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A Lot Of Places Are Losing My Business

Alex_SvensonAlex_Svenson Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
I find it ironic that Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depot and Target are making such a huge and heavy push for taxing online sales. What is ironic is the campaign is centered around "protecting the mom and pop" model... the very people they have been at odds with for decades. I just went onto to bestbuy.com to purchase an HP printer. Listed price, $300. I went to the HP website to buy direct from the manufacturer... $150. I think, well Ill call them to see if they will match. Automated system which took me saying operator no less than 30 times before I was told there would be a 20 minute wait to speak to someone. What ever happened to offering a fair price and great service. I could care less about the sales tax. Someone should tell them if they are going to charge double everyone else, sales tax may not be their biggest issue.

These companies built their business on "watching out for the customer" and the "peoples champion" mentality. Now they want me to pay more taxes? That doesnt sound like they are looking out for me at all. Then they finance this anti-amazon campaign which is really an anti ecommerce campaign and talk about supporting local business as they hide in the background. I am so disgusted. I will no longer do business with any of these folks and any retailer that signs on is also going to lose my business. Maybe the ironic thing is that I didnt really use amazon before. I used to use these sites or visited their stores and gladly paid the taxes but now I am going to use amazon because they just completely proved to me that they dont give a crap and their whole "best prices and great service" pitch was just lip service.

Sorry, I just had to rant. Maybe if instead they focused all this money on fighting for lower local sales taxes (which may actually yield more total sales tax revenue) it would be a win for everyone. At least maybe try a little harder and focus on simple business fundamentals like humans answering phones and fair pricing. AAAAAARRRRGRHHHHHHH


  • dowjr1dowjr1 Posts: 600
    Alex, First let me say that I am a financial advisor so the following is what I do for a living. Your opinions are clearly shared by MANY in the country. Just compare the performance of Amazon (AMZN) with Best Buy (BBY) over virtually time frame. Over the last year 87% gain for Amazon vs 7% loss for Best Buy. Proof is in the pudding. In this case, people want the best price they can get and Amazon has great return policies etc. So people are not seeing additional value in buying from Best Buy.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Spot on post Alex. It's comical to see the reaction when the shoe is on the other foot, what they did to the Mom & Pop stores, Amazon is doing to them. I don't have anything against the idea of a superstore that offers a wide selection and low prices, but when the "service" part goes out of "customer service", well that's about where I draw my line in the sand. I haven't set foot in a best buy since being jerked around when I bought my TV...a $2000 TV and the department manager acted as though he was doing me a favor by selling it to me...then I dealt with it, now I'd have some choice words and would have walked out of there. It's bullshit, plain and simple.
  • Alex_SvensonAlex_Svenson Posts: 1,224 ✭✭✭
    Alex, First let me say that I am a financial advisor so the following is what I do for a living. Your opinions are clearly shared by MANY in the country. Just compare the performance of Amazon (AMZN) with Best Buy (BBY) over virtually time frame. Over the last year 87% gain for Amazon vs 7% loss for Best Buy. Proof is in the pudding. In this case, people want the best price they can get and Amazon has great return policies etc. So people are not seeing additional value in buying from Best Buy.
    Exactly. Lets say amazon starts collecting sales tax. My prediction.... amazon growth 90%, best buy -15%. I would love to see them all just standing around scratching their heads as if the sales were just supposed to roll in like magic.
  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
    I just paid $67.99 more for the exact cooler that can be had at Walmart.com for $80 and our dollar is stronger than the US right now lol...
  • LasabarLasabar Posts: 4,472 ✭✭✭

