Best birthday present ever....

So, last night my wife told me she thought she was having contractions. I immediately asked if her water had broken, to which she replied in the negative. She decided to go on to the hospital, just in case. I stayed at home since we had just put our daughter to bed and didn't want to have to wake her up. The plan is, she will call me if they do admit her or anything, if nothing comes of it, she will just come back home.
An hour or so passes, and Jennifer shows back up at the house. The doctor told her she was only dilated 2cm, and that the pain she thought was contraction pain was probably just cramps from having overexerted herself the past few days. The doctor told her to go on back home and just take some Tylenol. After she explained this to me, the little worry I had faded, and I ended up falling asleep on the couch while watching something on Netflix.
I am woken by my wife saying something I don't really understand and a baby crying. I see she is holding a crying baby, and immediately think, "What's wrong with Cadence? .........Wait, Cadence is alot bigger than that......". This is followed by my noticing the blood on my wife's legs and the fact that there is still an umbilical cord attached between baby and mother. Apparently, she continued having the "cramps" for an hour or so upstairs, so she decided that if she went to the bathroom, it might help. She realized after the first push that the baby was coming, and ended up just having her right there in the bathroom.
After coming to my senses, I immediately called 911. The paramedics came, checked out mother and daughter, ascertained that both were in good health, and scooted them off to the hospital. By the time I got to our room, my wife was laughing and joking with the nurses. She is far too hardcore for me.
So, my second daughter, Kendall Jean Ezzell, was born on my birthday, July 26th, at 11:55pm, in the upstairs bathroom. Kendall is the best birthday present ever, but having this story to tell is a close second.
An hour or so passes, and Jennifer shows back up at the house. The doctor told her she was only dilated 2cm, and that the pain she thought was contraction pain was probably just cramps from having overexerted herself the past few days. The doctor told her to go on back home and just take some Tylenol. After she explained this to me, the little worry I had faded, and I ended up falling asleep on the couch while watching something on Netflix.
I am woken by my wife saying something I don't really understand and a baby crying. I see she is holding a crying baby, and immediately think, "What's wrong with Cadence? .........Wait, Cadence is alot bigger than that......". This is followed by my noticing the blood on my wife's legs and the fact that there is still an umbilical cord attached between baby and mother. Apparently, she continued having the "cramps" for an hour or so upstairs, so she decided that if she went to the bathroom, it might help. She realized after the first push that the baby was coming, and ended up just having her right there in the bathroom.
After coming to my senses, I immediately called 911. The paramedics came, checked out mother and daughter, ascertained that both were in good health, and scooted them off to the hospital. By the time I got to our room, my wife was laughing and joking with the nurses. She is far too hardcore for me.
So, my second daughter, Kendall Jean Ezzell, was born on my birthday, July 26th, at 11:55pm, in the upstairs bathroom. Kendall is the best birthday present ever, but having this story to tell is a close second.
That is incredible!!!
And all that being said... Does this save you a bunch of money in Doctor's Bills too? If so, a Box of Some mighty fine smokes is in order!!!
Congrats a ton man!!!!!!! I thought this only happens in movies!! Happy bday as well.
She's one helluva woman (your girl, not the one in the video)
. Happy Day!
Sorry man didn't mean to hijack your thread, Congratulations !!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND! You're right, best birthday present ever & I could never hope to top it - but I will give you some very wise advise that you should stick to throughout your life as a present....
Never. EVER! P!ss that woman off in any way, shape, form or fashion. Any woman who can deliver her own baby is NOT to be trifled with! :-D