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  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    LOL... "either of our two F-18's"
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Got my end of a trade with Laker from up north. And he included a helluva bomb! Sol Cubanos, Fusions, Nubs...Oh the humanity! Two thumbs up for Doug for sending way more than expected! But your timing is off buddy, i havent sent your package yet, and i've pulled it out of the breech for re-arming and calibration...be ready :)
    send him some nukes!!!! ahahahahah
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    LOL... "either of our two F-18's"
    Well, they were forced to upgrade. Couldn't get parts for the P-39's anymore.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Hey fella's... you might want to quit laughing so hard. We may have a small Armed Forces, but we can have them all at the border in 15 minutes !! How's that for rapid response !!!?
    Oh can somebody tell us which border crossing we should use... it's a real *** when your forces are spread out over two or more crossing as we just never seem to find each other again on the other side :)
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Hey fella's... you might want to quit laughing so hard. We may have a small Armed Forces, but we can have them all at the border in 15 minutes !! How's that for rapid response !!!?
    Oh can somebody tell us which border crossing we should use... it's a real *** when your forces are spread out over two or more crossing as we just never seem to find each other again on the other side :)
    lol... on your way down laker can your forces stop by alaska and take out Palin, I'm so sick of seeing her. it would be a favor.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Hey fella's... you might want to quit laughing so hard. We may have a small Armed Forces, but we can have them all at the border in 15 minutes !! How's that for rapid response !!!?
    Oh can somebody tell us which border crossing we should use... it's a real *** when your forces are spread out over two or more crossing as we just never seem to find each other again on the other side :)
    lol... on your way down laker can your forces stop by alaska and take out Palin, I'm so sick of seeing her. it would be a favor.

    No can do Pheebs. She is way North of here. With the exception of a few penguins and an Inuit or two she is just too far out of the way of our "main forces" lol.
    I saw her on TV the other day, seems like she kept that ugly leather jacket they bought for her during the election. I thought they made her give that all back?
    Funny that no matter how imcompetent a person is, if they have been on TV they still carry that celebrity status that a lot of people are just attracted to. Dumber than a post, but hey she's been on TV !
    It must be the cold temps. that affect the thought processes of the good people of Alaska.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    Hey fella's... you might want to quit laughing so hard. We may have a small Armed Forces, but we can have them all at the border in 15 minutes !! How's that for rapid response !!!?
    Oh can somebody tell us which border crossing we should use... it's a real *** when your forces are spread out over two or more crossing as we just never seem to find each other again on the other side :)
    lol... on your way down laker can your forces stop by alaska and take out Palin, I'm so sick of seeing her. it would be a favor.

    No can do Pheebs. She is way North of here. With the exception of a few penguins and an Inuit or two she is just too far out of the way of our "main forces" lol.
    I saw her on TV the other day, seems like she kept that ugly leather jacket they bought for her during the election. I thought they made her give that all back?
    Funny that no matter how imcompetent a person is, if they have been on TV they still carry that celebrity status that a lot of people are just attracted to. Dumber than a post, but hey she's been on TV !
    It must be the cold temps. that affect the thought processes of the good people of Alaska.
    lol, yeah. I wonder this all the time. With shows like "rock of love", american idol, paris hiltons, bff.., my got it is just too much...
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    Got my box o' goodies from Phobic from the Movie Trivia thread. Nice selection of Gurkhas. Thanks bro, and heads up.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    cool, glad you got them rob. that was fast.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    Squirrel blew it up on a grand scale!!! Ammunition included Gurkhas Galore: 1887, Legend(been dying to try), Castle Hall, Regent, Black Puros x2, A CI Copper(Drew Estate) label and a ccom red label. I've only had one cigar you sent me! Awesome Hit Glen, and 110% unexpected.
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Posts: 1,214
    Jet, the caps on those Coppers are sweetened pretty heavily... I always wipe mine down with a damp cloth first to take some of the excess off before cutting- otherwise it's like sticking your tongue in a packet of Sweet 'n Low, and in my opinion really gets in the way of enjoying them.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    alien sent me one hell of a collection. I'll be his mooch any day. even sent a little bottle of makers mark whiskey which I have been wanting to try. He threw in some really nice cigars too, including another beast for my collection! Thanks tony!
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    Tack one on for agctribefan. I just got a box from him for the movie trivia pass. I wished for a few sticks and he granted two of those and threw in some extras! Awesome! Thanks a bunch! Now I can't wait to try some of these cigars. Sucks that it's absolutely freezing here.
  • Alien sent me a very nice 6 pack for the movie trivia. Couple in there that I have not tried. He also threw in a bottle of Gentleman Jack! Awesome man. Thank you very much
  • rdnstnrdnstn Posts: 993 ✭✭
    Alien sent me a very nice 6 pack for the movie trivia. Couple in there that I have not tried. He also threw in a bottle of Gentleman Jack! Awesome man. Thank you very much
    +1 more for Alien. I got a nice 6 pack and some Chivas. He has really stepped up the art of the pass.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    rob sent me a package out of the blue today, another great botl!!!
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Holy cow !!! The Squirrel has gone nut's!! I mean really nuts (Pecans actually, I believe)
    I got home from an VERY long day at work to find a nice package waiting for me.
    I opened this thing up and was absolutely BLOWN AWAY. This box contained the following...
    1495 Aurora Cammi
    An Aurora Barrle Aged
    a C.Com Red label (my first one)
    an Onyx Reserve (also my first),Cusano C-10
    CAO America
    a C.I. Copper Blend
    RP Fusion
    2 - 5 Vegas "A" series
    Bolivar Dominica
    Indian Tabac Series A
    a Padron 1926 !!!
    and to top it all off (like it needed a topping) a Oliva V Series AND an Oliva Master Blends 111 !!!

