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Norway Attacks

VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
Why is it that after terror, of any kind, we are always ready to talk about Muslims---rag heads---camel jockeys---and all the other names we use. HOWEVER, after the terrible weekend in Norway...why is no one talking about how vile and inhumane the Christians are? I realize this is an isolated incident....but it just struck me today for some reason (head's been a little out of it lately) that no one was talking about Crazy Christian Fundamentalists the way we woudl if this guy was Ackhmed Bentu Aliakibi


  • J.S.J.S. Posts: 754
    All religions have their crazy radicals that think they can here a god tell them what to do. Even those that claim no religion have them. It is not religion that makes bad people just bad people making headlines that make a bad name for their religion. Just like many Muslims who argue that what their radicals do is not Islam, Christians have idiots that operate way outside of our belief system too.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Well said. Religion itself isn't so much teaching violence. I do feel that the christian far right people seem to do more "things" than others, or they just get caught more. However Tim Mcfey, the dude who shot up the war memorial, the dude who tried killing a bunch of IRS people, and this dude all shared the same type profile. A book called the Turner Diaries speaks volumes to weak minded people and popular among these types of people.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Why is it that after terror, of any kind, we are always ready to talk about Muslims---rag heads---camel jockeys---and all the other names we use. HOWEVER, after the terrible weekend in Norway...why is no one talking about how vile and inhumane the Christians are? I realize this is an isolated incident....but it just struck me today for some reason (head's been a little out of it lately) that no one was talking about Crazy Christian Fundamentalists the way we woudl if this guy was Ackhmed Bentu Aliakibi
    On the point of making a Muslim seem so evil compared to this guy, it's easy. The right doesn't have any facts or real motives for what they do so they need an evil person to hunt. Which is one reason why osama was such an important "villian" for the Bush admin, I mean they used that horse to make their friends richer, put up more govt. agencies, scare citizens into going to war, and begin the slow process of completely privatizing our military. And it's easier to point at someone other than your base, which let's face it, the tea party folks are made up of a lot of right wing christian nuts who have things all backwards. The GOP does too however all the whackos moved over to the tea party (baggers whichever).
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Calling yourself Christian or Muslim doesn't make it so. No one can truly embrace the teachings of Yeshua and do anything of the sort.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    Calling yourself Christian or Muslim doesn't make it so. No one can truly embrace the teachings of Yeshua and do anything of the sort.
    +1 radicals always give the "groups" they claim to follow bad names. I am not saying people haven't done bad things in the name of their god, look at the crusades bunch of geneicidle(sp) fuckwits.
    The question should be why does the western world jump up and down on normal muslims for what the fuckwits do and not why don't we jump up and down on christians for what other fuckwits do.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Calling yourself Christian or Muslim doesn't make it so. No one can truly embrace the teachings of Yeshua and do anything of the sort.
    +1 radicals always give the "groups" they claim to follow bad names. I am not saying people haven't done bad things in the name of their god, look at the crusades bunch of geneicidle(sp) fuckwits.
    The question should be why does the western world jump up and down on normal muslims for what the fuckwits do and not why don't we jump up and down on christians for what other fuckwits do.
    (Stands and cheers!!) Well said Ross.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Why is it that after terror, of any kind, we are always ready to talk about Muslims---rag heads---camel jockeys---and all the other names we use. HOWEVER, after the terrible weekend in Norway...why is no one talking about how vile and inhumane the Christians are? I realize this is an isolated incident....but it just struck me today for some reason (head's been a little out of it lately) that no one was talking about Crazy Christian Fundamentalists the way we woudl if this guy was Ackhmed Bentu Aliakibi
    Christian's attacking are an isolated incident; about as common as athiests blowing something up. When the IRA was still together and doing their thing, if you heard the words "Ireland" and "Bomb", you'd be thinking of Christian extremists, but since the IRA is disbanded, you don't

    Bombs involving civilians is a forte' of Muslim extremists, who've twisted their religion and declared that God wants them to kill all the infidels. See: 9/11, NYC, Sweden, Philliphines, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc.

