who's still around...

It's been a while, something like 3+ years since I've stumbled through these forums! Just wondering if there any any left from the old gang..? I'm flirting with the idea of re-joining the glory of the leaf and I'm just curious who might still be around?! For those that don't know me, I'm Evan, born in Upstate NY, lived all over since 2006 and now I call Mesa, AZ home. I used to bum around here pretty regularly from about 2008-2011 and had a blast! Fell on some rough times and had to step away but life is finally getting good again so I figured I'd enjoy it again
anyways, that's my half-ass attempt at a REintroduction... Maybe this time I'll stick around for good?

good to see you around again.
only a small handfull of the old school guys. most of us old timers dont post as often as we used to. but we lurk.
hi Evan, newb, but fellow upstate NYer. Where were you born? I'm from the north east region about an hour North of Albany.
Hee hee. Ol' Kuzi beat me here by about 8 months so I guess he gets to keep folks off his lawn but he sure as h3ll can't claim to be the OLDEST lurker around these parts..... LOL
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