    16 sticks in total, and a couple of FAVORITES , a few I have been dying to try, and some straight from my list of choices. Unfreakin' believable Pheebs. THANK YOU !!!!
    I sent out a small bomb to the squirrel a week or so back, and he retaliateD in a big WAY.
    Do not throw ordinance in the squirrels direction unless you are prepared for an all out assault on your mailbox.
    Pheebs this was very generous of you. Thanks again, I will be doing a little extra exercises over the next couple of weeks before I try that stunt again. But look out little squirrel, there are ways to deal with persistant rodents. You just got to bring out the big guns. Keep your head down my friend.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    enjoy dude. glad it got to ya okay. that padron has been resting for like 6 months.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    urby sent me some monte whites and some other goodies for a trade we had. thanks bud.
  • Bad AndyBad Andy Posts: 848
    So I got to looking tonight at the smokes that were in the Troops' bag from Pass #3. You guys rock, there are some really good smokes in that bag. Thanks for the support y'all.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Glad everyone got the boxes I sent out and are happy with em.

    Got my MAW from Squirrel a few days ago (it was actually waiting on me at my parents house). Thanks for that Phobes, awesome collection there, actually granted like 4 of my wishes. Thanks again man, I really appreciate it!
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    OH MAN !!!!
    I was so bummed this morning...It's FREAKIN' snowing again!
    We got snowed out from work so I had a few extra hours off. I decided to check the mail myself today on the way home, and there were 3 (THREE !!!) packages from C.Com BOTL waiting for me.
    I have just sat down to open them and I will review one at a time here.
    I will start with a package from duty. I had sent him a few water pillows and added a few sticks with it. This is Duty's retaliation. Let's see, what have we got here?...
    DUTY !! You got me my very first Cohiba! Thank You!
    Duty you do spend time researching these picks don't you? WoW! next is an Oliva V Torp. (A favorite),eww, what's this? A Fuente 8-5-8- Flor Fina...never tried this one, but hey it's from Fuente, and I have heard real good things about it.OK Duty...so THAT is what a Casa Magna looks like. I can't say for sure, but I don't think I have ever had a Colorado wrapper cigar, have you tried one? Nice looking Torp. Looks pretty similar to the Oliva V Series sitting next to it here. A Playboy Toro. I have had a couple of these now and they are really good. Finally we come to one of Duty's famous B&M rolled stick. I have heard so much about these that I think I will make this one a sacrifice fairly soon. Thank you again Duty. Man you went way to far with this return fire. I won't forget bro'.
    As everyone here already knows Duty is one fine trader and definately a stand up guy.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Next up is my MOOCH package from DEP691. I have been waiting for this one like a kid waiting for Christmas! Dep told me there would be a theme to this package, and that he was waiting for a "special" cigar to add to this one.
    I have just opened this thing up and I am honestly dumbfounded!!
    Dep, brother you are just way too generous here with this one !
    I'm speechless! Check this list of SUPER PREMIUMS that Dep included with this mooch package...
    First up an RP Decade Torpedo Followed by a Padron 1926 40th Anniversary Torpedo
    Next is an Ashton VSG Torpedo
    Believe it or not those are NOT even the feature sticks in this package! Next up we have
    a Cuesta Rey Centenario Pyramid No. 9 Stanfords Cameroon Reserve What a BEAUTIFUL package this stick comes in. This will make my humidor Soooo pretty inside!
    The next cigar is not what you would expect to find in a mooch package... an Opus X Perfecxion X !!
    SO...If an Opus X is no. 5... what is the final cigar in this little Pot 'o Gold Dep sent me? I don't even think I will ever be able to light this one!
    A Liito Gomez Diez Chisel tip
    This one is apparently out of production.Now that is a mooch package to end all mooch packages!! Thanks Dep
    What can I say, I am so glad to be a part of this fraternity of BOTL. There are so many good people here and when you get stuff like this happening it makes you really appreciate that there are still so many good and generous people out there.
    Dep, you have gone so far above and beyond, that I am just rocked by this.
    In order to be fair to the third person who sent me a package today, I am not going to open or report on this third package until tomorrow. I do not want to take anything away from either Duty, Dep691, or the third person by bunching so many truely remarkable packages together. To group them all together would not do justice to the efforts and selections that these fine bothers included.
    Stay tuned, I get to do this all again in the morning! Thanks again Dep691, man you are way too generous. Definetley a FREAKIN' outstanding trader and stand up guy.
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    whew, Laker.. I'm just glad they made it. I was starting to get worried. I even sent you a PM :)

