Got a question...

Anybody own/use a selfie stick? How does a person deal with the problem of focus if you're using it alone? I know the iPhone focuses automatically but mine seems to take a certain amount of time before it's focused. How would I know when it's focused?
I shoulda known better. I shoulda just googled it in the first place instead of giving you vultures a chance to heap ridicule upon this loveable oldfart. Well, live and learn, I guess. (Emphasis on 'live')
Most of them have timers for selfie-stuff, and the lens of a camera might be better for portraiture too.
Yep, I do have a camera with a self-timer. And now that you mention it, I believe there's even an app within an app that I have on my iPhone. I'd forgotten all about it.
Thank ya, Peter. Youze iz a good kid.... I'll look into that. (The app, not the kid).