    *Le Sigh*
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    Alex Svenson:
    Alex, First let me say that I am a financial advisor so the following is what I do for a living. Your opinions are clearly shared by MANY in the country. Just compare the performance of Amazon (AMZN) with Best Buy (BBY) over virtually time frame. Over the last year 87% gain for Amazon vs 7% loss for Best Buy. Proof is in the pudding. In this case, people want the best price they can get and Amazon has great return policies etc. So people are not seeing additional value in buying from Best Buy.
    Exactly. Lets say amazon starts collecting sales tax. My prediction.... amazon growth 90%, best buy -15%. I would love to see them all just standing around scratching their heads as if the sales were just supposed to roll in like magic.
    Same boat as you Alex.....Im tired of places like wal mart, target, best buy....instea I try actual vendors like amazon, ebay (figured i might as wel give my money to someone else who may need it), and mom and pop stores. Im tired of seeing people join wal mart when they treat customers bad, stores are disgustingly dirty filled with riff raff of people, and they treat their employees like crap.....so why does a country support them? not a clue except cheap crap that just breaks one month later.....Also, I find myself buying everything at Sears like my grandfather has done forever...quality products...great customer service, excellent credit card rates(i havent paid a single percent in 4 years), and my product actually last.......i love that place.
  • Knoxca1Knoxca1 Posts: 148 ✭✭
    Now a days it seems the standard business practice for large companies is to avoid adapting to the changing market place at all costs and prevent proven business models from florushing.  Bring everyone to the bottom instead of competing with them at the top.  It's an easy sell to the state since most are broke anyway.  I haven't had a bad experience with on line retailer yet.  I have been using Amazon for a long time now, living overseas it was my only way to buy US region movies, and have probably shifted my purchasing habits to 70% online vs 30% store bought.   
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    God knows I have posted many times about the terrible travesty that is bestbuy.
    The stores have poorly trained staff, rude customer service, poor product selection, and some of the worst pricing on the market.
    And it seems many companies are following that model.
    I honestly have to blame lazy management and poor career training for employees.

    Whenever I need something I don't even consider BestBuy an option. I'd rather just get it from amazon or ebay.

    As for other companies, I keep a mental list of places not to do business with.

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Posts: 14,633 ✭✭✭✭
    its like something out of Atlas Shrugged...
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    What they fail to understand is that I will adapt to changing practices to find the lowest prices for me. NO loyalty to any of these big cats.
    California has just passed a law saying all mail order will be taxed. Amazon has called their bluff and left the state. Thanks Alex. You're real, dude.
  • amz1301amz1301 Posts: 1,299
    Alex Svenson:
    What ever happened to offering a fair price and great service. I could care less about the sales tax. Someone should tell them if they are going to charge double everyone else, sales tax may not be their biggest issue.

    Exactly, I feel the same way. I'm all about service, price, and selection. Before my current job I managed a retail store for a large corporation for a little over 10 years. My philosophy was pretty simple and all my employees knew it. Have what the customer needs in stock, at a competive price, with good knowledgeable customer service and they'll be back plus recommend you to others. Not once did I ever miss a top or bottom line bonus payout. I do the majority of my shopping online now and use Costco every now and then. They have good pricing and there customer service and return policy is very good, at least the one I shop at.
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.

    On-topic: Did anyone really expect anything different? Best Buy has been in the business of ripping people off for more than a decade; Amazon's been the go-to place for price-checking for the last 10 years at least. Anytime I need something, I check for it on Amazon, then look for it at WalMart - sometimes I can save $20 on Amazon, sometimes they're the same price, sometimes WalMart has it cheaper and I can save on shipping.

    The days of walking into a store and trusting them to give you the best price have never existed - it's always been the consumer who needs to look out for themselves and find the best price, but with the internet, it's easier than ever. Honestly, I don't really have any complaints - with pricing information on everything from a hammer to a yacht at my fingertips, there's no reason NOT to get the best price on something.

  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    I would be surprised if that stuff made up a high volume of their total sales. Who knows, maybe it does. I don't really follow that kind of thing. I'm also not going to argue about matters of opinion, but when I hear the word "Walmart", I think crap. I know not every single product they carry may be a piece of crap, but I'm comfortable enough with the generalization based on the numerous other things I dislike about them; cleanliness, CS, the way they treat their employees, what they've done to mom and pop stores, etc. If you associate quality with their name then great.
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I buy most of my DVDs from Amazon. I used to buy a lot of my electronics from PC Richard since I have some contacts there and they would match Amazon but PC Richard **** me with something that I think that they should have taken care of for a good customer but they refused so they lost my business. Too bad for them since I have 2 more TVs to buy, a washer, dryer, dish washer, etc...
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Alex Svenson:
    I find it ironic that Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depot and Target are making such a huge and heavy push for taxing online sales. What is ironic is the campaign is centered around "protecting the mom and pop" model... the very people they have been at odds with for decades. I just went onto to bestbuy.com to purchase an HP printer. Listed price, $300. I went to the HP website to buy direct from the manufacturer... $150. I think, well Ill call them to see if they will match. Automated system which took me saying operator no less than 30 times before I was told there would be a 20 minute wait to speak to someone. What ever happened to offering a fair price and great service. I could care less about the sales tax. Someone should tell them if they are going to charge double everyone else, sales tax may not be their biggest issue.