    Whereas the Christian hierarchy (eg - Vatican, bishops, etc) have disavowed violence, preaching "turn the other cheek", Muslim clergy in the middle easte routinely preach "kill the infidels where you find them" - it's so common in some mosques that it's heretical, a death sentence, to preach a desire for peace. That's why you think of Muslims when you hear of bombing, because they've twisted their religion and earned the label the way the IRA earned the label.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Why is it that after terror, of any kind, we are always ready to talk about Muslims---rag heads---camel jockeys---and all the other names we use. HOWEVER, after the terrible weekend in Norway...why is no one talking about how vile and inhumane the Christians are? I realize this is an isolated incident....but it just struck me today for some reason (head's been a little out of it lately) that no one was talking about Crazy Christian Fundamentalists the way we woudl if this guy was Ackhmed Bentu Aliakibi
    Christian's attacking are an isolated incident; about as common as athiests blowing something up. When the IRA was still together and doing their thing, if you heard the words "Ireland" and "Bomb", you'd be thinking of Christian extremists, but since the IRA is disbanded, you don't

    Bombs involving civilians is a forte' of Muslim extremists, who've twisted their religion and declared that God wants them to kill all the infidels. See: 9/11, NYC, Sweden, Philliphines, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc.

    Whereas the Christian hierarchy (eg - Vatican, bishops, etc) have disavowed violence, preaching "turn the other cheek", Muslim clergy in the middle easte routinely preach "kill the infidels where you find them" - it's so common in some mosques that it's heretical, a death sentence, to preach a desire for peace. That's why you think of Muslims when you hear of bombing, because they've twisted their religion and earned the label the way the IRA earned the label.
    Here I go again against my better judgement, but I cant let xmacro get roasted alone. :-)

    The Oklahoma City bombing perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh bombing was in 1995. When it happened, I dont remember Christians taking to the streets in droves to celebrate, or coming out of the woodwork to praise the attack and call for holy war against Federal employees.

    A couple days ago, in 2011, some moron blows up a bunch of people at a political camp / rally / whatever you want to call it. I dont recall hearing about Christians sanctioning the attack en masse, or Christian religious leaders praising the slaughter of innocents as a great vicotry in the jihad against the infidel Norwegians.

    2011 - 1995 = 16 years. I think we could safely call these two "isolated" incidents.

    These two attacks share no common goal I can see (and I will admit freely I have not followed the Norway killings closely at all). Certainly not any sort of "our religion or death" mandate.

    Muslim extremists have been in the news on at LEAST a weekly basis as far back as I can remember in my 40 years, somewhere in the world, for killing (usually innocents, since they are much easier to kill that people who are trained, armed and prepared (read: military or police)) in the name of their religion, with EXACTLY the "our religion or death" message used as a justification.

    Weekly vs twice in 16 years.

    A worldwide religious jihad vs no connected reason other than obvious mental conditions.

    And people would insinuate there is a bias towards Christians and against Muslims?

    As a Christian, I find this offensive.

    As an intelligent (debatable I know!) human being, I find it infuriating.

  • JonathanEJonathanE Posts: 401
    That's why you think of Muslims when you hear of bombing, because they've twisted their religion and earned the label the way the IRA earned the label.
    The Sniper:
    Weekly vs twice in 16 years.

    A worldwide religious jihad vs no connected reason other than obvious mental conditions. And people would insinuate there is a bias towards Christians and against Muslims?

    As a Christian, I find this offensive.

    As an intelligent (debatable I know!) human being, I find it infuriating.

    +1 to the above. My only area of disagreement is the idea that Islam has been TWISTED. If you read the Quaran you see where Jihad comes from and that it is sanctioned by Allah. That means that an Islamic fellow who's orthodox in his belief is obligated to participate in Jihad. He's not an extremist, he's orthodox. Extremists go beyond what is written, orthodox does no more and, especially, no less than what is written.

