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  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    I don't know how to say this, other than you people are retarded. Sure I don't like a lot of the dems that lost, most of them were what caused such a problem for the party but to cheer on people who have done nothing to help the country move out of this hole and have nothing to offer to do so is just ... well I have no words. some of you are in the later years and if by any chance the senate and WH go red you may see your benefits go away, and maybe worse. You people have really no idea how this election was won. But hell, enjoy it, after all.


    More than what the GOP will do, in fact you could say more progress than they will do. But let's believe what the media tells us. It's a bad night to be an American. Our political system was bought and most of this is due to money and a lot of people bought into it. On top of that it shows that a lot of people don't vote on accomplishments/facts or the politicians ability to govern, it shows they vote on what they are told even if it a lie.
    Thanks for the name calling. It was a real class act.
    no worries JZ...lots of Dems are melting down today because they can't believe Obama's agenda has been utterly rejected by Americans. Also just goes to show, when they don't have anything intelligent to say or add, they just resort to name calling. I said it once, and I'll say it again...look at the bright side Pheebs...Democrats just got their **** handed to them but at least I saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance to Geico!

    Today is a good day for America.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pelosi - good riddance!
    She will go down in history as one of the dumbest Speakers ever. She really is a moron.

    And a big AMEN to that......

    I'm only sorry we didn't get rid of Boxer as well. Now we're stuck with this idiot for yet another term.


  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I Love Poitics and the Stragety Also, but what i DO KNOW is this,
    Political Anonymity Keeps friends Friends, Politics and religon Ruins friendships.
    But as I watched Live The QUote of the Century In Politics came from Jerry Brown (before Meg Whitman Conceded and he made a Politcal Move never done before accepting without a Concession)
    Jerry Brown Said " welll all the votes havent been Counted but HELL ist close enough for Government WOrk" as he claimed the Govenor of California ....... w e are F-U-C-K-E-D !~

    You can say that again, my friend. Governor Moonbeam was a total waste during previous terms and I seriously doubt there's any chance of change for the better. What's really bad is that a great percentage of the folks who voted for the **** are folks who weren't even born when he was Gov. before. They don't know about his record. Yes, we are well and truly F-U-C-K-E-D, just as you say.

    Hell, a syphilitic harbor seal would have been a better choice.


  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭

    Hell, a syphilitic harbor seal would have been a better choice.


    This made me laugh. Half my family is in Cali, including my brother, and they're all pretty pissed.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    I don't know how to say this, other than you people are retarded. Sure I don't like a lot of the dems that lost, most of them were what caused such a problem for the party but to cheer on people who have done nothing to help the country move out of this hole and have nothing to offer to do so is just ... well I have no words. some of you are in the later years and if by any chance the senate and WH go red you may see your benefits go away, and maybe worse. You people have really no idea how this election was won. But hell, enjoy it, after all.


    More than what the GOP will do, in fact you could say more progress than they will do. But let's believe what the media tells us. It's a bad night to be an American. Our political system was bought and most of this is due to money and a lot of people bought into it. On top of that it shows that a lot of people don't vote on accomplishments/facts or the politicians ability to govern, it shows they vote on what they are told even if it a lie.
    Thanks for the name calling. It was a real class act.
    Wow. I usually don't frequent the political threads, so I never thought I had to say this, but...seriously, pheebs? What's with all the name calling? Some people don't agree with you, so you call them retards, idiots, and teabaggers? So I'm guessing I'm a **** racist **** because I'm a slightly right-leaning libertarian that doesn't agree with Obama? I expected this sort of behavior out of one or two people, but I guess I just held you up to a higher standard.

    By the way, Dems still have majority in the Senate and control the White House. Just because Republics gained majority in the House of Reps doesn't mean America's going to end. Just means that Dems can't push bill after bill after bill unopposed anymore. I think the proper word is "balance"? Keep it in perspective.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    This is exactly why I and a couple of other people have agreed not to contribute to the Political threads. This whole thread has turned into name calling, mocking other peoples beliefs, and one upmanship as far as stupid, hurtful comments go.

