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    illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    Jack Johnson?

    ding ding ding! we have a winner! love jack johnson, send me your info and ill be sure to get some sticks out soon!
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    Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,567
    Jack Johnson?
    love jack johnson
    Sounds like a Bromance to me. Hey bro wanna play game cube?
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    illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    lol hey now I just love the guys music and his message, plus he plays a mean set, I hope to see him in concert someday... and yea, game cube sounds good, mario kart double dash?
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    bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    lol hey now I just love the guys music and his message, plus he plays a mean set, I hope to see him in concert someday... and yea, game cube sounds good, mario kart double dash?
    I'm down...while you're at it...look up Animal Liberation Orchestra, on the Brushfire Record label, great band with great easily listen tunes.
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    illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    sweet, love double dash.. and yea ALO is awesome, I've seen em perfom with Jack on some of his concert DVDs, very cool band
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    Sandman1amSandman1am Posts: 2,567
    lol hey now I just love the guys music and his message, plus he plays a mean set, I hope to see him in concert someday... and yea, game cube sounds good, mario kart double dash?
    Do you like Axe body wash too bro? Do you by chance have a bag full of big black ****?
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    illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    woah man uncalled for... very rude to be lookin through my trunk...
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    illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    PS mustluvcigars I still need your info before I can send you your sticks! if anyone has his info PM me cuz I gotta send em out by friday before I go back home for easter!
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    Pm sent, and now for my question, Ill make it easy I just wanna give away some stogies.
    This is my favorite food and I think it should be everyone elses to0!!!!!!!!!!
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    FourtotheflushFourtotheflush Posts: 2,555
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    coachjamiecoachjamie Posts: 337
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    ThewelderThewelder Posts: 682 ✭✭
    Well your a man, and as a man there is only one kind of food. BACON!!!
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    ljlljl Posts: 819
    Steak...'nuff said.
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    robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Cheeeeeeeese burrrrrrrrrrrger
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    illinoisgolf99illinoisgolf99 Posts: 1,507
    pm sent bud
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    bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    Pm sent, and now for my question, Ill make it easy I just wanna give away some stogies.
    This is my favorite food and I think it should be everyone elses to0!!!!!!!!!!
    Shrimp burritos? oh wait your not on the west coast! How about BBQ Ribs?
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    j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Pm sent, and now for my question, Ill make it easy I just wanna give away some stogies.
    This is my favorite food and I think it should be everyone elses to0!!!!!!!!!!
    Shrimp burritos? oh wait your not on the west coast! How about BBQ Ribs?
    You'd be singing a different tune if you came out here and tried one...you maybe wouldn't want to go back.
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    winner winner pizza dinner/ Pm your info Sir,
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    coachjamiecoachjamie Posts: 337
    PM to you
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    coachjamiecoachjamie Posts: 337
    Ok, now my turn....

    Guess my favorite Beer. And it is not some off the wall micro brew.
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    robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Sam Adams Boston Lager
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    ThewelderThewelder Posts: 682 ✭✭
    Cold free beer
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    robbyrasrobbyras Posts: 5,487
    Cold free beer
    emmmmm that's my favorite... well that and Rogue Dead Guy Ale...
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    lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    Miller Lite
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
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    bbc020bbc020 Posts: 1,422
    Pm sent, and now for my question, Ill make it easy I just wanna give away some stogies.
    This is my favorite food and I think it should be everyone elses to0!!!!!!!!!!
    Shrimp burritos? oh wait your not on the west coast! How about BBQ Ribs?
    You'd be singing a different tune if you came out here and tried one...you maybe wouldn't want to go back.
    I do not doubt that for one second. I love shrimp in most mexican dishes I've had and I'm sure they are much better in Southern Cal than they ever could be in Southeastern Ohier. Someday I'll come out and have one with you guys.
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    j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Pm sent, and now for my question, Ill make it easy I just wanna give away some stogies.
    This is my favorite food and I think it should be everyone elses to0!!!!!!!!!!
    Shrimp burritos? oh wait your not on the west coast! How about BBQ Ribs?
    You'd be singing a different tune if you came out here and tried one...you maybe wouldn't want to go back.
    I do not doubt that for one second. I love shrimp in most mexican dishes I've had and I'm sure they are much better in Southern Cal than they ever could be in Southeastern Ohier. Someday I'll come out and have one with you guys.
    Well Brandon, you're always welcome. If you ever find yourself out this way, and the same goes for any of the BOTL around here, let me know, I love meeting the guys and putting names to faces. Enough of my thread derailing though, I'll offer up a guess as well.

    My guess: Fat Tire
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    zeebrazeebra Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭
    mad dog!

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    sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
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    kingjk729kingjk729 Posts: 2,579 ✭✭✭
    Bud Lite
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    Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Posts: 3,451 ✭✭✭
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