Kate's Law

For those who are interested: Usually I don't publicly endorse such things but this whole thing, and the way it's being handled, really get's to me, just putting it out there.
But if illegals were deported just for being illegal, I wouldn't support the idea of mandatory prison terms just for re-entering the country. For example, if a bunch of illegal migrant workers were deported and then returned for next year's harvest and were caught, I wouldn't advocate imprisoning them. For one thing, it would quickly turn otherwise law-abiding people who only want to work into hardened criminals. Secondly, the federal prison system is already overcrowded, mainly with nonviolent minor drug dealers who are there because of the minimum sentencing standards enacted in the 90s. To me, better to let these people work on the farms than to have to pay millions of dollars to feed and shelter and provide healthcare to them in prison.
He really shouldn't have been on the streets, gotta start somewhere if the current laws are too arbitrary to enforce, or unwilling to be enforced. Got to get governments attention, they seem to be absent from this as far as statements and support to the family too. It wasn't a police killing is that why? Still trying to figure this out and my battery is getting low, later...