Today begins 2 weeks of moving.

Moving close is much more difficult than moving far. That being said I have to move little by little over the next two weeks with the final day renting a truck and moving all yhe big stuff. Wish me luck. I will be on very limited for next several days. March marks a return with vengence, I won't worry about getting my addy out. Several of you will get a hello from my new addy. I have to make that mailman hate me too. Till then stay smokey my friends.

"Come party with me in Tennessee for my birthday July we can smoke in the Smokey's."
1 more trip and today moves to bourbon and stogies
Wish me luck and a strong back... the last 2 weeks have been miserable. Thank gawd it's over. This has been an awful move. Can't wait to roast some stogies and sip some bourbon in the new house. Look forward to Vherf with what I hope is better lighting. I miss you guys. Went from checking posts 6-8 times a day to I'm worn out. I'll catch up in the morning