Projectg Blue Book

Some guy made them all available online on his website called "The Black Vault". I know what im spending my time on for a while! Over 130,000 government files from Project Blue Book! OH MAN! SQUEEEEEEEEE!

Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
Well maybe not. There is a famous "Bigfoot" video that has been proven false by the guy that did it, and people are still touting it as proof that the big guy exists.
For anyone interested in seeing Yahoos blurb about it and a link to the site itself with the docs.
If you get the time to check it out, see if the one that "landed" outside the base in England is discussed. That one has always been a real curiosity to me.
You know what year that happened? Was that the one where two military men approached the craft and one of the touched it?