Home Trades, Passes and Bombs


Ok Guys I am now Offically on my Mailmans S.H.I.T.L.I.S.T............ I walked tomy mailbox today and i had not one but Two Keeys in it.... Both Package Bins and My Mailbox were completely STUFFED with BOXES! 11 to be exact..... thats right 11 boxes and the Mailbox was smoking HOT Ready TO IMPLODE ....
Good thing I got there In TIME....
ANywayenough of the Joking around...... This is SERIOUS........... What this Commun ity HAS is HEART...
I have been part of Many things in My Life and Have never seen the Love or thoughtfulness or genorosity that Is In this FORUM.PERIOD. My Wife and I have Been Stressed Beyond the Limits the last few weeks and I havent realy spent any time on here for a couple weeks. My wifes Mother is in the BIG Battle with Cancer and My Mom having serious heart problems with an already Really patched Up Ticker. You guys have been praying and helping me through this and yesterday and today THE BOMBS HIT. Not sure But Im pretty Sure that MINIBREEZY is the Main force Behind this one Rallying the troops.
Here are some pics and the Names from which I will forever have on the Good traders and Stand Up Folks List In My book along with the Others alreay there! My wife does know that This Hobby brings me great joy and I have made some Fantastic Friends but also finds it IRONIC that I got SLAMMED WITH CIGARS for dealing with Cancer and HEART Disease.... LOL I said we all have to go somehow Ill take the double WHAMMY! Shes good with it and sends her Loive and Thanks for the Prayers. These Pictures and SIgn were her Idea... ENJOY!


Thanks to Minibreezy, LjL,Sightunseen,The SNiper ( he has a HUGE Heart),Firetrucky, The Cank, Tatujaue VI, Brotheradam,Duder,Zeebra,Ross D. and Kreig.
Whats Next! Thanks Guys I think it was a total of 46 Sticks and some Great Ones! Had to rearange both my Humidors..... thats a Good thing!,br> Thanks ,
and Maria


  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    I'd be surprised if they don't keep trickling in for a bit.. I'm just sayin...
  • GadwinDuilGadwinDuil Posts: 474
    That's just freaking beautiful, man. My prayers go out to you and your family, and my envy goes out to you for the destruction you mailbox incurred, and my sympathy to your mailman because I know his pain (Used to deliver mail myself).

    You should leave him a box of candy or something in thanks to his good work :-D
  • jsnakejsnake Posts: 5,979 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ozzie, these BOTL here take care of each other. I couldn't get in on this on time to get you on the coordinated effort but you will have packages trickling in up to next week I imagine ;) Just saying watch your back. You will get through all this hard stuff and I hope with all those smokes you will get hours and hours of relaxation and peace of mind if only for that short time.

    These guys kept me going last year when I was hurting bad. You guys who all got in on this are truly incredible and generous BOTL. Glad to call you all friends. This is EPIC!! great job guys.
  • minibeezyminibeezy Posts: 257
    HAHAHA, holy chit!!!

    I can't take credit for this, but I'm sure glad I was a part of it.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    its out of control..... I had to Make a Quick Tupperdor till I rearange things better! LOL NUTS and I keep hearing to Watch my Back theres more on the way!
  • The SniperThe Sniper Posts: 3,910
    LMAO! Thats awesome! All Sniper stuff aside...

    To Ozzie: I think I speak for everyone when I say this bombing is a statement of how this entire community feels about you. As cool as all the cigars are, I think each one represents 100 thoughts, well-wishes & prayers we are sending with them. We are with you every step of the way brother - keep your head up!

    To everyone involved in this: Acts such as this one are exactly why you are hands-down the BEST group of people I have known, online or off. Its one thing to see something bad happening to someone and feel awful about it. It is something again to actually step up & do something about it. To rally together as a group and make a difference in someone's life is truly remarkable.

    I dont have the words to express how proud I am to be part of this.

    I salute you all.

  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    The Sniper:
    LMAO! Thats awesome! All Sniper stuff aside...

    To Ozzie: I think I speak for everyone when I say this bombing is a statement of how this entire community feels about you. As cool as all the cigars are, I think each one represents 100 thoughts, well-wishes & prayers we are sending with them. We are with you every step of the way brother - keep your head up!