    These companies built their business on "watching out for the customer" and the "peoples champion" mentality. Now they want me to pay more taxes? That doesnt sound like they are looking out for me at all. Then they finance this anti-amazon campaign which is really an anti ecommerce campaign and talk about supporting local business as they hide in the background. I am so disgusted. I will no longer do business with any of these folks and any retailer that signs on is also going to lose my business. Maybe the ironic thing is that I didnt really use amazon before. I used to use these sites or visited their stores and gladly paid the taxes but now I am going to use amazon because they just completely proved to me that they dont give a crap and their whole "best prices and great service" pitch was just lip service.

    Sorry, I just had to rant. Maybe if instead they focused all this money on fighting for lower local sales taxes (which may actually yield more total sales tax revenue) it would be a win for everyone. At least maybe try a little harder and focus on simple business fundamentals like humans answering phones and fair pricing. AAAAAARRRRGRHHHHHHH
    I hate Best Buy with a passion...haven't shopped there since I was in high school. Amazon is the first place I look now when I need to buy something. Just bought my new pair of shoes there this week. and they were $10 cheaper than what they were at the store. And with an Amazon Prime account, u get free 2 day shipping, and since my wife signed up for "Amazon Mom" (for free) and subscribe to a monthly subscription for pamper pullups, they give us 30% off. So a big box of pull up diapers that will run u about $25 - $30 in the store costs me $15 w/ free shipping. I have been more than pleased with Amazon.com. Welcome to the club Alex!

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    I would be surprised if that stuff made up a high volume of their total sales. Who knows, maybe it does. I don't really follow that kind of thing. I'm also not going to argue about matters of opinion, but when I hear the word "Walmart", I think crap. I know not every single product they carry may be a piece of crap, but I'm comfortable enough with the generalization based on the numerous other things I dislike about them; cleanliness, CS, the way they treat their employees, what they've done to mom and pop stores, etc. If you associate quality with their name then great.
    Not sure where to even begin - but you're wrong on just about everything. Their stores are clean, they pay their people better than Target, give them healthcare and train them to move up the organization, they employ the mentally handicapped (how many other stores do that?), and they sell everything from bargain to high-end stuff.

    If the only info you get is from people who frequent walmartwatch.com or some union/anti-walmart website, you're going to be misinformed.
  • beatnicbeatnic Posts: 4,133
    Xmacro. No disrespect here. But listing the positive things that Walmart might do for the employees, community, the handicapped, etc, does not affect mass public response. . Walmart has good products, they hire good people, and from what I read, they treat them fairly. They also charge my wife's stolen credit card $700 for someone for a big screen TV without showing ID. I live in the N.O. area. Enough said! NEVER!
  • Russ55Russ55 Posts: 2,765 ✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    I would be surprised if that stuff made up a high volume of their total sales. Who knows, maybe it does. I don't really follow that kind of thing. I'm also not going to argue about matters of opinion, but when I hear the word "Walmart", I think crap. I know not every single product they carry may be a piece of crap, but I'm comfortable enough with the generalization based on the numerous other things I dislike about them; cleanliness, CS, the way they treat their employees, what they've done to mom and pop stores, etc. If you associate quality with their name then great.
    Not sure where to even begin - but you're wrong on just about everything. Their stores are clean, they pay their people better than Target, give them healthcare and train them to move up the organization, they employ the mentally handicapped (how many other stores do that?), and they sell everything from bargain to high-end stuff.

    If the only info you get is from people who frequent walmartwatch.com or some union/anti-walmart website, you're going to be misinformed.
    I've never heard of those websites, but if they exist, there's probably a reason. My opinion comes from personal experience, and what my wife has told me of her occasional visits in the past 15 years or so. The stores we've been to are dirty, the displays aren't maintained, the employees are surly, it's impossible to find anything, and the parking lots are disgusting. I'll take what I've seen, and what she's told me over anything anyone else says, any time. I guess everyone has different standards of quality.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Posts: 2,652 ✭✭✭✭
    Nice rant Alex. I wonder why they would promote customers paying taxes when that would affect their cheap prices? I'm sure they will mark everything down to compensate pricing so their valued customers will see no increase in spending. After all, that's what they are all about, not appeasing the stockholders.