    Since it is OBVIOUS that we are not ever going to agree about politics and it is becoming an ever bigger wedge around these forums... perhaps a few more of the more regular political contributors should consider taking the same tact as some of us and just avoid saying anything in the political forums no matter how badly you feel baited. CIGARS REMEMBER ?!!!
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I Love Poitics and the Stragety Also, but what i DO KNOW is this,
    Political Anonymity Keeps friends Friends, Politics and religon Ruins friendships.
    But as I watched Live The QUote of the Century In Politics came from Jerry Brown (before Meg Whitman Conceded and he made a Politcal Move never done before accepting without a Concession)
    Jerry Brown Said " welll all the votes havent been Counted but HELL ist close enough for Government WOrk" as he claimed the Govenor of California ....... w e are F-U-C-K-E-D !~

    You can say that again, my friend. Governor Moonbeam was a total waste during previous terms and I seriously doubt there's any chance of change for the better. What's really bad is that a great percentage of the folks who voted for the **** are folks who weren't even born when he was Gov. before. They don't know about his record. Yes, we are well and truly F-U-C-K-E-D, just as you say.

    Hell, a syphilitic harbor seal would have been a better choice.


    Of course, that's not to say we've had it any better while being "governed" by Da Ahhnold. If you'll recall, he wasn't going to take a salary (guffaw) and he had this cadre of financial advisors, Warren Buffet, et al, who were going to advise him. Did anyone ever hear of any of that advice while he was governor of Cullyfawnya? I mean, give me a break!!


  • TheedgeTheedge Posts: 316
    The votes came in late enough that I've not had a victory cigar yet. I've got a couple of Opus X stashed in the humidor. I think I'll be grabbing one of those tonight.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Some have suggested that we abanadon the debate. I don't think so, I will refrain from name calling but the debate is too much fun to give up. Being insulted by a squirrel is not really all that bad. BTW, I loved Marco Rubio's victory speech. It was truly an American success story. The guy will be a national figure in coming years.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    The votes came in late enough that I've not had a victory cigar yet. I've got a couple of Opus X stashed in the humidor. I think I'll be grabbing one of those tonight.
    Congrats, bro. Enjoy the victory cigar.......

    As far as Pheeb's and laker's comments...... I don't know what to say except that MOST people on this forum always conduct themselves respectfully and with civility. There's nothing wrong with intelligent conversation mixed with some spirited debate when it comes to politics. The only "wedge" created is when the name calling and snarkyness gets injected into arguments. And there are only a handful of habitual offenders in that dept..........

    Like it or not, politics is a part of life and for some a form of enjoyment and release. Much like cigars. It only makes sense that they go hand in hand. When I'm at any of my local B&Ms, politics is always a regular topic of discussion. So are sports, music, religion and the weather. And trust me, an uncomfortable argument can erupt from a discussion over the weather just as easily as politics.

    There's always gonna be a few bad apples that ruin it for the bunch. Like the guy who walked into my B&M last week and said "I just took a massive dump this morning that looked like Sarah Palin!" He then went on to say that "anyone who votes Republican should be shot!"

    There's just some people that you can't talk to civilly no matter what the topic..........
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    I don't know how to say this, other than you people are retarded. Sure I don't like a lot of the dems that lost, most of them were what caused such a problem for the party but to cheer on people who have done nothing to help the country move out of this hole and have nothing to offer to do so is just ... well I have no words. some of you are in the later years and if by any chance the senate and WH go red you may see your benefits go away, and maybe worse. You people have really no idea how this election was won. But hell, enjoy it, after all.


    More than what the GOP will do, in fact you could say more progress than they will do. But let's believe what the media tells us. It's a bad night to be an American. Our political system was bought and most of this is due to money and a lot of people bought into it. On top of that it shows that a lot of people don't vote on accomplishments/facts or the politicians ability to govern, it shows they vote on what they are told even if it a lie.
    Thanks for the name calling. It was a real class act.
    no worries JZ...lots of Dems are melting down today because they can't believe Obama's agenda has been utterly rejected by Americans. Also just goes to show, when they don't have anything intelligent to say or add, they just resort to name calling. I said it once, and I'll say it again...look at the bright side Pheebs...Democrats just got their **** handed to them but at least I saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance to Geico!

