What kind of car do you drive?

Just curious what kind of car do you drive. I work with cars daily, love cars, and my hobbies revolve around cars. I used to be an Install Manager for a decent size retailer and have worked in some facet of the auto industry since getting out of High School. So yeah, list up your car, and if you are into modifiying your car, list that stuff up as well.
I am really into off-roading with it so I am part of another forum full of other Toyota fanatics. I have it lifted about 2 inches all around with coilovers and new leaf pack, 33's, a rear differential locker along with a couple of beefy skid plates and rock sliders. It has right around 104K on it and is it still running great. I try my best to treat it well and it returns the favor. Also when stuff does go wrong I know how to fix it ;-)
Metal hanger's and heavy gauge speaker wire supporting the exhaust system.
No breaks left.
Something seriously wrong with the anti lock breaking system anyways...
Leaky water pump
....... i could keep going.....
The only modding I've done is putting in one of those tube lights under the drivers seat... Thinking about getting new rims and a system for the summer time.
This vehicle is front wheel drive, with a selection for automatic 4 wheel or 4 wheel fixed. I have had to use it a few times going back and forth to school and it has helped. I bought it new in October of 2006 and have just under 80,000 miles on it.
I have a 01 durango. I like it, done a a lot of mods on it too.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
You should ask Jeff Dunham and "Peanut" what he thinks of his wifes Baby Blue Prius
We just bought a 2009 Subaru impreza outback sport that is the absolute best can I have ever driven.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