    Once companies become large politics seem to take over the culture of the business, to the customer and the employees. As businesses grow so does the overhead, the monster must be fed. Instead of growing on customer service and loyalty, through good business practices, they start to buy up the competition or open in their neighborhood, cut operating costs any way they can on the wrong levels, buy less expensive raw materials, etc. Bigger is better. This ultimately affects the customer in service, quality and pricing and they will probably go elsewhere, if they have that option.
    Rant back at ya Alex, I feel your pain
  • rwheelwrightrwheelwright Posts: 3,296
    I had to do some research on Walmart for a class. I don't remembet all of it but I do remember that they used a lot of chinese labor for their products and they were forcing the price of the products to do go down by forcing the cost of labor down. I would rather pay a little more at this point if it meant having our jobs moved back to the U.S. and away from other countries.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    Their electronics are crap for the most part. Vizio's are by and large crappy tv's. Now they did get one of the best lcd tv's last year however walmart doesn't carry that model. Now your probably right, it depends on the store but by and large they sell a lot of sub=par stuff, well so do most places even best buy. When I went looking for my panasonic tv I couldn't find the model I was looking for at any big store. I had to go to a local shop and got it. I paid a bit more than I wanted, however it was cheaper than I could get online after shipping.

    Now that I think of it, most if not all stores in my area (walmart, fred meyer, bby, target) all sell about the same stuff in the electronic field. Mostly crappy cheap tv's at prices that you could get better tv's and electronic, well almost at other outlets (local shops or online). I think it all has to do with what they can sell. I mean you can get a 300 dollar computer now. They truly do suck though, I mean I work on computers all day long and 80 percent of the computer problems I run into is a cheap 300-450 computer lagging or locking up. Places like dell and compaq use the crappiest components and then when people buy them for a "great" deal they expect them to work well. I guess you can't blame the companies I mean they make what can get sold, of people have little money then it works.

    Back on topic, yes, I agree all these box stores can stick it. I shop at mostly all local shops except for food, as I bargain hop between two stores. I also find myself buying more stuff online than I use to. I imagine that states will all push for a online tax soon, in fact I do believe I have heard of some bills being drafted or even voted on in state houses. Not sure if any have passed but I remember hearing something about it. Either way we are all getting played and gouged.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    I think the problem is big chains that untill a few years ago relied on the fact that most people are lazy. I just got a heart rate watch for my birthday. My folks got it for me and because they live in Scotland sent the money to my wife to get it for them. At dickssporting goods $300 amazon $120 for the exact same watch.

    Most for the big stores I only go into to window shop and maybe look through the sale rack.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    What they fail to understand is that I will adapt to changing practices to find the lowest prices for me. NO loyalty to any of these big cats.
    California has just passed a law saying all mail order will be taxed. Amazon has called their bluff and left the state. Thanks Alex. You're real, dude.

    I dont think this has passed or taken effect.... there are ways around it if you do buy mail order i do believe...... You know what I say........ F*#^ um all! Wally world Included!
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    Still no idea why corporations are being bashed here when it's the government raping and pilaging. If you don't like a certain store don't spend your money there. If you don't like what the government is selling try to use that logic and we'll see you in a few years. PS don't tell us how you're going to get cigars in there.
  • JCizzleJCizzle Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭
    I had to do some research on Walmart for a class. I don't remembet all of it but I do remember that they used a lot of chinese labor for their products and they were forcing the price of the products to do go down by forcing the cost of labor down. I would rather pay a little more at this point if it meant having our jobs moved back to the U.S. and away from other countries.
    Just about every company that sells a product does this. If someone wanted to start a competitive company and kept it's labor in the U.S. just for the sake of doing it, he would go out of business.
    Light 'em up.
  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    I would be surprised if that stuff made up a high volume of their total sales. Who knows, maybe it does. I don't really follow that kind of thing. I'm also not going to argue about matters of opinion, but when I hear the word "Walmart", I think crap. I know not every single product they carry may be a piece of crap, but I'm comfortable enough with the generalization based on the numerous other things I dislike about them; cleanliness, CS, the way they treat their employees, what they've done to mom and pop stores, etc. If you associate quality with their name then great.
    Not sure where to even begin - but you're wrong on just about everything. Their stores are clean, they pay their people better than Target, give them healthcare and train them to move up the organization, they employ the mentally handicapped (how many other stores do that?), and they sell everything from bargain to high-end stuff.

    If the only info you get is from people who frequent walmartwatch.com or some union/anti-walmart website, you're going to be misinformed.
    They also like to take life insurance policies out on their employee's and profit on them in their death lol...loved the special I saw on TV, husband and wife both worked at wallmart, wife suddenly one day went in to a diabetic coma and died, Walmart collected $84,000 on her death and refused to help a man in their employ for 20 years cover the medical bills and funeral costs...
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    I would be surprised if that stuff made up a high volume of their total sales. Who knows, maybe it does. I don't really follow that kind of thing. I'm also not going to argue about matters of opinion, but when I hear the word "Walmart", I think crap. I know not every single product they carry may be a piece of crap, but I'm comfortable enough with the generalization based on the numerous other things I dislike about them; cleanliness, CS, the way they treat their employees, what they've done to mom and pop stores, etc. If you associate quality with their name then great.
    Not sure where to even begin - but you're wrong on just about everything. Their stores are clean, they pay their people better than Target, give them healthcare and train them to move up the organization, they employ the mentally handicapped (how many other stores do that?), and they sell everything from bargain to high-end stuff.

