Sometimes, there is good news.

My son has been battling his diabetes and wanting to get on an insulin pump, but the cost of it and the insulin has made it expensive for him.
He doesn't have good insurance to cover it, so his regular insulin is about $200/month.
So I was talking to my cousin a couple weeks ago and he asked why he wasn't going to an Indian Health clinic.
You know how that light bulb in your head goes off when something so simple dawns on you and your brain goes, "Now why didn't I think of that?"
So my son calls the Indian health clinic in Salem and they make him an appointment and his appointment and insulin will be covered by them.
They will mail him his insulin in 3 month supplies and it is all covered by them.
So now, he won't be having to scrape up the money or borrow money from me for his insulin.
This is a good day.
He doesn't have good insurance to cover it, so his regular insulin is about $200/month.
So I was talking to my cousin a couple weeks ago and he asked why he wasn't going to an Indian Health clinic.
You know how that light bulb in your head goes off when something so simple dawns on you and your brain goes, "Now why didn't I think of that?"
So my son calls the Indian health clinic in Salem and they make him an appointment and his appointment and insulin will be covered by them.
They will mail him his insulin in 3 month supplies and it is all covered by them.
So now, he won't be having to scrape up the money or borrow money from me for his insulin.
This is a good day.
In Fumo Pax
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Wylaff said:
Atmospheric pressure and crap.
-- Winston Churchill
This is awesome news. Very happy for your family.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
Had great insurance before the AFFORDABLE care act. Had regular job back then. Since then I got rid of cable and everything else not needed to afford health care. Joke with liberals that with Obama's projected energy savings I will have to quit eating to pay for the savings. Lol
Now, the other shoe.
I don't think this has anything to do with insurance.
Does it?
I think this is what Obama wanted for everyone.
Isn't it?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
If that's also correct, then how do you see Obama being responsible for it?
What I noticed in the other replies above was that there seemed to be some notion that health "insurance" issues were at play. As well as the question "does anyone have good insurance anymore?" The answer is probably "No", I know I don't think I do.
So, the point I was making was that the insurance industries were not involved. This is a government program, tax dollars providing health care for Americans. I think this is a good use for tax dollars.
Next came mention of the woes imposed by the ACA. Not denying that at all, but, the ACA as created by Congress has done very little for the public, and a great deal for the Insurance industry. Obama was an idiot for not vetoing it, in my opinion it was a poison apple, but I don't think it was what Obama really wanted. I think that what he, and other proponents of taking down the mighty insurance powers are asking for is a program similar, or perhaps identical to what we're seeing happen for 0patience's son.
So, I know that my positions must seem confounding for some. For instance, I believe strongly in the 2nd Amendment rights provided by the Constitution, but that doesn't mean I will swallow whole anything someone claiming to represent "The Right" puts out there, nor will I blindly castigate everything someone from "The Left" has to offer. I think most people believe they think that way as well, however, what I see in the culture around me belies that belief.
All too often we decide we don't like someone, or someone's beliefs on some issue, and then we use every opportunity to hate them and never take a moment to hear what they're saying and evaluate its possible merit.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
It must be nice to be part of the elite.....
Good Grief! This, of all things, not the creation of Our Favorite Fascist!
It must have been George Bush's fault!
Holy Hannah... I need a yoga class... and some essential oils... and maybe a joint. Great Googly Moogly. And to top it all off, all of us who were so stridently opposed to this major boondoggle at the time, we were called racists, unthinking stingy teabagger reactionary dupes of right wing tinfoil hat radio talk show hosts.
un bee leave able
deep breaths ... I need to go find the cutest pic of the day and post it up
You're entitled to your opinions, of course, or whomever's it is you're using at the moment.
I'll stick to coming up with my own, and thanks for so vividly demonstrating the point I was making in that last paragraph.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
The affordable care act was a train wreck and filled with lies before ever leaving the depot. VA is stunning example of government ran health care.
As far as agreeing with the current white house resident I'm still waiting for him to say or do something I can agree with... he still has a few months, not holding my breath.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Any Native American who is registered or enrolled in a nationally recognized tribe is eligible to receive benefits from Indian Health.
Those Native Americans who are not from a nationally recognized tribe are left out.
So I find it interesting when there are Native americans who cry about descrimination.
Kind of laughable.
As for ACA.
The way I see it is, those who could afford insurance, whether from their employer or they purchased it themselves, ended up with worse insurance for more money.
My insurance went from 90% coverage with a $50 deductible to 80% coverage and $100 deductible and a $500 deductible per year.
And my cost went up from $115 per month to $285 per month, through my employer and I work for the govt!
As for my dental coverage, it's pretty much useless.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.