That brings back a memory. Saw the same Mt Rushmore joke in a Mad magazine back in the 70s. The joke itself is probably way older than that.
Found it!
And that 1999 copywrite is way off. It was a re-release I'm sure. Actually, the first time I saw it in the 70s was probably a re-release because while looking for this panel, I came across a Mt-Rushmore issue from 1957.
Found it!

And that 1999 copywrite is way off. It was a re-release I'm sure. Actually, the first time I saw it in the 70s was probably a re-release because while looking for this panel, I came across a Mt-Rushmore issue from 1957.
They used to sell t-shirts to the tourists with a bare ass picture. Probably wanted one the first time I went as a kid

Actually it’s a PlayStation > @Bob_Luken said:
Hey, @yakster you still above water?
So far, the storms will continue until moral improves.
Beatings will continue until moral improves. 😀🤣
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Yeah, Google thinks it knows everything.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I don't expect the moral to improve either.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.