It's Amazing That People Actually Believe....

* That the Social Security taxes they pay are actually put into a trust fund ... an account with their name on it from which they will later draw their retirement benefits.
* That their employer actually "matches" what the government calls their "contribution" to their very own personal Social Security trust fund.
* That the founders of this nation actually wanted a system where the majority of people would decide what was and what was not to be ... with no provision for a firm set of laws that could not be breached by majority rule.
* That your average homeless bum on the streets would be enjoying a life of plenty if he had just been lucky like people with actual homes and jobs and stuff
* That it is the goal of schools owned, operated and staffed by the government to take our children and teach them to be self-sufficient so that they will not have to rely on government and politicians so much.
* That the Democrats are pushing for a health reform law because they are actually
concerned about the quality, affordability and availability of health care in this country.
* That when the colonies got together and formed a federation to provide for a common defense and to oversee certain relationships between the governments and the people of the several states, it was intended for 95% of all governance to pack up and move to Washington DC.
* That our founding fathers contrived and envisioned a system where the federal government could seize money from the people of a state, and then promise to give that money back, but only if the state would pass some specific laws pleasing to the federal government.
* That there is a Constitutional right to vote in a federal election. (Well, I guess I can understand why so many people believe this; after all, this is what they're taught in the government schools.)
* That when the majority of voters figure out that they can use the ballot box to take property away from their fellow Americans, nothing bad will happen.
* That changes in the intensity of solar activity couldn't possibly have anything to do with the heating and cooling cycles we experience here on earth.
* That the evil rich don't, in fact, already pay much more than their "fair share" of all taxes, whatever that might be
No .. it isn't that these people are stupid. Stupid means you CAN'T learn. These people just HAVEN'T learned. That's ignorance.
"Long ashes my friends."
If somebody as stubborn as myself can make a transformation like that, then perhaps that can be seen as proof that there is some hope for mankind.
?this guy is funny.... PSHHHHH hope for mankind.
I am completely serious. It is the LACK of hope in too many people that has allowed things to get as bad as they have. Lack of hope often results in lack of action.
* that a tax can change the climate
You'll probably be offended to know that there was a point in my life that I did accept government assistance when I was too sick to work (schizophrenia can do that to people).
But the difference between myself and many people in similar situations is this - I fought hard to overcome my obstacles and to regain my self-sufficiency instead of planning to rely on the government to help me out for the rest of my life. I followed my doctor's orders without fail and have been completely stable for the last couple of years, I went back to school to learn some new skills (I'm still a FT student now, actually), I decided I was not going to be the kind of person who accepts help from the government and not do anything to try to pay society back for it (which too many people seem to be like these days).
I am all for having my tax money help people get back on their feet. I am not for having my tax money be used as handouts for people who have no interest in helping themselves.
"Long ashes my friends."
not sure what everyone believes but i know i don't do this very well
Dude what did you mean by "broken?"
charity is designed for the former.
government has more of a tendency to lead to the latter.
there are still some decent people out there.
As with a lot of things the idea behind the plan of a lot of govt and private help programs was very genuine and intended to help only people who really needed help and assistance to keep their lifes from being ruined by circumstances out of their control. However , being the cunning species man is , a good number will exploit and take advantage of anything not really meant for them. Not well worded but I think you can get my drift ...
Yeah man , that Karma thing can be a bit_ch , lol , sound like she got what she deserved ...
"Long ashes my friends."
charity is moral. its a good idea even. it is virtuous.
welfare is someone else (the government) taking your money against your will and distributing it as it sees fit. this is a violation of rights. (the right to keep what you worked for and earned, or not to keep it. its yours)
social systems are not immoral because they fail, they fail because they are immoral.
We're learning now that H1N1 has a more devastating affect on fat folks. There's a very high percentage of obese people in the H1N1 fatality lists. So now we know why they're calling it the Swine Flu.
Don't you just love the fact that they're digging out of 15 foot snow drifts in the United States while they're **** about global warming in Copenhagen?
You can't take 3.5 ounces of deodorant on a commercial airliner, but the TSA can post a manual detailing its security procedures on the Internet.
"Long ashes my friends."
Most anything else can be done in the private sector (often times, more efficiently than a government can)
there are a few things -roads for one- that are difficult to argue for the private running of, but there are instances in the past where it has worked.
this is something that the states should take care of. it is not a federal matter. (the tenth amendment comes to mind ("The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"))
"Long ashes my friends."