
Don't know about most of you, but I love politics and elections are a lot like a 2nd Super Bowl for me. I will be staying up late next Tuesday w/ my cigar and drink watching the returns. And yes, I know I have no life, but elections have consequences and this up coming election is probably the most important election I have ever participated in.
"Long ashes my friends."
I used to do the same, and will to a degree....but with 2 babies, wife sick this week, ect.....early bed sounds nice asap.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Right On!! Tell me about it!!
HA! Good one Sniper! I do agree with Ug Dan though, this is the most interested I've been in a mid term. I would like to see fewer ads and more debates though. I have a running joke with my wife that I will vote based on which ad I heard most recently (stupid Bill Brady, no wait, he's cool).
"Long ashes my friends."
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"Long ashes my friends."
More than what the GOP will do, in fact you could say more progress than they will do. But let's believe what the media tells us. It's a bad night to be an American. Our political system was bought and most of this is due to money and a lot of people bought into it. On top of that it shows that a lot of people don't vote on accomplishments/facts or the politicians ability to govern, it shows they vote on what they are told even if it a lie.
Political Anonymity Keeps friends Friends, Politics and religon Ruins friendships.
But as I watched Live The QUote of the Century In Politics came from Jerry Brown (before Meg Whitman Conceded and he made a Politcal Move never done before accepting without a Concession)
Jerry Brown Said " welll all the votes havent been Counted but HELL ist close enough for Government WOrk" as he claimed the Govenor of California ....... w e are F-U-C-K-E-D !~