    You had said you never tried a Cohiba before, so I wanted to remedy that. The 8-5-8 is a maduro. If I'd have known you never had the Cammie, I would have gotten you one of those, too. The Casa Magna is very good, medium-bodied, and fairly spicy - reminds me a bit of the SC Cuban Cab. They're very low-priced and supposedly highly-rated. I think the Playboy is best in the toro size, and is very similar to the nude stick which is the EcSu-wrapped baby from the local shop. The B&M EcSu is the robusto, which seems to hold the best flavor. Hope you enjoy them! Considering the fine stuff you sent my way, this was the least I could do.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    damn laker, talk about a great day. and some fantastic smokes everyone sent you too.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    I know Pheebs. This started last week with your bomb, and now these three !!!
    The last one I have here is from JetMech. He and I worked out a deal and as so often happens it kind of grew from where we started. I have not looked in his package yet...That is for tomorrow.
    Great smokes being passed around here by the great BOTL here at C.Com
  • dutyjedutyje Posts: 2,263
    well-deserved, Laker.. you've been more than generous. I'm saving that Padron 1926 you sent me for a very special occasion... perhaps my birthday this year. I've noticed that half of the cigars I've set aside for special occasions have been given to me from people on this board. That kinda says something about the quality of stuff I get for myself :)
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
    I have not looked in his package yet...That is for tomorrow.

    (insert package joke here)
    Good to know it got there ok. Wow, compared to the other two my package suddenly feels small and flacid:). Go ahead and open it! You're not gonna hurt my feelings. You know you wanna lol. Besides i had a hard time finding that Blunta Reservo de Phillie.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    I have not looked in his package yet...That is for tomorrow.

    (insert package joke here)
    Good to know it got there ok. Wow, compared to the other two my package suddenly feels small and flacid:). Go ahead and open it! You're not gonna hurt my feelings. You know you wanna lol. Besides i had a hard time finding that Blunta Reservo de Phillie.
    LOL, OK so I just ripped open this package from Jet. He and I had a trade / bomb thing happening and this is his return.
    Holy **** Jet. Brother I think you have been spending too much time out behind those jet engines, the fumes must be getting to you.
    This was supposed to be a return for a half box of Man 'O Wars we split, with a few extra's. OK here's the list as I take them out in no particular order.
    C.I. Legends Orange Label
    Punch Gran Puro (Mmmmm),
    Ashton Cabinet Series No.7 I believe
    H. Upmann 1844
    RP Olde World Reserve Toro (Mmmmm again)
    Padron 3000 or 5000 not sure
    RP Edge (my first)
    Cohiba (my second, now I can smoke one!!!)
    Bolivar Lonsdale
    5 Vegas "a"
    Gurkha Black Puro
    Oliva G "special G"
    C.I. International Copper Label

    I did NOT find any Blunta Reservo de Phillie anywhere in the box however Jet. WTF, you go gettin' a guy all worked up like that and then don't come thru for him? We can't get them up here you know?
    Jet you done well sir!!!! I thank you and would do this again anytime you wanted, just let me know.
    As everyone here is quickly learning...Jet is an Awesome trader and standup guy.Thanks Jet, very much appreciated bro'.
  • bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    Big ups go to Jozer on an excellent Movie trivia package! He hit me with several sticks I have yet to try and some that I have been really looking forward to:

    Oliva Special S robusto Tubo one of the few Oliva's I haven't tried, and have been wanting to
    DPG My Father no 4. been looking to try one of these too
    DPG Series JJ Belicoso great stick, can't wait to have another
    AF Spanish Lonsdale Had many AFs, not this particular size
    Gurkha Black Puro haven't tried yet
    H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon Belicoso another I haven't tried
    Perdomo Reserve Golf Birdie I'll have to try this one on the course

    No doubts on this forum that Joe is a top notch trader...just more evidence in my direction. Thanks again!
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