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Rootbeer/ Sarsaparilla and Soda .... stuff, thread

danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
If you follow me on Instagram/Twitter, you'd know that I love me some gourmet rootbeer. My top 3 so far are Hank's, Virgil's and Sioux City. What are you favs? What do you recommend? Post some pics.

Had this one yesterday. Pretty aiiight
photo IMG_20150406_130454.jpg
"It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR


  • SasquatchSasquatch Posts: 307 ✭✭✭
    The colonial Williamsburg root beer is pretty tasty & less carbonated than most others.
  • SleevePlzSleevePlz Posts: 6,249 ✭✭✭✭
    Faygo. Game Over. Lol, really though, can you get Faygo out in CA? If not, I can throw some in the next package I send out to you. Nothing special, but if you are trying to sample all of them, then you should. It's a classic MI brand. Do you get IBC out there? Haven't had it in a couple years, but I remember it being delicious.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • jimmyv723jimmyv723 Posts: 1,858 ✭✭✭
    IBC was good and used to get Henry Weinhard's too. I always liked Hires and Dads as well. Just haven't had any Root Beer in a while but that's about to change next time I head to the store haha.
    Ken Light 3K MOW Badge - 8/14
    2015 Gang War - East Coast
    Enola Gay - Target #29
  • ChemnitzChemnitz Posts: 1,300 ✭✭✭
    Drank Bundaberg rootbeer growing up and again recently when I was down under. It's a rip snort'n beauty, mate! Have to bring some back for you next time I'm there, DZR.
  • onestrangeoneonestrangeone Posts: 2,441 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Love the Virgils & Weinhards thought Hanks was alright, Maine Root is my go to on the rare occasions I can find it.
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Faygo. Game Over. Lol, really though, can you get Faygo out in CA? If not, I can throw some in the next package I send out to you. Nothing special, but if you are trying to sample all of them, then you should. It's a classic MI brand. Do you get IBC out there? Haven't had it in a couple years, but I remember it being delicious.

    I used to work for Faygo first as a mechanic's helper and later as second mate on a delivery truck. That was in the early '50's... I'm surprised they're still around. At that time it was owned by the Feigensen (sp?) brothers. I haven't ever seen Faygo in California...... ??
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    Faygo. Game Over. Lol, really though, can you get Faygo out in CA? If not, I can throw some in the next package I send out to you. Nothing special, but if you are trying to sample all of them, then you should. It's a classic MI brand. Do you get IBC out there? Haven't had it in a couple years, but I remember it being delicious.

    I used to work for Faygo first as a mechanic's helper and later as second mate on a delivery truck. That was in the early '50's... I'm surprised they're still around. At that time it was owned by the Feigensen (sp?) brothers. I haven't ever seen Faygo in California...... ??

    All this talking about Faygo has me reminiscing to and Insane Clown Posse concert I went to many moons ago ...... If you don't know about them they had Faygo as a tour sponsor and used to spray the entire crowd with Faygo red pop or cream soda ....... Three days after and six showers later my skin finally stopped smelling like cream soda. LOL
  • 0patience0patience Posts: 10,665 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love Sarsaparilla.
    Paired with a good cameroon, it's a great combination.
    I can only get Souix City Sarsaparilla though.

    I prefer it over Root Beer, because to me, it has a creamier flavor.
    In Fumo Pax
    Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.

    Wylaff said:
    Atmospheric pressure and crap.
  • ExpendableYouthExpendableYouth Posts: 2,106 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Drank Bundaberg rootbeer growing up and again recently when I was down under. It's a rip snort'n beauty, mate! Have to bring some back for you next time I'm there, DZR.
    I didn't know they made root beer, when I was in Austrailia I had a lot of their terrible rum though. That's not a bash either, the Australians were saying it was awful as I was drinking it,
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The only root beer around these parts are the old standbys but I am anxious to try the above mentioned.

    Would it be bad form to add ginger beer to this thread?
  • jgibvjgibv Posts: 9,245 ✭✭✭✭✭
    IBC was good and used to get Henry Weinhard's too. I always liked Hires and Dads as well. Just haven't had any Root Beer in a while but that's about to change next time I head to the store haha.
    +1 for Dad's....pretty good stuff.

