Any Video Gamers Here?

What are you guys playing?
I play on the 360, gamertag: asphaltpilotR6
All time favorites:
Halo Series
Gears of War
Command and Conquer 3
Recent Games: Fallout 3 (Epic Game!)
DeadSpace (awesome)
Gears of War 2
Civilization Revolution
I haven't played GTA4 or Metal Gear Solid 4 but I imagine one of them will win game of the year.
A buddy of mine has been telling me to start playing WOW but I refuse. I know I may not see the light of day again if I get hooked on that game.
I play on the 360, gamertag: asphaltpilotR6
All time favorites:
Halo Series
Gears of War
Command and Conquer 3
Recent Games: Fallout 3 (Epic Game!)
DeadSpace (awesome)
Gears of War 2
Civilization Revolution
I haven't played GTA4 or Metal Gear Solid 4 but I imagine one of them will win game of the year.
A buddy of mine has been telling me to start playing WOW but I refuse. I know I may not see the light of day again if I get hooked on that game.
Don's start on WoW, it's like crack cocaine. Worse because your not selling your soul to the devil, but a gaming company.
Anyways, I'm also on the 360, usually playing either COD 4, Gears of War 2 or Fallout 3. Once Christmas rolls around I'm hoping to get Left 4 Dead. I don't know if GTA 4 or MSG 4 is getting game of the year, Fallout was really really good and with a huge game like Gears coming out I'm thinking one of those 2 are going to take game of the year.
Dont forget E.T, remember that craptastic game!
all i have to say is: i AM a tetris master.
check these moves bo knows tecmo bowl/
love it
Loved paperboy too.
Before NES, I used to "game" on my commodore 64...winter olympics, summer olympics, you name it, I played it. And before that, Colecovision and Atari.
As long as were going old school, before the internet, like in the early days of AOL and Prodigy(yup, i said Prodigy!), Ever use your dial-up modem to log into a BBC and play bulletin board games. I used to play the hell out of one called LORD(Legends of The Red Dragon)
Uh oh...the inner nerd is coming out!
Man I spent hours playing that too.
My favorite game on there was Pimp Wars. I don't remember LORD. I had about 20 games up, and I honestly can't remember most of them. But Pimp Wars was awesome!
As far as the C-64, we bought a box of 100 blank single-sided floppy (5.25") disks. We cut them to make them double-sided, and we filled them up with tons and tons of great games (Summer Games, Winter Games, and Summer Games II were, of course, among them). Archon, Blue Max, MS Flight Simulator, Pole Position, Castle Wolfenstien, D&D Pool of Radiance, Karateka, Jumpman... all the classics as well like Pac-Man, Defender, Missile Command, Q*Bert, Asteroids, Centipede..... ahh, those were the days!
The game that takes up most of my gaming time is Eve-Online but other then that I play FPS type games. Lately its been Left4Dead I also like, Counter Strike:Source, Half-Life(2), DOD:Source and Team Fortress 2.
Brutal Legend
Forza 3
Left 4 Dead 2
Bioshock 2
NHL 10
BAH! Too many games coming out in the next couple months (or just came out) to keep up! NEED TO QUIT MY JOB!! I also want to pick Fallout 3 back up given that there are umteen DLC's for it now. Crap! If I had a PS3 I'd pick up Uncharted 2 also. That game looks awesome.