Freedom? A Krieg Rant

So I was watching Fox news last night and saw something on there that said "America is all about freedom, and the freedom to drive everywhere we want is a freedom we can cherish," or something like it, I started thinking that so after fighting a Revolution, 2 world wars, Civil Rights, Vietnam, and many others, Americans died for us to be able to drive and live anywhere we want? What ever happened to personal responsibilty, living our own lives without Government interference? Oh, and let's not forget suffering the consequences of our own stupid decisions? No thanks Mr. Obama, take more of my money, spend my children's future and give me some more government. There isn't anything Government can't fix...yeah right.
I had to get this off my chest.
"Long ashes my friends."
uummm....I think he just did Joe
"Long ashes my friends."
Boys I think this whole thing could be settled over a good cigar and a mules ear full 'o bourbon as grand dad would say ...
too bad. im gunna do it anyway.
W did the same thing that Clinton, HW, and Regan did. they did nothing.
nothing to fix the problem that stemmed from The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 that helped let people get into loans they could not afford.
To move forward, we need to abandon the profligate, short-range policies of Keynesian economics and the Marxist ideas that are used to justify government controls. We need to adopt the financially disciplined, long-term policies of "Austrian" economics, in particular that of its best expositor: Ludwig von Mises. Such policies need to be based on a respect for individual rights and freedom
Ludwig von Mises
I'll bet your a sociable socialist though....Yes I will buy the first round then we'll debate for the remainder ...Maybe I'll regale you with tales from my brief and low level daliance(sp) into politics ...
I do think bush was a boob and that this country has been being run by greedy, self important leeches and that is what brought things too the breaking point. Just lowering taxes on large companies does not keep them here. Large companies don't pay a whole hell of a lot of taxes, there's a electric company here in portland, the largest in portland that paid apprx 12 dollars in taxes last year. there are others that hardly pay any as well. What keeps companies from hiring people here and moving overseas is that they can pay people less, far less than what they can here due to the cost of living. paying 1.50 in a poverty ridden country vs 18 here makes great sense for the business, except that person won't buy anything from the company, they won't spend it in our economy and our people lose jobs. It's been happening for years and it is very wrong. Americans, a lot of them are pretty well educated and like their privacy and their ability to provide for their families. Though if companies keep leaving and taking the jobs with them more and more will be out of a job and living in poverty. American's get paid more due to the fact that it costs more to live here and paying American's a fair and good wage should not be such a problem. The company will still make money and the economy will grow. Just because a company is taxed or not taxed more or less will keep it here. It is greed, greed for more money. This country has been over-turned by greed from private agencies and it just keeps getting worse. People say that a national health care is wrong. Well so is what we have. if you like it, then fine, but millions of people can't afford it and hell my parents are one of them. My fathers retirement was severely damaged by Enron and he has had to work an extra 10 years and even that won't be enough for my parents to live decently. My mother still has to work and they are very worried about all the medical expenses. I want a national system, I think in the long run it will work much better. 'Cause what we have now will only get worse. Something new has to be done, and I think things might be moving in the right direction.
Also it's funny that you call the intelligence about Iraq falsified, because it was the exact same intelligence that was handed down to him from President Clinton... So he isn't the one that falsified it. Torturing people whether he condoned or even KNEW about it in no way caused our economic problems...
Enron... Horrible things happened because of those people... Again in no way Bush's fault.
Keeping companies here in the US so they are providing jobs? That would be great! But it won't happen when the Democrats keep raising the minimum wage. I'm sorry but we can't compete with other nations. I don't blame them for going over seas. I don't like it, but it is Darwinism applied in business just like in nature. You do what you can to survive and provide for yourself the best you can. Until the U.S. becomes a competitive and affordable place to base a company, we will continue to lose jobs overseas.
The more interesting thing to me in this post is von Mises (and Hayek and the rest of the Austrian school). A question, kuz: if von Mises, et al., are right, why don't more economists agree with them?
Their theories have been around almost as long as Keynes's. Why have the vast majority of the people who devote their working lives to the study of economics disagreed with the Austrians' theory and agreed with Keynes's? Has the economic profession been overwhelmingly peopled by axe-grinding socialists at every moment for the past 70 years?
It seems to me the free market of ideas has spoken pretty loudly on this one.
so because the minimum wage is raised that's why business move overseas? ummm, yeah like taco bell or burger king are the one's I'm talking about... The fact is the cost of living has went so far up due to inflation that the wage is just standing still. Blame democrats for that all you want....
why have they gone to keynes's ideas? I think it has something to do with control and the power that those ideas embody. Government has a way of always growing. and they erode at the liberties of people in many ways and its always for "the good of the people"
we raise taxes for the good of the people
we raise taxes for the good of the children
we raise taxes for the good of the poor.
all of those are at the expense of the individual. we are so worried about the good of the collective that the liberties of the individual are forgotten.
Liberals often make the same argument with national security... "the rights of the individual are being forgotten in the name of "national security" ... and they are right about that.
this is that concept-- but in economics. If all we do is look out for the well being of the collective the individual rights will be lost, and that is worse than a poor economy. this is a more philosophical look at economics, so it is harder to grasp by many. this may explain the aversion to it in society.
there is little to no scientific proof of that. It is what my gut tells me. I will not NOT trust my gut. It has never led me astray so far. My gut tells me that personal responsibility and personal liberties must not be separated from people. Doing so will drag any person/nation down.