Man O' War Armada

This is my first review so bare with me......
This was the strongest cigar I have had to-date!!! That is not saying much since I am a newer smoker. I got about 2/3 of the way through it and I couldn't smoke it anymore because it was too strong for me. I felt so bad because it tasted SO good that I wanted to finish it, but my head was spinning!!!
Look and Feel: Very oily dark brown wrapper with deep shades of red. The large ring gauge and packed fillers required a nice warming up before it would light.
Flavor and Aroma: Pre-light the Armada had very strong and sweet aromas on head and foot. After lighting it started off with a little spice and very strong tobacco and earthy flavors. Two inches in it mutated into bitter-sweet and leathery notes with strong tobacco flavors unyielding throughout. The smoke was semi-sweet and thick.
Burn: The draw was a little tighter then I would have liked and I had to touch it up once or twice due to uneven burn.
Conclusion: I have another one that I am going to let rest for 6 months or a year before I smoke it. I would definitely pay $12-$15 for this cigar due to the pure intensity and strength but unless the burn and draw get better I would not pay the $20 MSRP it demands. I have not had an OpusX or any other "STRONG" cigar to compare it to but this was definitely a powerhouse smoke that is worth saving for a full stomach and a special occasion. I am chalking up the draw and burn to a cold night and dull $3 cutter I used. Thanks!
This was the strongest cigar I have had to-date!!! That is not saying much since I am a newer smoker. I got about 2/3 of the way through it and I couldn't smoke it anymore because it was too strong for me. I felt so bad because it tasted SO good that I wanted to finish it, but my head was spinning!!!
Look and Feel: Very oily dark brown wrapper with deep shades of red. The large ring gauge and packed fillers required a nice warming up before it would light.
Flavor and Aroma: Pre-light the Armada had very strong and sweet aromas on head and foot. After lighting it started off with a little spice and very strong tobacco and earthy flavors. Two inches in it mutated into bitter-sweet and leathery notes with strong tobacco flavors unyielding throughout. The smoke was semi-sweet and thick.
Burn: The draw was a little tighter then I would have liked and I had to touch it up once or twice due to uneven burn.
Conclusion: I have another one that I am going to let rest for 6 months or a year before I smoke it. I would definitely pay $12-$15 for this cigar due to the pure intensity and strength but unless the burn and draw get better I would not pay the $20 MSRP it demands. I have not had an OpusX or any other "STRONG" cigar to compare it to but this was definitely a powerhouse smoke that is worth saving for a full stomach and a special occasion. I am chalking up the draw and burn to a cold night and dull $3 cutter I used. Thanks!
this age should also clear up any burn issues.
I had a Diesel Unlimited d6 for the first time last night and the draw was much better comparatively. And I had a large dinner before and it was STILL a strong smoke for me (I finished this one though!). I am realizing very quickly that AJ Fernandez doesn't mess around when it comes to a "punch-you-in-the-face" kind of cigar.
I also think I have not mastered cutting flat headed cigars yet. Torpedos are easy to cut and get a nice full draw out of. I hesitate to cut too much on the flat heads because the wrapper can start unraveling. The other night when smoking the d.6 I said "screw it" and cut off a nice chunk, fully exposing the diameter of the cigar. The wrapper started to unravel but I wetted it with my saliva and it was good to go. So maybe that is my new technique to make sure I get a full draw from large, flat headed cigars.
Trry a xikar 009 gauge punch my friend. Killer big hole for the bigger ring sticks.
That is actually a really great idea. Thanks for the suggestion! I will try that next time and see what happens. Also, Alex can send ME more Armadas if he wants... I won't complain. haha!
"Long ashes my friends."
Back to the Armada, I can't wait to try this stick
It's a shame, because it IS a good cigar, but like I said, it's not $500/box good
of course, YMMV