Anyone collect pocket knives, or similar?

Greetings and Salutations!
I am a recent newbie to the world of cigars, and even newer to Cigar Forums. But, I've spent over 12 years on a knife collectors' forum.
Recently I saw a thread over there where folks were commenting on their cigar preferences, and I was impressed with how many of the knife folks were also cigar folks.
I thought I'd see if it goes the other way, as well.
I've read some comments in some posts about knives, like the Gurkha Spec Ops package, cigar cutters, and other stuff, but nothing specifically addressing the collectibility of knives.
So, are there any folks who hang out here who are interested in pocket knives, swords, hunting knives, or the like?
I'll comment that my favorite KNIFE brands are Kershaw, Benchmade, William Henry and Spyderco.
(Cigar favorites are Rocky Patel, CAO, and La Gloria Cubana, as far as what I've actually tried more than once.)
Either way, I'm very impressed with the way this forum is run, and can see that there are lots of great people who hang out here. I can just hope to become a BOTL (or BORK, as the case may be) and share in the knowledge available here.
Each of my kids old enough to handle a knife have been shown how to handle a knife and whittle a bit.
Thanks for the warm welcome, all.:)
That is truly awesome! My dad has quite a few knives he has found over the years, and when they are passed along to me, they will be more valuable than gold.
I hate to think about it, but most of the knives I have will outlast me, and I guess they will have value to my kids, someday. But, I really enjoy my collection, and the process of finding the next one to add, in the present. It can be an expensive hobby, to almost whatever extent you want to invest.
This is similar to cigars, as I'm finding out. I've started small, and relatively cheap, but am finding that quality comes at a price. Luckily, I have a great Brick and Mortar that is very generous with their time and willingness to offer suggestions. It also helps that the owner is quite generous and has monthly parties at the store, with ample opportunity to hang out and have fun. I can see that it's going to be hard to balance my spending between my two addictions.
I'm not exactly a collector, but I have about 200-250 knives/swords. Not sure exactly cause I've never gotten them all out at once... but I do know that I have so many that I actually built a custom lock-top mini cabinet for them. Like I said, I don't purposly collect them, I just buy or trade for what strikes my eye, and I rarely get rid of knives unless they are as a gift.