Making myself look older...

Well, it's getting to the point where my baby face may get me into trouble. My peculiar situation was fully realized when I got carded for cigars at a Cheap Tobacco today by a girl that couldn't have been more than 2 years older than me. When I gave her my ID she looked momentarily surprised before she rang me up, so I asked her how old she thought I was at first and she said 17 (I'm 23)! And this was with my glasses on, which make me look older than I do without.
The problem with all of this is I've noticed that lately most, if not all of the girls who have checked or may be checking me out are my little sister's age (16-17), and I'm afraid that one of these days I may find myself in a situation that I DO NOT want to be in.
Is there any way I could possibly make myself look my age, or at least 20? I can't grow facial hair to save my a$$; it's patchy, blondish, and just makes me look younger, so it's not going to help me here...
This is a serious question, so at least TRY to give a serious answer guys, LOL.
The problem with all of this is I've noticed that lately most, if not all of the girls who have checked or may be checking me out are my little sister's age (16-17), and I'm afraid that one of these days I may find myself in a situation that I DO NOT want to be in.
Is there any way I could possibly make myself look my age, or at least 20? I can't grow facial hair to save my a$$; it's patchy, blondish, and just makes me look younger, so it's not going to help me here...
This is a serious question, so at least TRY to give a serious answer guys, LOL.
What would I get though?
Haha, just what I wanted, a permanent neck-beard.
Does anyone else have anything?
If you don't like that, you can get one that reads 'ID please'.
Or you can just enjoy the babyface while you have it. Before you know it, you'll be wanting it back.
I don't know how to help ya man. I don't grow thick facial hair either, but can grow a beard. I have the opposite problem though. I've been getting 30 lately, and people thought I was 25 when I was 18. I NEVER get carded, even when I was underage.
True, but I also don't want to be that 50 year old guy taking home college girls every weekend. I mean, as good as that may sound, there are some major drawbacks to that idea.
In all seriousness, here are a few tips that may help:
1. Dress the part: If you are dressing like you did in High School, it's not helping you. Dress as if you are older than 23. (yes, I learned that lesson from "What Not to Wear" lol)
2. Walk the walk: Similarly to your style of clothing, if you act, talk and walk like you are young, people are much more likely to believe you are young. A serious attitude and confidence (not arrogance) will give off a much more mature impression to people you meet.
3. Carry around your High School diploma with you.
4. What do you do if there is inclement weather?
I'm sure we could come up with more suggestions...
i agree with the dress the part comment.
thats all i got. people seem to think im older.
Im crying Im laughing so hard...........
2. Punch a hole in your ID.
3. Thread chain through hole in ID.
4. Wear your ID and just flash it whenever you need it.
In all honesty, just do what Tat said, stand up a bit straighter, wear age appropriate clothes, and act more confident without coming off as arrogant.
And as for the interest in something "long term"...... get that frickin idea outta your head now!!!!!!
"Long term" shouldn't even be in your vocabulary till you're 35! Okay?
Now go find some 18 year old girl to have lots of sex with and then dump her. Otherwise, I will track you down and take your "Man Card" away!!!
These two are great ways ! I was the same carded all the time I put on about 40 pounds of muscle in about 3 years and that helped a lot ( Women LOVE Muscles ) also dress and act for what you are shooting for !