    I don't have a problem with the believers of Islam as long as they are NOT orthodox! Excuse me for saying so but if Allah wants me dead simply because I don't buy his religion then self defense says that when Allah - or any of his executors - come knocking on my door that I'm going to bring down the hammer on 43 grains of H110 behind a 300 grain hollow point. 'Nuff said.


  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
    Here's one big difference:

    Do you see ANY Christians (or anyone for that matter) celebrating in the streets in response to the Norway attacks (or Oklahoma City bombing since that was brought up too)? No, you don't/didn't.

    Did you see any Muslims celebrating in the streets all over the world after the 9/11 attacks? Yes, you did.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    So the difference is in the reaction to an event...or the public perception of it? Not in the act itself? Seems as though wrong is wrong, and while we did not see people dancing in the street (good song btw) over this bombing....I am quite certain there were a great many people we never saw doing a little jig over the shootings as well.
  • HeavyHeavy Posts: 1,591 ✭✭✭
    No, I wouldn't say the difference is the reaction to an event, but rather the level of support for an event. Well, at least we can agree about the song! ;-)
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    The Norway attacks were not done by a Christian, but rather some monster claiming to be. All attacks by Muslims are by actual devout muslims, as stated earlier - orthodox Muslims. There is no religious comparison, there is only violence condemned by Christians and celebrated by Muslims.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    The crux of it is the difference is the worldview of both religions.
    The view of Christianity is that salvation is only reached through a definable savior. But that salvation is unconditional.. anyone can ask for it.
    This view sets up a externalized salvation for those that believe to ask for by choice.
    2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

    There is no such view in Islamic teaching. In Islam everyone goes to hell and the only way to be removed from hell is if your good deeds out way your bad deeds or martyrdom.
    Sura 19:71-72 "There is not one among you who shall not pass through hell; such is the absolute decree of your Lord. We will deliver those who fear Us, and leave the wrongdoers there, on their knees."

    Long and short of it in Christianity one only has to ask for the individual to obtain salvation.
    In Islam one has to follow religious law or be a martyr to obtain it.

  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Posts: 4,317
    (perhaps I went a little more theological than this thread required)
  • JonathanEJonathanE Posts: 401
    So the difference is in the reaction to an event...or the public perception of it? Not in the act itself? Seems as though wrong is wrong, and while we did not see people dancing in the street (good song btw) over this bombing....I am quite certain there were a great many people we never saw doing a little jig over the shootings as well.
    When you talk about categories of people - Christians and Muslims - then you have to judge the group by the actions of the group. In this case an individual claiming to be part of the "Christian" group did something that was obviously, judging by the reaction fo the rest of the group, out of step with the thinking of the group at large.

    On the other hand, you had a few people do something that was obviously very much in step with the sensibilities of the group. IE, 9/11 and the Muslim celebrations that followed.

    In one case you have the group rejecting the actions of the supposed group member but, on the other hand, you have the group standing behind the individual's actions. With this in mind how is it fair to say that Christians, as a group, deserve to be given the same treatment by the media as do Muslims?

    The Muslims get what they ask for in terms of public sentiment, IMO. Christians do too!


  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    First off, let me say that my wife and I have a lot of Muslim friends, some of them were even in the US Army. However, they are the more "liberal" (and I don't mean politically) Muslims that are willing to shed the orthodox, violent teachings of Islam in order to conform and adhere to their new country's culture and society in Canada or the US.

    Now that the disclaimer's out of the way, I will have to say that I agree with JonathanE and Sniper. Orthodox Islam WAS a religion of peace when Muhammad and his followers were the clear minority in the Middle East. However, after the Muslims gained control of the region, the Muslims slaughtered everyone that would not convert to Islam. Their biggest victims were the Jews. This is why you will see the peaceful, tolerant verses at the front of the Quran (or Koran) and the violent teachings that are very prevalent in the Middle East (such as "do not take Christians and Jews as friends" or "strike the head of the infidel off where you see him") that directly contradict his earlier teachings.

