
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
I've been hopeful that Kasich would catch on, was starting to warm up to Jeb, and think Carson is a really nice and really smart guy who is probably way too naive and honest for the job. Sigh...
On the other side we've got an idealist who I'm fairly sure can't manage the country, and King Ahab's wife in her prime. Sigh...
And I don't even hear a peep from the Libertarians this cycle, presumably because Cruz is in the mix?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I believe we could do better with a phone book, a blindfold, and a dart.
I'd say maybe if he claimed he would put that unamerican ATM machine that Obama claimed Bush abused next to his bed and play it like a video game he could get traction but thats already been done..
Sadly if Obama was allowed to run again I believe he would win..
Worked for FDR. Twelve years of spendthrift depression culminating in war... yet he's a hero to faithful donkeys to this day.
A phonebook and a dart, I tell ya.
@webmost 16 would be good with me. Seriously what could you screw up? Lol
-- Winston Churchill
So, to simplify things for ya, just ask yourself which candidate can fvck up the country the worst and then vote for the other guy. In all these years there hasn't yet been a clear and obvious choice of candidates. One or two have come close but were still less than perfect.
Its always the lesser of two evils.....
The candidates from this presidential election cycle flat out stink
I've seen this many times in govt, where they (poloticians, govt managers and that) get it in their head that it is their money they are dealing with and not the taxpayer's money, so they will do as they please with it.
I have never seen a politician who would even consider what a taxpayer had to say, let alone was really concerned about making the public happy.
There may be some politicians who genuinely care, but I haven't seen them.
It's a monopoly game to them. I'll give in on this bill, if you include this or that, in exchange, you give in on this bill.
How many politicians do you think have actually read a complete bill, besides the one writing it?
I'd be willing to bet that more taxpayers have read complete bills than politicians voting on them and that is sad.
The problem is, I agree on some points with all of those running, but then they go and open their mouth on something and your mind says, "Oh man, is that really his stance? What a shame, he had a lot going for him."
Kind of agree with Marty, the lesser of 2 evils.
But then again, I haven't figured out yet how Obama got elected.
Half the nation had never heard of him until 6 months before he started running for President. And if you put it into statistical information, the odds were so heavily stacked against him that even the guys who were using algorithms to predict who would be elected threw up their hands and went, "WTF?"
I hate discussing politics, because emotions tend to get in the way when talking to anyone about it. But when you start looking at numbers and the numbers don't seem to make sense, all you can do is scratch your head.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
But I did read his "health care reform" proposal with an open mind, and there are a couple ideas I agree with, such as allowing national health care providers to operate across state lines, allow tariff-free importation of FDA-approved drugs from overseas and providing greater tax benefits for Health Savings Accounts, which are designed to cover out of pocket health care expenses like deductibles, co pays and prescription drugs.
Now if you open it up were insurance companies can cross state lines cost SHOULD go down. But you cannot continue raping the earners to subsidize the non earners. Sure they like to say millions now have insurance but they do not even make a peep on the millions of those who either pay double or no longer have health insurance because they no longer can afford it.
Trump is a liberal. Get him talking about immigration and Disney and you will see his true colors.. Talks a big game but sure funny how he "legally" brings in workers and not hired Americans because they were not qualified to be waitresses, cooks or janitorial. Guy is a con man and has a lot off people con'd
Lobbyists and special interests are destroying the nation..
I use to like arguing with my ex boss. Big farmer/rancher and he would be fighting a small engine to get it to run. Cussing it and all frustrated I'd tell him that's what his government subsidized ethonal does for ya.. He would just glare at me with a red face but dare not to argue because he knew it was the truth.
A genius idea, really. Way better idea even than a series in which an attractive white outwardly female secretary of state heroically saves the world from chaos once a week.