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Movie Trivia Pass



  • Alright next hint...the main character is a Lakers fan.
  • zeebrazeebra Posts: 3,174 ✭✭✭
    Alright next hint...the main character is a Lakers fan.
    Hmm...a Jack Nicholas movie in the 80's...

    Terms of Endearment
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    prizzies horror?
  • bandyt09:
    Got it! Such a funny movie. I think I have your info but send it just in case.
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What is my favorite movie? It is based on a book by my favorite author..........
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    the shining?
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's IT................Package will go out next week.

    2nd best Tim Curry role ever.......................
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    That's IT................Package will go out next week.

    2nd best Tim Curry role ever.......................
    1st being rocky horror picture show?
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Posts: 4,335 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's IT................Package will go out next week.

    2nd best Tim Curry role ever.......................
    1st being rocky horror picture show?
    The one and only Dr. Frank-N-Furter..........
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    Thank Todd. Ok..... Sticking with Stephen King
    This movie Was hands down the best movie of the 90's.
  • I can't believe no one's guessed it yet.
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
  • wwesternwwestern Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭
    No way to make that movie hard to guess lol, PM me info ross
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Posts: 2,915
    Shawshank... one of the best.. I have ben in the Masfield Reformitory many times where allot of that Movie was shot. Its one of the coolest Historic Buildings still standing in the United States! HAUNTING!

  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    Ok so my turn.
    get 2 out of 3 to win, actor, movie, or character name. You get all 3 and you get a bonus.
    Who said "Its all about the grind." If no one gets it I will add more quotes from the same movie.

    good luck
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Ok so my turn.
    get 2 out of 3 to win, actor, movie, or character name. You get all 3 and you get a bonus.
    Who said "Its all about the grind." If no one gets it I will add more quotes from the same movie.

    good luck
    Black Hawk Down
    Ewan McGregor
    Specialist John "Grimsey" Grimes, US Army Ranger This character was based on Specialist John Stebbins

    Full Quote:It's all in the grind, Sizemore. Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse. This, my friend, is a science. I mean you're looking at the guy that believed all the commercials. You know, about the "be all you can be." I made coffee through Desert Storm. I made coffee through Panama while everyone else got to fight, got to be a Ranger. Now it's "Grimesy, black, one sugar" or "Grimesy, got a powdered anywhere?"
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    dang....only movie I can think of that has something like that in it would be tenecious D with jack black
  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Posts: 979
    Ok so my turn.
    get 2 out of 3 to win, actor, movie, or character name. You get all 3 and you get a bonus.
    Who said "Its all about the grind." If no one gets it I will add more quotes from the same movie.

    good luck
    Black Hawk Down
    Ewan McGregor
    Specialist John "Grimsey" Grimes, US Army Ranger This character was based on Specialist John Stebbins

    Full Quote:It's all in the grind, Sizemore. Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse. This, my friend, is a science. I mean you're looking at the guy that believed all the commercials. You know, about the "be all you can be." I made coffee through Desert Storm. I made coffee through Panama while everyone else got to fight, got to be a Ranger. Now it's "Grimesy, black, one sugar" or "Grimesy, got a powdered anywhere?"
    Man you killed it quick. PM yhou info and I will get your prize out Monday.
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Ok so my turn.
    get 2 out of 3 to win, actor, movie, or character name. You get all 3 and you get a bonus.
    Who said "Its all about the grind." If no one gets it I will add more quotes from the same movie.

    good luck
    Black Hawk Down
    Ewan McGregor
    Specialist John "Grimsey" Grimes, US Army Ranger This character was based on Specialist John Stebbins

    Full Quote:It's all in the grind, Sizemore. Can't be too fine, can't be too coarse. This, my friend, is a science. I mean you're looking at the guy that believed all the commercials. You know, about the "be all you can be." I made coffee through Desert Storm. I made coffee through Panama while everyone else got to fight, got to be a Ranger. Now it's "Grimesy, black, one sugar" or "Grimesy, got a powdered anywhere?"
    Man you killed it quick. PM yhou info and I will get your prize out Monday.
    Awesome. Thanks man! My movie to come later.....
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    This movie occurs not on planet earth......
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Nope. Haven't seen it
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    MARS....but i think the official name was something like the red sun or something
  • HaybletHayblet Posts: 2,429 ✭✭✭
    MARS....but i think the official name was something like the red sun or something
    Red Planet >:P
  • Joeyjoe21_8Joeyjoe21_8 Posts: 2,048
    oh dam that was the name of it! lol....thats going to suck if u win it lol...dam wish my brain was working lol..I just smoked a massive MAXX lol..brains a little foggy
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    No worries Joey it wasn't Red Planet....lol
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Posts: 5,836
    Parts of the film were in gravity and some were in 0 gravity
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