    However, when you examine the Bible, you will never see a passage that commands Christians or Jews to strike down unbelievers. Most Biblical teachings tell you to turn the other cheek, obey the 10 Commandments, and treat your neighbor the way you wish to be treated. Even though the Spaniards spread Catholicism to the New World through the sword and disease, this was done in spite of actual Judeo-Christian teachings. Just like the attacks in Norway are done in spite of any Christian teachings whatsoever. Many devout Christians will gladly take up arms to defend their nation, but very very rarely will you see a devout Christian or Jew murder someone just because of their religion (With the exception of the infinitely rare Christian looney).

    So in brief, devout Christians, Jews, and liberal Muslims = peaceful. Orthodox Islam = Violent. That is, unless you're one of those leftists that just hates anyone that's not atheist or Muslim, in which case, Christian or Jewish grandmothers are violent crazies while the murdering, bombing Orthodox Muslim is a peaceful man that...well...somehow acts like a raging beast when you criticize Islam in any way. Which is why I'm confused and outraged when someone actually treats peaceful men like terrorists while treating the terrorists like heroes.
  • sdloco30sdloco30 Posts: 32
    So the difference is in the reaction to an event...or the public perception of it? Not in the act itself? Seems as though wrong is wrong, and while we did not see people dancing in the street (good song btw) over this bombing....I am quite certain there were a great many people we never saw doing a little jig over the shootings as well.

    I thought the original comment was why aren't we jumping on Christians the way we do Muslims for the attack? I'll admit, I haven't kept up on the small details from the attacks, but from what I have seen/read, this was a political attack not religious. Whereas Muslims attack in the name of their religion... The only thing that points to this guy as a Christian (again...from what I have seen) is his facebook page states that he is Christian. Pretty hard to connect the dots (for me) to make this a religious attack.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Not saying to anyone in particular here, but i understand the theorloigcal debate as well as the writing of each book as well as what we consider orthodox/radical in each religion---------but by saying what Muslims feel and what Chirstians feel is different, arent our own personal biases getting in the way? Im sure many Muslims do not read their book as the 9/11 terrorists do.....just as the book the Norway fella read is probably not the same take the Pope is getting.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Also, while many Muslims celebrated 9/11-----many also comdemned it. HOWEVER, those that did so doesnt make nearly as good video on the 6 o clock news.
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 9,140 ✭✭✭✭✭
    First off, let me say that my wife and I have a lot of Muslim friends, some of them were even in the US Army. However, they are the more "liberal" (and I don't mean politically) Muslims that are willing to shed the orthodox, violent teachings of Islam in order to conform and adhere to their new country's culture and society in Canada or the US.

    Now that the disclaimer's out of the way, I will have to say that I agree with JonathanE and Sniper. Orthodox Islam WAS a religion of peace when Muhammad and his followers were the clear minority in the Middle East. However, after the Muslims gained control of the region, the Muslims slaughtered everyone that would not convert to Islam. Their biggest victims were the Jews. This is why you will see the peaceful, tolerant verses at the front of the Quran (or Koran) and the violent teachings that are very prevalent in the Middle East (such as "do not take Christians and Jews as friends" or "strike the head of the infidel off where you see him") that directly contradict his earlier teachings.

    However, when you examine the Bible, you will never see a passage that commands Christians or Jews to strike down unbelievers. Most Biblical teachings tell you to turn the other cheek, obey the 10 Commandments, and treat your neighbor the way you wish to be treated. Even though the Spaniards spread Catholicism to the New World through the sword and disease, this was done in spite of actual Judeo-Christian teachings. Just like the attacks in Norway are done in spite of any Christian teachings whatsoever. Many devout Christians will gladly take up arms to defend their nation, but very very rarely will you see a devout Christian or Jew murder someone just because of their religion (With the exception of the infinitely rare Christian looney).

