My humidor

Going to be buying a inexpensive humidor ( I won't say cheap) AND would you believe that my hygrometer is more expensive than the humidor lol, probably should buy a better humidifier as well I think they come with florist foam and I rather have beads! not too sure what sticks to put in though as a first time smoker though. Don't care too much for Connecticut wrappers ( too grassy) I would like maduros better I guess! What was your fiat stick that you still smoke??
Consider this though... you can save yourself some headaches if you just forget the wood and go plastic; a tupperdor is so much easier to start with - not to mention, live with - than any humidor, no matter if it's cheap or high-end.
My first purchase was a 5'er of My Father, Flor de la Antilles. I got lucky on that blind choice - I thought the bands were cool, and read good reviews - and it's still a favorite.
-- Winston Churchill
It's all the advice we would give someone before their first purchase.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
I will say it again, many buy 30 dollar sticks and throw them in a humidor that does not work. What is the point? Get your humidor setup working first and then buy sticks. You can't enjoy them if they are not properly maintained. Your humidor setup is the most important piece of the puzzle. In the cigar world many buy tires and rims (Cigars) before they have a car (Humidor) to put them on. Makes no sense to me but it is a learning curve many have been bitten by.
For starters a cooler would be the right choice. You can progress as your collection grows and it will grow if you are a smoker. Search the forum and read the advice and horror stories of many. GL with your setup.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
Agree, cooler all the way. I have on humi with the top off inside of my cooler.
First smoke that I still smoke and love is the ava maria
Stop! I keep hearing these noises in my head.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
King Lear
La Gloria Cubana (original in Wavell vitola)
Partagas (original in Robusto vitola)
While my tastes have escalated to stronger profiles, I still enjoy these smokes and the price point is great for entry level.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
PS needs to be this specific type of kitty litter as it is silicon crystal chips with zero additives which is why it is safe to use and naturally keeps rH between 65-70% which is perfect. Cost me $15 and will last me 10 years easy and I've been using with perfect results for years as have many many others.
Best of of luck and we can absolutely assure you to get a brilliant and perfect setup for less than $75 out the door with tax, I guarantee it
I don't even use cedar in my cooler. The only reason for cedar in a humidor is because it holds and regulates humidity. A cooler with kitty litter does the same thing. Just grab some plastic trays (mine were 25 cents a piece at wal-mart) and fill 'er up.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Heartfelt beads for me and there are many others. If you using a small cooler or tupperdor I would suggest Boveda.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
I picked up these at Daiso, for $1.50 and I have 4 Boveda packs in there (overkill, I know but I recently ordered a 12 pack). This one is small enough to bring out to the patio and dig through for that second cigar.
I was thinking of loading up my cigars in multiples of these and throwing them sealed in a cooler with some ice packs with them to keep the temps down while having them sealed up to keep the humidity where I want them until I get a winedor (or it cools down). June bugs are annoying enough in the summer without having cigar beetles hatching too.
If you have some sticks that like a different humidity multiple tuppedors would work too, or a separate one to keep the infused cigars separate from your general population, but at some point it's cooledor or winedor time. Trying to avoid that for now.
I open this one multiple times a week so I don't have to worry about airing it out every so often. You don't want to keep cigars in a sealed tuppedor without opening it indefinitely.
Don't over think this.
If you do, you will drive yourself crazy worrying about this and that.
Do what is comfortable to you.
Bovedas, kittylitter or regular distilled water, each one is just a different means of supplying moisture for the correct RH.
Now, my input on sticks.
Everyone knows I'm going to suggest Torano.
1916 is a great cigar for the price. But it's a cameroon and the wrapper can be tempermental, so you have to be careful going from inside to outside and visavera.
But all the cigars previously mentioned are great too.
Just like I hate spinach, some folks love spinach.
Cigars are just like that.
I love cameroon wrapper cigars. Does that mean you will?
Possibly. But possibly not.
But most folks like cameroon wrappers, so there is that. LOL!
And do NOT use price as a reference to whether cigars are good or not.
There are a ton of deals out there and some great cigars can be found at really reasonable prices.
Just my opinion.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
17qt. and works great. Never mind what I ended up with, but the veterans have a hunch it didn't stay with that single 17qt. unit.