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Movie Trivia Pass



  • thebody52thebody52 Posts: 16
    Anybody? Guesses? Need more hints?
  • JdoraisJdorais Posts: 652
    Anybody? Guesses? Need more hints?
    hmmmm, I think I'd like another hint.
  • gmill880gmill880 Posts: 5,947
    hint hint hint
  • thebody52thebody52 Posts: 16
    hint hint hint

    Hint will come in the form of a quote... this should seal the deal.

    A-I-D-A. Attention, Interest, Decision, Action. Attention - Do I have you attention? Interest - Are you interested? I know you are, because it's *** or walk. You close or you hit the bricks. Decision - Have you made your decision for Christ? And Action.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Glengarry Glen Ross

    Prizes are:

    First prize: Cadillac El Dorado
    Second prize: steak knives
    Third prize: lose your job
  • thebody52thebody52 Posts: 16
    Glengarry Glen Ross

    Prizes are:

    First prize: Cadillac El Dorado
    Second prize: steak knives
    Third prize: lose your job

    Excellent work my friend.  PM me your address and I'll get you out some sticks pronto.

    I believe shipping will be via Priority Mail, is this correct?

  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Cool deal, PM sent. Priority mail is great, that's how I send cigar packages out.

    I'll have a question up in a few minutes.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Okay. The main characters in this movie are a **** and a soldier.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Soldier's Girl?
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Nope. Next hint:

    The director of this movie is most famous for his work in cartoons.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Next hint, this one should practically give it away:

    The director of this movie is most famous for his hand in two cartoons specifically, one appeared on MTV and the other was on Fox.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Your movie is Idiocracy, the director in question is Mike Judge who is known for Beavis and Butthead and King of the Hill.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    Yeppers. I still have your addy Joe, I will get something out to you tomorrow or Monday.
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    I just saw that movie recently and didn't even think of it. Damn!
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    I just saw that movie recently and didn't even think of it. Damn!
    Any good?
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    meh...not laugh out loud hilarious but a few good chuckles. Just an interesting outlook/spoof on the direction of society. I'd say it's worth a watch.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    My movie was written by a musician who is best known for two things music related in the 80's, he's done numerous things since. Name for me the movie and the name of this man who wrote it. For a bonus, tell me what two things he was known for in the 80's.
  • alienmisprintalienmisprint Posts: 3,964 ✭✭✭
    meh...not laugh out loud hilarious but a few good chuckles. Just an interesting outlook/spoof on the direction of society. I'd say it's worth a watch.
    I felt about the same. I really did enjoy the take on where society is going, and it does kind of make sense....
  • LukoLuko Posts: 2,003 ✭✭
    meh...not laugh out loud hilarious but a few good chuckles. Just an interesting outlook/spoof on the direction of society. I'd say it's worth a watch.
    I just watched a good laugh-out-loud kind of movie - Role Models. Granted, it's not high-brow humor or anything that will make you think, but it's pretty frickin funny.
  • Garen BGaren B Posts: 977
    Gonna have to go with the werewolf movie in the music video Thriller, the musician is Micheal Jackson and the two things he was known for in the 80's was actually being black and bit slightly less effeminate than he is today.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Nope, not Thriller. It is an actual full length movie, not music related.
  • rdnstnrdnstn Posts: 993 ✭✭
    My movie was written by a musician who is best known for two things music related in the 80's, he's done numerous things since. Name for me the movie and the name of this man who wrote it. For a bonus, tell me what two things he was known for in the 80's.
    I think I know but since I mooched off of Joe recently, I'm gonna pass and wait to see if I'm correct.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Shoot me a pm and let me know your guess Ron.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Hint #1 (technically #2 since I dismissed Thriller), this movie is a horror/thriller movie.
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    I just watched a good laugh-out-loud kind of movie - Role Models. Granted, it's not high-brow humor or anything that will make you think, but it's pretty frickin funny.
    I saw role models in the theater thinking it was going to be funny as hell or totally flop. I personally liked it. Gotta admit, I laughed my ass of at quite a few scenes in that movie.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Another hint? Freddy Krueger was in this movie.
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    Dee Snider's Strangeland? Frontman of the 80's one hit wonder Twisted Sister, also testified against censorship.
  • rdnstnrdnstn Posts: 993 ✭✭
    I can't believe it took someone 3 days to get the answer. LOL
  • j0z3rj0z3r Posts: 9,403 ✭✭
    Dee Snider's Strangeland? Frontman of the 80's one hit wonder Twisted Sister, also testified against censorship.
    Beautiful Rob, you even got the bonus points. Weren't Twisted Sister a two hit wonder? :) I should still have your address, so I'll be trying to get something in the mail by tomorrow.
  • Rob1110Rob1110 Posts: 1,577 ✭✭✭
    Thanks bro. What was the other hit? Can't believe I didn't think of that one sooner. I did own that movie at one point. Decent flick. I'll think of something by tomorrow.
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