    So in brief, devout Christians, Jews, and liberal Muslims = peaceful. Orthodox Islam = Violent. That is, unless you're one of those leftists that just hates anyone that's not atheist or Muslim, in which case, Christian or Jewish grandmothers are violent crazies while the murdering, bombing Orthodox Muslim is a peaceful man that...well...somehow acts like a raging beast when you criticize Islam in any way. Which is why I'm confused and outraged when someone actually treats peaceful men like terrorists while treating the terrorists like heroes.
    Well put. Interestingly, I heard research quoted on the terrorist mindset recently, and the average muslim terrorist wasn't raised as "orthodox", but rather tends to be newly converted and largely ignorant of the religion he thinks he's dying for. Sad, so many misled and mis-spent lives.
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    Also, while many Muslims celebrated 9/11-----many also comdemned it. HOWEVER, those that did so doesnt make nearly as good video on the 6 o clock news.
    Dave I love ya man, and you do have my respect, but you've GOT to be kidding me with this "poor, persecuted muslims" crap. If spontaneous nationwide parties and celebrations had broken out worldwide with Christians burning the Norwegian flag, chanting anti-Norwegian slogans and lauding the attack as a great blow against the "Great Satan Norway" you can bet your bottom dollar it would have been ALL OVER the news!

    ACTIONS are recognized by news agencies. When people take actions or make statements it makes the news. No demonstrations, no radical statements of jihad, none of the crap mentioned above happened, guess what? NOTHING NEWSWORTHY HAPPENED THAT DAY. Why do you find it odd that news agencies failed to report that NOTHING HAPPENED???

  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Not "poor persecuted Musims" by any means. In fact, I am likely as against the Islamic extremists (and even some others) more than most here-----not enough to be considered racist per se----but much more than I ever say. HOWEVER, I do feel the need to look at both sides of the argument...or even to point out another side when there is no argument already-----for the sake of conversation and opening our minds if nothing else.

    No as to your point Snipe, I agree this did not happen and yes I will admit that I am well aware that is a MUCH MUCH MUCH larger problem (terrorism, religious jihad, ect) in the Islamic culture than any modern Christians. I will maintain however that for as much flag burnings or anti-American demostrations there are.....there is most certainly thousands to millions of Islamics/Muslims who do not take part and condemn the behaviors.
  • xmacroxmacro Posts: 3,402
    Just an observation I've noticed - when a Christian does something outrageous or goes on a killing spree, you can see other Christians condemn him; you don't seen groups of people celebrating in the street. When a Muslim blows themselves up with some civilians . . . the talking heads on tv condemn it and insist "this doesn't represent Islam" while the news shows PM's, and Presidents of Muslim countries hailing their "heroic deeds" and nationwide celebrations

    It just seems as if it's non-Muslims who are always insisting "this doesn't represent Islam". I know there's a huge amount of peaceful Muslims in the world, but I never hear much from them.
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    "The Silent Majority", Macro...lol.......I hear what youre saying though.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    The Sniper:
    Why is it that after terror, of any kind, we are always ready to talk about Muslims---rag heads---camel jockeys---and all the other names we use. HOWEVER, after the terrible weekend in Norway...why is no one talking about how vile and inhumane the Christians are? I realize this is an isolated incident....but it just struck me today for some reason (head's been a little out of it lately) that no one was talking about Crazy Christian Fundamentalists the way we woudl if this guy was Ackhmed Bentu Aliakibi
    Christian's attacking are an isolated incident; about as common as athiests blowing something up. When the IRA was still together and doing their thing, if you heard the words "Ireland" and "Bomb", you'd be thinking of Christian extremists, but since the IRA is disbanded, you don't

    Bombs involving civilians is a forte' of Muslim extremists, who've twisted their religion and declared that God wants them to kill all the infidels. See: 9/11, NYC, Sweden, Philliphines, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc.