    * I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *

  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    Dad's, IBC, Frosttop (99cents!). Virgil's tastes like taint because it has Stevia in it. Piggybacking off JD's idea, would it be bad form to add cream soda to this forum? cause I loves it so much.

    DZR, theres a place by my house that brews their own root beer. I get it by the growler. Hmmmm...... how to ship a growler.....
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    photo 20150408_130452_5_bestshot_zpsk9ncgwez.png
    After lunch snack. 2 all time favorites just for this bada55 thread. Although, I typically like any rb /sarsaparilla with a lot of that wintergreen flavor. Any pairing suggestions? These two played very nicely together.
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Few things. 1, yeah ... we can talk sodas too. 2, what's Faygo? Never heard of it? 3, IBC is good stuff. Dad's and A&W are my go to when making RB floats.
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    what's Faygo?
    photo hqdefault-1_zpsdhcn9wln.jpg
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Posts: 1,109 ✭✭✭
    Any Root Beer that tells me...quit being a *** and drink it, is an Allright soda in my book lol
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very sweet
    photo IMG_20150409_190906.jpg
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    photo 20150410_173628_7_bestshot_zpsjqoy7rud.png
    I try not to make a habit of posting photos in separate threads. But, I really enjoyed this combination. The only problem was with the RyJ. Lots of burn issues. The wrapper felt moist with oil, which originally had me salivating, but soon devolved into frustration. Two relights is too damn many.
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • Gray4linesGray4lines Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have never paired root beer with a cigar nor had or seen sasparilla. Sounds good. I will try the root beer Cameroon combo
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    photo 20150412_165206_zpse9oisapw.png

    This was a great combo! I used to strictly drink coffee or water, but I am pretty sensitive to caffeine so I have since gravitated to rootbeer (caffeine free) or white tea (very low caffeine).

    Dad's is smooth and has a strong wintergreen component that I find pairs well with spicier / fuller-bodied cigars.I think I like rootbeer best with maduros so far in my experimentations.
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    Holy 2 and a half hour smoke Batman! Holy crap did that Jamie G burn FOREVER! I needed that liter of cola.
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
  • MartelMartel Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    Disgusting stuff. Tried it two weeks ago for the first and last time.
    Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

    I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot.  I will smoke anything, though.
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    But what can I pair it with?
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • MartelMartel Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    But what can I pair it with?
    Egad, it's followed me to PA. I just saw this stuff in a restaurant last night!

    I saw the rootbeer/sasparilla/birch beer mecca the other day. Multiple varieties, but I didn't have any payment on me. Went back today and they're only open on weekends. Pics will follow. I'm gonna burp so much.
    Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

    I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot.  I will smoke anything, though.
  • jd50aejd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ginger Beer. I like ginger ale a lot. I have only found 2 brands of ginger beer in this area. $8 for six cans and it looks like ginger ale will have to do.

    When I make it to Myrtle Beach to visit my mother I load up on a locally made product which comes in 3 heat levels. It is by far the best I have ever had, and of course it ain't available here.

    Do you guys have a favorite?
  • youngryan216youngryan216 Posts: 1,127 ✭✭✭
    But what can I pair it with?
    Egad, it's followed me to PA. I just saw this stuff in a restaurant last night!

    I saw the rootbeer/sasparilla/birch beer mecca the other day. Multiple varieties, but I didn't have any payment on me. Went back today and they're only open on weekends. Pics will follow. I'm gonna burp so much.
    Yes!^ ccom soda club bruh lol 4 life!
    You can still be in even if you don't like Perdomo.
    ISO Ramrod and Ron Mexico
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Posts: 8,771 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Got me some stuffs
    photo 20150414_164822.jpg
    "It's plume, bro. Nothing to worry about. Got any Opus?" The suppose to be DZR
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    Disgusting stuff. Tried it two weeks ago for the first and last time.
    was it bottled or canned? Canned is by far much much better
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    But what can I pair it with?
    booze or cigars? Honestly I can't recall if I've ever mixed or had one with a stogie
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