Beautiful downtown Yreka, CA. First layover on our trip north to visit with BOTL EChambers in Bellingham, WA. We finally pulled away from the house at about 2:15pm today. A little later than we had planned.
About five hours through the mountains got us this far (214 mi.) and I'm pooped. I'm wrassling a 29' travel trailer behind mi camioneta and I'm worn out. It's too windy up here for a cigar but I'm sipping some Wild Turkey and slowly returning to being a human.
Later in this trip we'll also visit with Tony (0patience) and any of the other Washington or Oregon BOTLs who may turn up. I'll keep ya posted....
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Could it have been the "parking and hooking up" that wore you out? Ha Ha! Take your time heading home and be safe.