The Sniper's Box Project

The Story of The Snipers Box Project (grab a cigar & your favorite libation, youre going to be here a while
January of 2010 - like a lot of folks, I had been ghosting the Forums for a while. Learned a lot about the hobby, got a few laughs & generally enjoyed the site. Also saw what a great community this was if anyone ever doubts that I suggest they go take a look at how you rallied around jsnake last year when life was beating him down, or how everyone is doing the same thing for Redtailhawkoz now that he is being tested to the max. These are my kind of people I thought, and Ive got to figure out a way to get involved in this.
Being so new to the hobby, I didnt feel like I had a whole lot of insight to add my collection consisted of about 30-40 sticks, and I had been smoking a stick every week or two since about June of the previous year. So how to get involved with the community?
January of 2010 - like a lot of folks, I had been ghosting the Forums for a while. Learned a lot about the hobby, got a few laughs & generally enjoyed the site. Also saw what a great community this was if anyone ever doubts that I suggest they go take a look at how you rallied around jsnake last year when life was beating him down, or how everyone is doing the same thing for Redtailhawkoz now that he is being tested to the max. These are my kind of people I thought, and Ive got to figure out a way to get involved in this.
Being so new to the hobby, I didnt feel like I had a whole lot of insight to add my collection consisted of about 30-40 sticks, and I had been smoking a stick every week or two since about June of the previous year. So how to get involved with the community?
REEEEEAAAAALLLLY good drugs. For those of you who havent had the pleasure, one of the crappiest parts of this injury is the recovery time you are laid up FOR EVER. And with not a whole lot to do for the next couple months except surf the internet & learn more about cigars (while on happy pills), Im guessing you can figure out what happened.
The 30ct humi got filled up.
Then the 100ct got topped off.
Which led to the 250ct humi being purchased.
Then the 250ct got filled.
And my happily drugged up butt just kept ordering.
It was perfect! What a great way to meet some more BOTL, build up some posts & street cred so I could get in on games & passes, and if this thing worked, maybe even pull off the big one bomb The Beard as a thank you for all the hookups he has provided all of us, me included. To prove that I am actually a fan of Mr Blythe & this whole thing was not malicious, here is a pic of me while I was laid up which should show everyone how much of a fan I am
Some numbers for you, since everyone loves numbers
561 - replies to The Snipers Box thread at the time of this writing.
29, 024 views of The Snipers Box thread at the time of this writing.
34 BOTL successfully sniped (will rise to 39 should all the rounds eventually be confirmed)
17 separate states of the union in which BOTL were sniped (will rise to 21 should all the rounds eventually be confirmed)
2 BOTL who never posted pics after being sniped (no gold stars for you YankeeMan and Kaspera79! LOL)
5 BOTL who had snipers boxes sent to them who never responded (madurofan, Firetruckguy, Ejenne87, Goldy & urbino). At this point, only Ejenne87 gets a get out of jail free card because he is deployed. Will PM the others & see if they respond.
2 nations in which BOTL were sniped (USA & Canada. Laker1963, I literally could have WALKED your box to you in the time it took the postal service to deliver it! Glad to hear it made it OK).
2 number of separate rounds fired at different addresses purported to be that of The Beard. One was returned to me as an Alec Bradley Tempus FOSSIL after about 3 weeks of bouncing around the USPS. The other ?
And on that note gentlemen, this is officially THE END of The Snipers Box Project. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being such good sports & making this fun for all the BOTL. I have had an absolute blast with this game fellas, the best part being getting to meet so many of you. I welcome your comments and questions if you have any.
One last thing... I have a couple spin-off game ideas, one of which should be on the Trades, Passes & Bombs forum shortly after I post this - a game for charity in what I consider to be the best traditions of the BOTL here at the Ccom forums. Hope to see you all there!
"Long ashes my friends."
The knee is getting better, thanks Krieg. Its a long road back, and if you try to rush it in rehab, you just end up back at square one with it.
Couldnt do it to y'all. LOL I think everyone would agree that the goofy sunglasses were definitely the lesser of those two evils.
Although I do have to admit, the idea of Alex Williams in a tiara does make me chuckle every time I think of it! :-D
As to the nuke, it was sent by a BUNCH of the people I sniped... apparently they came back from the dead to destroy lil ol me! LOL There should be a list of everyone who was in on it, along with what they contributed, in the next day or two. Stellar sticks from some stellar BOTL - including a Gurkha Titan! Crazy!!! :-D
Snipers True Ident
Glenn Simons
Address not disclosed for security purposes
You have been watched the entire time and allowed to operate because your mission was BRILLIANT, well done!
ANyone who didnt think this wasm't Fun they are a Stick in the MUDD! WHat an Awesome Expierience to have witnessed this Game... What a HOOT! Thanks Glen for the Fun and the Laughs Cant wait to see whats next!
You definatley Upped the BAR!
In any event, it was a cool idea and I tried to get the Beard's address out of Alex at the Cigar Fest but he wouldn't give it up. Thanks for the fun.
Ren, did you have a question about this insanity? Post it here or PM it to me. :-D