Surveying some damage

The radar sounded off this afternoon, looked up in the sky and saw a Zero coming straight on. Saw something leave the underbelly of the plane and then the plane veered off with no return address or anything. I tried to sidestep the impending blast but was caught up in the middle of it.
I think I may have found my suspicions confirmed that there was more to the deal that I gave my info out for. When things settled down and the smoke cleared I found 5 nice looking sticks. 2 I was familiar with and 3 newcomers. I don't have a clue on how to post pics so until I can figure it out I am gonna text a pic to Morgan and see if he can help me out.
Thanks 0patience. A true gentleman. Nice way to be welcomed to the board. I look foreword to. a couple of old favorites and a few new experiences.
Keep in mind who won in the pacific though!!!!!
awesome! For pictures get a file hosting site such as make a account. You can click on the picture properties after it loads and get a direct link. Copy that link and paste is here between [img]"LINK" [img] the 2nd img will have a before it for example [img] img]
Here's a link that has a few good links and a forum formatting
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Team Trident 2014