    Today is a good day for America.
    Wow Pheebs, you really showed your true colors today, and your angry bitter attitude is EXACTLY what is most wrong with this country. After President Obama won NOBODY came on here and called our BOTL on the left retarded, morons, idiots or anything else. Your comment was the most classless act I've ever witnessed on these forums and shows your absolute intolerance of anyone who doesn't see things the way you do. You sir, need to grow up.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Some have suggested that we abanadon the debate. I don't think so, I will refrain from name calling but the debate is too much fun to give up. Being insulted by a squirrel is not really all that bad. BTW, I loved Marco Rubio's victory speech. It was truly an American success story. The guy will be a national figure in coming years.
    As usual Gypsy you did not understand what I said at all. I did not advocate that you abandon your "fun" I said that several of us have refrained from the political threads altogether. There has been an abscense of several opinions here lately because we recognized the animosity that was building between the respective sides of the political spectrum. I was suggesting that if some of you took the time to think about it, you may come to the same conclusion. We come here to discuss Cigars, and I personally would avoid ANY topic that causes the kind of dissention that has been hanging over this place for several months now. This place is very important to me, and so are the BOTL who come here.

    If you prefer to talk politics here and drive the wedge further go ahaead. Don't act like you don't know it's going on though, or come off as all innocent when people start to leave because of it. It has happened at other places and we are not immune to it here Gypsy. If it is more important to you to score political comment points, then to discuss cigars with some high quality people (regardless of their politics) here at the forums... well, that's your choice, and your statement about who you are.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    The votes came in late enough that I've not had a victory cigar yet. I've got a couple of Opus X stashed in the humidor. I think I'll be grabbing one of those tonight.
    Congrats, bro. Enjoy the victory cigar.......

    As far as Pheeb's and laker's comments...... I don't know what to say except that MOST people on this forum always conduct themselves respectfully and with civility. There's nothing wrong with intelligent conversation mixed with some spirited debate when it comes to politics. The only "wedge" created is when the name calling and snarkyness gets injected into arguments. And there are only a handful of habitual offenders in that dept..........

    Like it or not, politics is a part of life and for some a form of enjoyment and release. Much like cigars. It only makes sense that they go hand in hand. When I'm at any of my local B&Ms, politics is always a regular topic of discussion. So are sports, music, religion and the weather. And trust me, an uncomfortable argument can erupt from a discussion over the weather just as easily as politics.

    There's always gonna be a few bad apples that ruin it for the bunch. Like the guy who walked into my B&M last week and said "I just took a massive dump this morning that looked like Sarah Palin!" He then went on to say that "anyone who votes Republican should be shot!"

    There's just some people that you can't talk to civilly no matter what the topic..........
    What exactly do you have to say about my comments? Don't group me in with someone else like that, I did not agree with Pheebs or say ANYTHING which was political in any nature. This is typical, you say something like this and just throw it out there. You have grouped the two of us together in a very unfair way, and I don't appreciate it. I usually agree with Pheebs, but I have choosen NOT to get into the political debates anymore because of the distructive nature of some of the comments and the effects those comments may have on the health of the forums in general. This pisses me right off. Lilwing... please clarify your comments, and how they pertain to me.
  • wwhwangwwhwang Posts: 2,878 ✭✭✭
    Congrats, bro. Enjoy the victory cigar.......

    As far as Pheeb's and laker's comments...... I don't know what to say except that MOST people on this forum always conduct themselves respectfully and with civility. There's nothing wrong with intelligent conversation mixed with some spirited debate when it comes to politics. The only "wedge" created is when the name calling and snarkyness gets injected into arguments. And there are only a handful of habitual offenders in that dept..........

    Like it or not, politics is a part of life and for some a form of enjoyment and release. Much like cigars. It only makes sense that they go hand in hand. When I'm at any of my local B&Ms, politics is always a regular topic of discussion. So are sports, music, religion and the weather. And trust me, an uncomfortable argument can erupt from a discussion over the weather just as easily as politics.

    There's always gonna be a few bad apples that ruin it for the bunch. Like the guy who walked into my B&M last week and said "I just took a massive dump this morning that looked like Sarah Palin!" He then went on to say that "anyone who votes Republican should be shot!"

