Upcoming surgery / prayers request

As some of you long time posters remember my dad has had quite a time the past couple of years with cancer, heart problems , bladder problems, letting his own truck run over him and some other things as well. Tuesday Oct 26th dad will have heart valve re-placement surgery for a valve that is closing down. Went in for a heart cath today the 19th and everything went as expected and so its on to next Tuesdays replacement and to clean out a couple of arteries. He and we have weighed the pro's and con's and he really has no choice. No surgery and he lives 12-15 mos. Successful surgery and he could live 10 or more years . Here is were my brother of the leafs who have been such wonderful compassionate friends over the last coupla years come in ... please say a prayer to whatever God you believe in ... I really believe a positive mind set and for lack of a better word " Karma " can help and do wonders. He is 78 yrs young and a h_ll of a fighter ... I just want as many good thoughts , prayers and feelings in his corner as we can muster . Love you guys . Thanks . Gene
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes for my dad , we appreciate each and every one of them , you guys are truly a unique brotherhood .
I am an absolute sucker for a happy ending, and this certainly qualifies! Congratulations Gene! Hopefully now you can get some much overdue rest yourself & unwind from the stress. Hopefully a super premium cigar is involved in that! :-D
Your Dad is tougher than a $2 steak Gene! LOL Here's to a healthy and happy Christmas for both you and your father!
Thank you brother ...much appreciated !!!