a wine-a-dor and joined the Cigar of the Month club just this month. With that being said, I consider myself a noob at the hobby and a blundering one at that. Case in point. Here I am sitting out on the back porch and trying out one of the expert's picks for this month: an Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Ark. It doesn't take long for the hungry mosquitos to come knocking. Here in Texas, they are as big as sparrows. I quickly reach for the mosquito repellent and start spraying my exposed arms and neck. Somehow, I must have wiped my hand across my mouth which is now producing a bad chemical taste as I'm trying to smoke this fine cigar. Ghaaa!
Did it at least keep the skeeters 🦟 off you
Ha. Yes, so far. It's the small victories in life that matter. (:
They’re fine
Don’t panic
That should cover the basics
Run away. Get out of that COTM club.
Thanks for the tips!
...and more Boveda, plus another cooler.
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
Well, I'll admit that from the title I thought this was going to be a new You Tube podcast.
On to other business, I like the COTM club. Gives me a chance to smoke cigars I never would have bought otherwise, and it gives me cigars to give to folks who "want to try a cigar", without wasting any of the ones that I'm sure I do want.
Just a thought.
(oh, and yes, that's my disagree on @peter4jc 's post. I hate the anonymous crap that Silverfish or Vanilla Pie or whoever produces the forum imposes on us.)
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
From now on, getting a mouthful of mosquito repellant while trying to enjoy a cigar shall be known as Cruisering, pulling a Cruiser, or "I Cruisered myself." Enjoy the notoriety and wonder what we mean when we say someone Ricky'd, Robby'd, or Hobbes'd their cigar.
I'm only one month into my COTM club and I've been enjoying it so far. Thank you for your honest opinion.
You forgot Franked and silvermoused!
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17
I went to Frank a cigar, ended up cruisering it and had to silvermouse the rest
That was my WTF. Seriously using skeeter spray with a lit cigar. Spray goes everywhere besides the flammable thing, you just probably sprayed your tobacco as well. Welcome to the forum, but get your head out of your butt, if using spray go downwind a good distance then wash your hands. On the other hand I just man up when smoking and say bring it on skeeters.
Fyi a little vanilla extract rubbed on your pulse points will run off the skeeters without poising yourself.. hope you are enjoying the forum.
Correction :
I franked a cigar so quickly I had to silvermouse it, only to find I had cruised it so hard , it tasted like I blew Citronella candle.
Hmm, vanilla extract, I'll have to keep that in mind. Do you need the real, $$$, stuff or will imitation do?
I've got a Bug-A-Salt and a electric flyswatter shaped like a tennis racquet out back where I smoke.
And these
i have used both, both work, but i think the real stuff is better. rub it both sides of neck, inside of elbows back of knees and ankles
Hi @Cruiser5!
Hopefully you'll post pics of what you smoke in the "Whatcha smoking (this morning, this afternoon, tonight)" threads and maybe, if you dare, join us one night on the vherf (another thread).
A wine for or a humador or a baggie is fine! Do you! The other options that these guys recommended are easier though...
COTM is cool for when you want to try stuff out. I know what I like though and quit a while back.
Be a part of us!
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
You'd be better off getting cigar of the month. Wont be full of shittyý cigars
-- Winston Churchill