    If the only info you get is from people who frequent walmartwatch.com or some union/anti-walmart website, you're going to be misinformed.
    They also like to take life insurance policies out on their employee's and profit on them in their death lol...loved the special I saw on TV, husband and wife both worked at wallmart, wife suddenly one day went in to a diabetic coma and died, Walmart collected $84,000 on her death and refused to help a man in their employ for 20 years cover the medical bills and funeral costs...

    Not that uncommon helps the company recover some of the costs associated with training and such.
  • DiamondogDiamondog Posts: 4,171 ✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    I would be surprised if that stuff made up a high volume of their total sales. Who knows, maybe it does. I don't really follow that kind of thing. I'm also not going to argue about matters of opinion, but when I hear the word "Walmart", I think crap. I know not every single product they carry may be a piece of crap, but I'm comfortable enough with the generalization based on the numerous other things I dislike about them; cleanliness, CS, the way they treat their employees, what they've done to mom and pop stores, etc. If you associate quality with their name then great.
    Not sure where to even begin - but you're wrong on just about everything. Their stores are clean, they pay their people better than Target, give them healthcare and train them to move up the organization, they employ the mentally handicapped (how many other stores do that?), and they sell everything from bargain to high-end stuff.

    If the only info you get is from people who frequent walmartwatch.com or some union/anti-walmart website, you're going to be misinformed.
    They also like to take life insurance policies out on their employee's and profit on them in their death lol...loved the special I saw on TV, husband and wife both worked at wallmart, wife suddenly one day went in to a diabetic coma and died, Walmart collected $84,000 on her death and refused to help a man in their employ for 20 years cover the medical bills and funeral costs...

    Not that uncommon helps the company recover some of the costs associated with training and such.
    Yes, I can see they definately needed 84k to cover their costs lol
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    I've stopped shopping at those places in the past few years. I don't think I've been into a Walmart in over a decade. I'm not current enough on my immunizations to go in there anyway. I also hate how stores like this try to offer everything; food, toys, automotive stuff, etc. It's like one big store that you can get everything at. And it's all crap. Crap products for the lowest possible price because so many people are too cheap to spend money on quality products. No thanks.
    WalMart may be a lot of things, but crap products ain't one of them; they sell everything from Vizio's to Sony's and sell upstream and downstream - just depends on your local WalMart. Some WM's in the ghetto only sell crap because the customers can't afford anything else; WM's in high-class area's deck out their stores in upstream stuff.
    I would be surprised if that stuff made up a high volume of their total sales. Who knows, maybe it does. I don't really follow that kind of thing. I'm also not going to argue about matters of opinion, but when I hear the word "Walmart", I think crap. I know not every single product they carry may be a piece of crap, but I'm comfortable enough with the generalization based on the numerous other things I dislike about them; cleanliness, CS, the way they treat their employees, what they've done to mom and pop stores, etc. If you associate quality with their name then great.
    Not sure where to even begin - but you're wrong on just about everything. Their stores are clean, they pay their people better than Target, give them healthcare and train them to move up the organization, they employ the mentally handicapped (how many other stores do that?), and they sell everything from bargain to high-end stuff.

    If the only info you get is from people who frequent walmartwatch.com or some union/anti-walmart website, you're going to be misinformed.
    They also like to take life insurance policies out on their employee's and profit on them in their death lol...loved the special I saw on TV, husband and wife both worked at wallmart, wife suddenly one day went in to a diabetic coma and died, Walmart collected $84,000 on her death and refused to help a man in their employ for 20 years cover the medical bills and funeral costs...

    Not that uncommon helps the company recover some of the costs associated with training and such.
    Yes, I can see they definately needed 84k to cover their costs lol
    Pretty hard to put a value on losing an employee... training, the extra time a new employee takes while getting the hang of things, and hell you might even lose some customers when you lose an employee. Bottom line is they paid for this insurance for this purpose. If you wrecked your car how would you like it if you were villified for collecting on the policy you'd been paying for?
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