    There's just some people that you can't talk to civilly no matter what the topic..........
    What exactly do you have to say about my comments? Don't group me in with someone else like that, I did not agree with Pheebs or say ANYTHING which was political in any nature. This is typical, you say something like this and just throw it out there. You have grouped the two of us together in a very unfair way, and I don't appreciate it. I usually agree with Pheebs, but I have choosen NOT to get into the political debates anymore because of the distructive nature of some of the comments and the effects those comments may have on the health of the forums in general. This pisses me right off. Lilwing... please clarify your comments, and how they pertain to me.
    Relax, laker. I think lilwing was referring to you mentioning that the thread has turned into a name-calling contest. I really doubt he's attacking your opinions or your personal character.
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    If you ask me, politics and cigars go hand in hand...I don't think I have had many cigars with friends or fellow BOTLs at the local cigar bar and politics not come up. I for one will keep talking about politics, because I don't have a problem with other people discussing views other than my own. In fact, I enjoy reading them. Sometimes it gives me something to think about. I have never once berated anyone for what opinion they have. Too bad I can't say the same for some of our fellow ccom BOTLs.

    I am simply not going to stop posting political opinions just because a few people don't agree with it. That's just as bad as someone coming to a cigar bar and asking me to put out my smoke cuz it offends them. If you don't like the posts, then don't read them.

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Posts: 4,131 ✭✭
    Some have suggested that we abanadon the debate. I don't think so, I will refrain from name calling but the debate is too much fun to give up. Being insulted by a squirrel is not really all that bad. BTW, I loved Marco Rubio's victory speech. It was truly an American success story. The guy will be a national figure in coming years.
    As usual Gypsy you did not understand what I said at all. I did not advocate that you abandon your "fun" I said that several of us have refrained from the political threads altogether. There has been an abscense of several opinions here lately because we recognized the animosity that was building between the respective sides of the political spectrum. I was suggesting that if some of you took the time to think about it, you may come to the same conclusion. We come here to discuss Cigars, and I personally would avoid ANY topic that causes the kind of dissention that has been hanging over this place for several months now. This place is very important to me, and so are the BOTL who come here.

    If you prefer to talk politics here and drive the wedge further go ahaead. Don't act like you don't know it's going on though, or come off as all innocent when people start to leave because of it. It has happened at other places and we are not immune to it here Gypsy. If it is more important to you to score political comment points, then to discuss cigars with some high quality people (regardless of their politics) here at the forums... well, that's your choice, and your statement about who you are.
    I see your point Laker, but I also disagree that it drives a wedge between people. Well... Between mature people who can carry on a conversation of differing opinions. Take you and I for example, you and I have had some heated discussions and have argued to a stand still many times, but I still think of you as a stand up guy who I respect very much as a person. You have your beliefs and I honestly think you hold them with the absolute best intentions for everyone. Sure we may disagree, but you and I are both mature enough not to come on here and call each other, or anyone else, "retards" just because we disagree about politics. We know that we might not see eye to eye on politics, but we share a passion for great cigars and good friendship that will overcome other minor differences.
  • JZJZ Posts: 827
    I for one respect the thoughts and believes of others. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. It would be a boring world if everyone thought the same way with everything and there would be no room for innovation. With that said, there is a right way and wrong way to state your opinion. If you go on the attack, no one will take the time to absorb your thoughts and will close their minds.
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    If you ask me, politics and cigars go hand in hand...I don't think I have had many cigars with friends or fellow BOTLs at the local cigar bar and politics not come up. I for one will keep talking about politics, because I don't have a problem with other people discussing views other than my own. In fact, I enjoy reading them. Sometimes it gives me something to think about. I have never once berated anyone for what opinion they have. Too bad I can't say the same for some of our fellow ccom BOTLs.

    I am simply not going to stop posting political opinions just because a few people don't agree with it. That's just as bad as someone coming to a cigar bar and asking me to put out my smoke cuz it offends them. If you don't like the posts, then don't read them.
    Krieg, nobody asked you or anybody else to stop posting in this thread. Where did you get that from? I said that several BOTL who were pretty active in this thread decided to stop taking part in these discussions because we believed it was driving a wedge between some members here and we didn't want to take part in that. That's all I said. Maybe there will be others who choose to do the same thing, but I never asked you or anybody else to do so.

    As for not liking the posts... that has nothing to do with it. I am quite aware that I can choose to read or not read any post.