    Whereas the Christian hierarchy (eg - Vatican, bishops, etc) have disavowed violence, preaching "turn the other cheek", Muslim clergy in the middle easte routinely preach "kill the infidels where you find them" - it's so common in some mosques that it's heretical, a death sentence, to preach a desire for peace. That's why you think of Muslims when you hear of bombing, because they've twisted their religion and earned the label the way the IRA earned the label.
    Here I go again against my better judgement, but I cant let xmacro get roasted alone. :-)

    The Oklahoma City bombing perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh bombing was in 1995. When it happened, I dont remember Christians taking to the streets in droves to celebrate, or coming out of the woodwork to praise the attack and call for holy war against Federal employees.

    A couple days ago, in 2011, some moron blows up a bunch of people at a political camp / rally / whatever you want to call it. I dont recall hearing about Christians sanctioning the attack en masse, or Christian religious leaders praising the slaughter of innocents as a great vicotry in the jihad against the infidel Norwegians.

    2011 - 1995 = 16 years. I think we could safely call these two "isolated" incidents.

    These two attacks share no common goal I can see (and I will admit freely I have not followed the Norway killings closely at all). Certainly not any sort of "our religion or death" mandate.

    Muslim extremists have been in the news on at LEAST a weekly basis as far back as I can remember in my 40 years, somewhere in the world, for killing (usually innocents, since they are much easier to kill that people who are trained, armed and prepared (read: military or police)) in the name of their religion, with EXACTLY the "our religion or death" message used as a justification.

    Weekly vs twice in 16 years.

    A worldwide religious jihad vs no connected reason other than obvious mental conditions.

    And people would insinuate there is a bias towards Christians and against Muslims?

    As a Christian, I find this offensive.

    As an intelligent (debatable I know!) human being, I find it infuriating.

    McVeigh was an athiest. He stated that himself. Just thought I'd point that out.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    The Sniper:
    Why is it that after terror, of any kind, we are always ready to talk about Muslims---rag heads---camel jockeys---and all the other names we use. HOWEVER, after the terrible weekend in Norway...why is no one talking about how vile and inhumane the Christians are? I realize this is an isolated incident....but it just struck me today for some reason (head's been a little out of it lately) that no one was talking about Crazy Christian Fundamentalists the way we woudl if this guy was Ackhmed Bentu Aliakibi
    Christian's attacking are an isolated incident; about as common as athiests blowing something up. When the IRA was still together and doing their thing, if you heard the words "Ireland" and "Bomb", you'd be thinking of Christian extremists, but since the IRA is disbanded, you don't

    Bombs involving civilians is a forte' of Muslim extremists, who've twisted their religion and declared that God wants them to kill all the infidels. See: 9/11, NYC, Sweden, Philliphines, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc.

    Whereas the Christian hierarchy (eg - Vatican, bishops, etc) have disavowed violence, preaching "turn the other cheek", Muslim clergy in the middle easte routinely preach "kill the infidels where you find them" - it's so common in some mosques that it's heretical, a death sentence, to preach a desire for peace. That's why you think of Muslims when you hear of bombing, because they've twisted their religion and earned the label the way the IRA earned the label.
    Here I go again against my better judgement, but I cant let xmacro get roasted alone. :-)

    The Oklahoma City bombing perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh bombing was in 1995. When it happened, I dont remember Christians taking to the streets in droves to celebrate, or coming out of the woodwork to praise the attack and call for holy war against Federal employees.

    A couple days ago, in 2011, some moron blows up a bunch of people at a political camp / rally / whatever you want to call it. I dont recall hearing about Christians sanctioning the attack en masse, or Christian religious leaders praising the slaughter of innocents as a great vicotry in the jihad against the infidel Norwegians.

    2011 - 1995 = 16 years. I think we could safely call these two "isolated" incidents.