    To everyone involved in this: Acts such as this one are exactly why you are hands-down the BEST group of people I have known, online or off. Its one thing to see something bad happening to someone and feel awful about it. It is something again to actually step up & do something about it. To rally together as a group and make a difference in someone's life is truly remarkable.

    I dont have the words to express how proud I am to be part of this.

    I salute you all.

    Told you the SNiper had a Heart and wasan OUSTANDING BOTL!
  • cholmes8310cholmes8310 Posts: 1,585
    Ozzie, I feel your pain. I have been fortunate in my 26 years to have never lost close family members, but my grandmother has now been placed on hospice for multi-organ cancer, stage 4. She has only been given a few months. Luckily, I was able to fly to los Angeles and see her a few months ago while she was still in decent shape. Know that your family is in my prayers. Wish i would have known about this coordinated effort, as i would have been honored to contribute. Guess there is always time though, so keep your head down but your chin and spirits up.

  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    Enjoy them, Ozzie. We're all thinking and praying for you and your fam.

    Oh, and I second the thought that this is probably not all of them. I know several guys were running a bit late with their packages due to work, etc.
  • zeebrazeebra Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭
    Putting a smile on your face..........puts a smile on our face! Its as simple as that OZ!

    Enjoy it bro!!

    Edit...Oh, to add to this. I'm pretty new here still, but I've fed off the generosity of this forum. Everyone on this forum is here to help each other no matter how big or small.

    Now get smokin...
  • sightunseensightunseen Posts: 2,130 ✭✭
    Oz, we're all behind you on this until you make it past this turbulent time in your life. As mentioned by others, this forum is home to some of the most generous people I've ever met.

    I would like to name Rossdavey as the mastermind behind this. As a fairly new member of the forum, I think it was exceptional that he organized this.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    we are thinking of and praying for you and your family brother ...and oh yeah your mailman still has some more work to do ...just sayin' ...
  • ljlljl Posts: 819
    Oz, as soon as I heard this was going down, I was in. As mentioned above the sticks are just our way of saying we're pulling for you and yours. Glad to see a smile on your face - anything else we can do for you, I'm sure we will. Enjoy!!!
  • brotheradambrotheradam Posts: 896
    Glad you got the package Oz, glad I could provide thoughts, prayers and smokes too.
  • The CankThe Cank Posts: 799
    I just got home from work ... I was hoping they made it today and they did ! Fantastic ! Keep the head up Oz You'll get through it ! Enjoy the smokes brother !
  • Duder2Duder2 Posts: 926
    Wow! I knew it would be good, but this is awesome! This is truly a great group of people on this forum. You and your fam is in our thoughts and prayers Oz. I'm glad we were able to put a smile on your face, we love you brother!
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I logged into my PC at work this morning and the first thing I did was log into ccom in hopes to see that the bomb hit, and hit it did! I was laughing for a good 10minutes when I saw your pic. Great PIC btw oz! I hope you enjoy the sticks and hopefully getting those boxes brought a huge smile to your face and showed you that you are not alone out there.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    guys I am overwhelmed with the Love and thoughtfullness. All I can say is youll all get Paid in the long run through this. It is a Form of Paying it Forward. I know I will get to Participate in one of these Massive attacks someday. I think Ill take someadvice and leave the Mailman some cookies! Everyone keeps teling me that there will be more to come...... I dont have any more room In my Humis so Tupperware or one of these boxes will be in use! LOL
  • gdsim1gdsim1 Posts: 213
    Sounds like its time to get crackin on that coolidor Oz!