    There have been some things said here that has obviously caused people to form opinions of others here based only on their politics. However we all come here because it is a cigar forum and we have a chance to talk with other cigar lovers. Of course politics and any other topic will come up for discussion, but if it causes hard feelings, even only amongst a few members then it may be time to think again about why we are here, and let that determine how far we want to go in this political "debate".

    I have had lots of discussions with brothers like Puro, and he is right we don't have any animosity towards each other because of it. But if it IS causing hard feelings (I believe it is apparent that it is) then I would suggest that it is counter productive to what this forum is really all about... to bring cigar lovers together, not to give political opponents another place to discuss opinions which real politicians never pay any attention to, until voting day. Just my opinion, that's all.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    Congrats, bro. Enjoy the victory cigar.......

    As far as Pheeb's and laker's comments...... I don't know what to say except that MOST people on this forum always conduct themselves respectfully and with civility. There's nothing wrong with intelligent conversation mixed with some spirited debate when it comes to politics. The only "wedge" created is when the name calling and snarkyness gets injected into arguments. And there are only a handful of habitual offenders in that dept..........

    Like it or not, politics is a part of life and for some a form of enjoyment and release. Much like cigars. It only makes sense that they go hand in hand. When I'm at any of my local B&Ms, politics is always a regular topic of discussion. So are sports, music, religion and the weather. And trust me, an uncomfortable argument can erupt from a discussion over the weather just as easily as politics.

    There's always gonna be a few bad apples that ruin it for the bunch. Like the guy who walked into my B&M last week and said "I just took a massive dump this morning that looked like Sarah Palin!" He then went on to say that "anyone who votes Republican should be shot!"

    There's just some people that you can't talk to civilly no matter what the topic..........
    What exactly do you have to say about my comments? Don't group me in with someone else like that, I did not agree with Pheebs or say ANYTHING which was political in any nature. This is typical, you say something like this and just throw it out there. You have grouped the two of us together in a very unfair way, and I don't appreciate it. I usually agree with Pheebs, but I have choosen NOT to get into the political debates anymore because of the distructive nature of some of the comments and the effects those comments may have on the health of the forums in general. This pisses me right off. Lilwing... please clarify your comments, and how they pertain to me.
    Relax, laker. I think lilwing was referring to you mentioning that the thread has turned into a name-calling contest. I really doubt he's attacking your opinions or your personal character.
    What **** said, laker. I was NOT lumping you in with Pheebs as far as his asinine comment. Sorry if it came off that way. You are one of the "MOST" that I referred to. You've always kept it civil, bro.

    I guess I should have addressed your points individually. My bad.

    Your comment about the wedge created here is the one I don't agree with. Like I said, there's always gonna be a few bad apples (laker, you're not one of them), but they shouldn't spoil it for the rest of us. I think you're wrong to say that we're never going to agree about politics around here. You and I have seen eye-to-eye about things.... not most things, but some. Same goes for Vulch and even Pheebs sometimes.

    Let's face it. If I had to guess, I'd say that the majority of the members on this forum are conservative. But that's just the nature of the beast for this demographic. So, I can see how some might feel outnumbered or backed into a corner about their views. Frustration sometimes gets the best of us.....

    laker, you're a class act, sir. My apologies if I offended......
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Posts: 3,023 ✭✭
    Some have suggested that we abanadon the debate. I don't think so, I will refrain from name calling but the debate is too much fun to give up. Being insulted by a squirrel is not really all that bad. BTW, I loved Marco Rubio's victory speech. It was truly an American success story. The guy will be a national figure in coming years.
    As usual Gypsy you did not understand what I said at all. I did not advocate that you abandon your "fun" I said that several of us have refrained from the political threads altogether. There has been an abscense of several opinions here lately because we recognized the animosity that was building between the respective sides of the political spectrum. I was suggesting that if some of you took the time to think about it, you may come to the same conclusion. We come here to discuss Cigars, and I personally would avoid ANY topic that causes the kind of dissention that has been hanging over this place for several months now. This place is very important to me, and so are the BOTL who come here.