    These two attacks share no common goal I can see (and I will admit freely I have not followed the Norway killings closely at all). Certainly not any sort of "our religion or death" mandate.

    Muslim extremists have been in the news on at LEAST a weekly basis as far back as I can remember in my 40 years, somewhere in the world, for killing (usually innocents, since they are much easier to kill that people who are trained, armed and prepared (read: military or police)) in the name of their religion, with EXACTLY the "our religion or death" message used as a justification.

    Weekly vs twice in 16 years.

    A worldwide religious jihad vs no connected reason other than obvious mental conditions.

    And people would insinuate there is a bias towards Christians and against Muslims?

    As a Christian, I find this offensive.

    As an intelligent (debatable I know!) human being, I find it infuriating.

    McVeigh was an athiest. He stated that himself. Just thought I'd point that out.
    Solid point. I dont remember atheists taking to the streets in celebration either. LOL
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    But I do remember the (i'd insert "liberal" here, but that'd be redundant) media hammering the religious right for his acts.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    The Sniper:
    Why is it that after terror, of any kind, we are always ready to talk about Muslims---rag heads---camel jockeys---and all the other names we use. HOWEVER, after the terrible weekend in Norway...why is no one talking about how vile and inhumane the Christians are? I realize this is an isolated incident....but it just struck me today for some reason (head's been a little out of it lately) that no one was talking about Crazy Christian Fundamentalists the way we woudl if this guy was Ackhmed Bentu Aliakibi
    Christian's attacking are an isolated incident; about as common as athiests blowing something up. When the IRA was still together and doing their thing, if you heard the words "Ireland" and "Bomb", you'd be thinking of Christian extremists, but since the IRA is disbanded, you don't

    Bombs involving civilians is a forte' of Muslim extremists, who've twisted their religion and declared that God wants them to kill all the infidels. See: 9/11, NYC, Sweden, Philliphines, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iran, etc.

    Whereas the Christian hierarchy (eg - Vatican, bishops, etc) have disavowed violence, preaching "turn the other cheek", Muslim clergy in the middle easte routinely preach "kill the infidels where you find them" - it's so common in some mosques that it's heretical, a death sentence, to preach a desire for peace. That's why you think of Muslims when you hear of bombing, because they've twisted their religion and earned the label the way the IRA earned the label.
    Here I go again against my better judgement, but I cant let xmacro get roasted alone. :-)

    The Oklahoma City bombing perpetrated by Timothy McVeigh bombing was in 1995. When it happened, I dont remember Christians taking to the streets in droves to celebrate, or coming out of the woodwork to praise the attack and call for holy war against Federal employees.

    A couple days ago, in 2011, some moron blows up a bunch of people at a political camp / rally / whatever you want to call it. I dont recall hearing about Christians sanctioning the attack en masse, or Christian religious leaders praising the slaughter of innocents as a great vicotry in the jihad against the infidel Norwegians.

    2011 - 1995 = 16 years. I think we could safely call these two "isolated" incidents.

    These two attacks share no common goal I can see (and I will admit freely I have not followed the Norway killings closely at all). Certainly not any sort of "our religion or death" mandate.

    Muslim extremists have been in the news on at LEAST a weekly basis as far back as I can remember in my 40 years, somewhere in the world, for killing (usually innocents, since they are much easier to kill that people who are trained, armed and prepared (read: military or police)) in the name of their religion, with EXACTLY the "our religion or death" message used as a justification.

    Weekly vs twice in 16 years.

    A worldwide religious jihad vs no connected reason other than obvious mental conditions.

    And people would insinuate there is a bias towards Christians and against Muslims?

    As a Christian, I find this offensive.

    As an intelligent (debatable I know!) human being, I find it infuriating.

    Plus 1000
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Oops. Turns out the Norway nutjob was an athiest too. Didn't stop the media from labeling him a "fundamentalist Christian" from the start..
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