  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    yep thinking seriousley about it..... NO CLUE HOW... ive got somevideos showing how.... NUTS eh?
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Posts: 7,347 ✭✭✭
    did someone say NUTS!!! lol, this was an awesome bomb to a very well deserving guy.
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I logged into my PC at work this morning and the first thing I did was log into ccom in hopes to see that the bomb hit, and hit it did! I was laughing for a good 10minutes when I saw your pic. Great PIC btw oz! I hope you enjoy the sticks and hopefully getting those boxes brought a huge smile to your face and showed you that you are not alone out there.
    +1 I may not know you as some of these people do Ozzie but it's a show of love that we have here for friends and I hope for the best for your family in your time of need, I keep you in my thoughts and prayers Ozzie.
  • Duder2Duder2 Posts: 926
    yep thinking seriousley about it..... NO CLUE HOW... ive got somevideos showing how.... NUTS eh?
    There really isn't any magic to a collerdor. Mine are just 48 quart igloo's from Wally world that ran about $19. All I did was fill them up with sticks and add beads. That's it! Before I got beads I just used pillows, but the beads are much more stable. It seems some make it much more complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Just my $.02
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    I'd be surprised if they don't keep trickling in for a bit.. I'm just sayin...
    I'm pretty sure I saw a bomb flying in the air headed your way Ozzie... so don't know or sure it was headed for you or not... just sayin...
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    yep thinking seriousley about it..... NO CLUE HOW... ive got somevideos showing how.... NUTS eh?
    There really isn't any magic to a collerdor. Mine are just 48 quart igloo's from Wally world that ran about $19. All I did was fill them up with sticks and add beads. That's it! Before I got beads I just used pillows, but the beads are much more stable. It seems some make it much more complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Just my $.02

    Pretty Much how I figured it...... I like it SImple Duder....Nice stuff, so How Much beads does it take? depend on the amount of Sticks? do you use Wood Cigar Boxes to keep them in?
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    yep thinking seriousley about it..... NO CLUE HOW... ive got somevideos showing how.... NUTS eh?
    There really isn't any magic to a collerdor. Mine are just 48 quart igloo's from Wally world that ran about $19. All I did was fill them up with sticks and add beads. That's it! Before I got beads I just used pillows, but the beads are much more stable. It seems some make it much more complicated, but it doesn't have to be. Just my $.02
    Yep, pretty simple. Clean the cooler really well. Oh! and when you are buying the cooler, open a bunch of them up and try to get one with the least amount of "new cooler" smell. Man, people must have thought I was on crack when I started smelling all the coolers, lol.

    65% beads work best for my coolidor - since it seals so tightly, I rarely ever have to mess with the beads.

    I also added in a bunch of pieces of cedar from cigar boxes, etc. into the cooler. I like the cedary smell when I open it up.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    howmuch 65% beads? and do you use a Digital Hygromiter..... Im thinking IGLOOOOOO soon! ROTFLMAO! I think i could cover it in Cigar Bands! or wrap it in Cigar Boxes ! ROTFLMAO I cant wait to get started on my BOX Project for a Good distraction!
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Posts: 2,378
    Well, less than you would normally use for a humidor. I have less than a half pound of beads in the cooler. Again, with the tight seal, it doesn't take much to keep the humidity nice and even. The issue is humidifying the boxes or trays you plan on storing your cigars in. I put a bunch of empty boxes and cedar pieces in there along with the beads and a couple cups of distilled water and let it sit for 4 days or so - that way the boxes and cedar helped absorb some of the humidity. Then I started filling it. (I have no idea how I filled it in the first few months I had it... and then bought a large humidor and filled that...)

    And yes, I use a digital hygrometer. I have 2 good digital hygrometers that I rotate between my humidors/coolidor. It's kind of a pain, but I walk by the humidors several times a day. I don't mind switching them around every day or two.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Well, less than you would normally use for a humidor. I have less than a half pound of beads in the cooler. Again, with the tight seal, it doesn't take much to keep the humidity nice and even. The issue is humidifying the boxes or trays you plan on storing your cigars in. I put a bunch of empty boxes and cedar pieces in there along with the beads and a couple cups of distilled water and let it sit for 4 days or so - that way the boxes and cedar helped absorb some of the humidity. Then I started filling it. (I have no idea how I filled it in the first few months I had it... and then bought a large humidor and filled that...)

    And yes, I use a digital hygrometer. I have 2 good digital hygrometers that I rotate between my humidors/coolidor. It's kind of a pain, but I walk by the humidors several times a day. I don't mind switching them around every day or two.

    Good Stuff so in other words its the old trial and error. iam not sure how many sticks ill be putting in the coolidor right off, maybe use it as my resting Humidor and feed smokeables into the other Humi s I have. with the sticks i just got i have burried sticks i have had aging. I dont like to Mess with them much. But Im just not in any position with all thats going on to BUILD or Buy a Nice 4-500 stick Humidor that I would like to have. Thanks for all the help.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Ok Guys MORE BOMBS LANDED TODAY BUT I am busy this evening and wont get pics posted but DAMN SOME F'N Great Sticks and I am just blown away by this forum. STay Tuned
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