    If you prefer to talk politics here and drive the wedge further go ahaead. Don't act like you don't know it's going on though, or come off as all innocent when people start to leave because of it. It has happened at other places and we are not immune to it here Gypsy. If it is more important to you to score political comment points, then to discuss cigars with some high quality people (regardless of their politics) here at the forums... well, that's your choice, and your statement about who you are.
    I am not sure how you got all that from what I said but that is OK. I still respect anyone's opinion to disagree but the name calling that is going on is very childish and it has been ramped up by some. If you perceive it as a wedge then perhaps your approach is the best way to go. I enjoy some spirited debate and recognize that some cannot seperate it from their personal feelings about others. I am not one of those people, and I respect your opinion when it is given even though I will disagree most of the time. I do think that way to much is read into dissenting opinions and the ****, ignorant, etc comments are way out of line. Passion is OK, disrespect has no place here. I still think of you as one of the BOTL, period.
  • martymcg43martymcg43 Posts: 396
    ... ROSS PEROT 2012 ...
  • martymcg43martymcg43 Posts: 396
    thats all i have to say about that...
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    thats all i have to say about that...
    Is he STILL alive !? LMAO Spending his $$$$ on an artificial heart pump or what?
  • laker1963laker1963 Posts: 5,046
    Just for clarification. I was not saying that I was personally insulted by what got said here. I and Gypsy do disagree on a lot of things but like Puro and I we keep it civil. I am still concerned about the effects these debates are having on our community and will still refrain from direct comment on political issues, but I do and always have respected everyone's right to an opinion here and if you guy's choose to continue (at least in the same fashion) these discussions, please everyone just keep in mind that what brought us here was cigars, not politics.

    Lilwing I thank you for your comments. I was thinking that you were grouping me in with what Pheebs said. It is not important whether I agree or disagree in this case. I had agreed to NOT discuss political issues and your comments made me think that I was somehow considered involved in the discussion, which I wasn't. Thanks for clearing up what you meant. I think we should talk hockey. Oh wait... I forgot you Americans don't know much about that do you? ;) OK let the feeding frenzy begin. (I was joking)
  • KriegKrieg Posts: 5,190 ✭✭✭
    Just for clarification. I was not saying that I was personally insulted by what got said here. I and Gypsy do disagree on a lot of things but like Puro and I we keep it civil. I am still concerned about the effects these debates are having on our community and will still refrain from direct comment on political issues, but I do and always have respected everyone's right to an opinion here and if you guy's choose to continue (at least in the same fashion) these discussions, please everyone just keep in mind that what brought us here was cigars, not politics.

    Lilwing I thank you for your comments. I was thinking that you were grouping me in with what Pheebs said. It is not important whether I agree or disagree in this case. I had agreed to NOT discuss political issues and your comments made me think that I was somehow considered involved in the discussion, which I wasn't. Thanks for clearing up what you meant. I think we should talk hockey. Oh wait... I forgot you Americans don't know much about that do you? ;) OK let the feeding frenzy begin. (I was joking)
    Speaking of hockey, I actually started watching it a few years ago when FOX had it on TV. They used some special puck that glowed and made it very easy to locate the puck on screen...but for some reason, they got rid of it...since I'm half blind, just got to hard to see...lame excuse, i know...but I tried! (a southerner watching hockey is almost unheard of, lol) Now Laker...if u wanna start talking some SEC football, then I'm there! lol

    "Long ashes my friends."

  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Posts: 2,560 ✭✭
    Abilene used to have a semi-pro hockey team, but they folded. Not sure if it was low attendance or the fact that the ice turned slushy after 30 minutes...
  • VulchorVulchor Posts: 4,848 ✭✭✭✭
    Congrats, bro. Enjoy the victory cigar.......

    As far as Pheeb's and laker's comments...... I don't know what to say except that MOST people on this forum always conduct themselves respectfully and with civility. There's nothing wrong with intelligent conversation mixed with some spirited debate when it comes to politics. The only "wedge" created is when the name calling and snarkyness gets injected into arguments. And there are only a handful of habitual offenders in that dept..........

    Like it or not, politics is a part of life and for some a form of enjoyment and release. Much like cigars. It only makes sense that they go hand in hand. When I'm at any of my local B&Ms, politics is always a regular topic of discussion. So are sports, music, religion and the weather. And trust me, an uncomfortable argument can erupt from a discussion over the weather just as easily as politics.

    There's always gonna be a few bad apples that ruin it for the bunch. Like the guy who walked into my B&M last week and said "I just took a massive dump this morning that looked like Sarah Palin!" He then went on to say that "anyone who votes Republican should be shot!"

    There's just some people that you can't talk to civilly no matter what the topic..........
    What exactly do you have to say about my comments? Don't group me in with someone else like that, I did not agree with Pheebs or say ANYTHING which was political in any nature. This is typical, you say something like this and just throw it out there. You have grouped the two of us together in a very unfair way, and I don't appreciate it. I usually agree with Pheebs, but I have choosen NOT to get into the political debates anymore because of the distructive nature of some of the comments and the effects those comments may have on the health of the forums in general. This pisses me right off. Lilwing... please clarify your comments, and how they pertain to me.
    Relax, laker. I think lilwing was referring to you mentioning that the thread has turned into a name-calling contest. I really doubt he's attacking your opinions or your personal character.
    What **** said, laker. I was NOT lumping you in with Pheebs as far as his asinine comment. Sorry if it came off that way. You are one of the "MOST" that I referred to. You've always kept it civil, bro.

    I guess I should have addressed your points individually. My bad.

    Your comment about the wedge created here is the one I don't agree with. Like I said, there's always gonna be a few bad apples (laker, you're not one of them), but they shouldn't spoil it for the rest of us. I think you're wrong to say that we're never going to agree about politics around here. You and I have seen eye-to-eye about things.... not most things, but some. Same goes for Vulch and even Pheebs sometimes.

    Let's face it. If I had to guess, I'd say that the majority of the members on this forum are conservative. But that's just the nature of the beast for this demographic. So, I can see how some might feel outnumbered or backed into a corner about their views. Frustration sometimes gets the best of us.....

    laker, you're a class act, sir. My apologies if I offended......
    Yayyyyyyy!!! Someone mentioned me directly instead of just saying about the loug mouthed liberals when we all know who everyone means:)

    That btw, was a joke. I cannot say I am out of all political debates, but I am not going to add any fuel to the excitement fire of the right wings wins from last night---they are riding high and are free to have it. If the country improves, Ill be as happy as the next guy....simple as that. If not, we (the collective we) got what we voted for. As far as hockey, I love the post season but am making a conscious effort to watch more this year because I really love the game, just hard to see sometimes....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand

    GO LIGHTNING!!!! (and bring back Winnipeg and Quebec)
  • Amos_UmwhatAmos_Umwhat Posts: 9,135 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, it all comes to this: The poultry has spoken. Foxes are to outnumber weasels in the lower house. The Bronze fox has been selected speaker of the house, and vows not to compromise or cooperate with the weasel king! The arctic fox, after her strenuous campaigns for her brethren, expresses happiness on fox news. The foxes cousins on Wall St., the wolves and coyotes are celebrating. Meanwhile, down in Tennesse, one bearded turkey was heard to say: "I think we may be in for another plucking."
    WARNING:  The above post may contain thoughts or ideas known to the State of Caliphornia to cause seething rage, confusion, distemper, nausea, perspiration, sphincter release, or cranial implosion to persons who implicitly trust only one news source, or find themselves at either the left or right political extreme.  Proceed at your own risk.  

    "If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed.  If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." --  Mark Twain
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Posts: 2,812 ✭✭✭
    Amos Umwhat:
    Well, it all comes to this: The poultry has spoken. Foxes are to outnumber weasels in the lower house. The Bronze fox has been selected speaker of the house, and vows not to compromise or cooperate with the weasel king! The arctic fox, after her strenuous campaigns for her brethren, expresses happiness on fox news. The foxes cousins on Wall St., the wolves and coyotes are celebrating. Meanwhile, down in Tennesse, one bearded turkey was heard to say: "I think we may be in for another plucking."
    National elections aside, your charming little story is playing out identically here in Illinois......... only the script is flipped.

    Mike Madigan (D), long time Speaker of the IL House, is poised to make Boehner look like Little Red Riding Hood in comparison to your "wolf" analogy. Here's an interesting little article about our lovely little Dem state of IL:


    Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.........
    Guns don't kill people, Daddies with pretty daughters do…..
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Madiganistan?? Wowee! Sure glad I live out here on the left coast where all we have to worry about now is Governor Moonbeam.

    And he promises to be even worse than Da Ahnold, if such a thing were possible.


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