Enjoying some Esoterica And So To Bed in my Altinay billiard meer this morning while I clean up the house in anticipation of my Wife's return from the hospital.
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Dang, I wish I had checked to see that it was Esoterica day. I went with GH Rum Flake 2009 that I got from @Stubble. Tasty in the Altinok Meer from @silvermouse. I hope all is well, Chris! @Yakster
Enjoying some warped midsommar dream from Steve @Amos_Umwhat in an unknown pipe along with some Colombian Huila Palestina A coffee compliments from Peter @peter4jc. The pipe was my very first pipe I bought around five years ago. I found it yesterday rummaging through an old box of cigar stuff. Thought I’d give it a try for old-time sake lol.
Watch City Cigar's American Cut Plug Mixture (new codger-style blend) in a Falcon with a meerschaum bowl for Falcon Friday / March Meerschaum Madness Month.
Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
Condor in a Musico.
You're up late, or is it early, brother.
Starting the break-in of my new Merchant Service Bing with some Ken Byron Ventures Burlier Morning Pipe.
Getting shaggy with some Daughters & Ryan Picayune in my Tanganyika Townsman Billiard Crater African Block Meerschaum Pipe
Smoking 2018 Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired Ready Rubbed in my figural Sultan meer.
Enjoying this compliments of @Hawks TYVM
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Enjoying some Esoterica And So To Bed in my Altinay billiard meer this morning while I clean up the house in anticipation of my Wife's return from the hospital.
Dang, I wish I had checked to see that it was Esoterica day. I went with GH Rum Flake 2009 that I got from @Stubble. Tasty in the Altinok Meer from @silvermouse. I hope all is well, Chris! @Yakster

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Smoking some 2020 Watch City Old Dominion in my 2023 Altinay billiard meerschaum pipe. This is my best smoking meer.
1792 in a Castello.
Good morning, using the Jekyll and Hyde 999.

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Picayune pick-me-up in a pipe from the Norm Triptow collection.
Drying out some Nutty Irishman to try in my Peterson 2023 St. Patrick's Day Rusticated (264) pipe for St. Patrick's Day.
KBV Stoved & Red in a Sara Eltang.
Cabbie's in a Tinman.

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The grain on that Sara Eltang is absolutely gorgeous, Steve.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
TYVM @Stubble Hot Mug in a Morgan
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Thanks @ShawnOL , enjoy @OutdoorsSmoke_21191 .
WCC #7 in a Castello.
Vincent Manil - Réserve du Patron Semois in my AKB Dublin lattice meer.
Sweet-looking pipe, Chris.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
WCC #7 in an Altinay.
Thanks, Shawn. It's good for the shorter smokes.
Reiner Long Golden Flake in my Alitnay meer.
Everything from Steve thxs @Stubble
Pipe compliments of Steve @Stubble (E. Nording) and tobacco compliments of Chris @Hawks. Thanks guys for sharing the good life with me. Cheers!
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
@Jrflickster & @OutdoorsSmoke_21191
Enjoy fellas!
Sliced up some Samuel Gawith Cannon Plug, dried it out, and rubbed it out to smoke in my figural meer.
Enjoying some warped midsommar dream from Steve @Amos_Umwhat in an unknown pipe along with some Colombian Huila Palestina A coffee compliments from Peter @peter4jc. The pipe was my very first pipe I bought around five years ago. I found it yesterday rummaging through an old box of cigar stuff. Thought I’d give it a try for old-time sake lol.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Watch City Cigar's American Cut Plug Mixture (new codger-style blend) in a Falcon with a meerschaum bowl for Falcon Friday / March Meerschaum Madness Month.
Quite welcome, Jeff. 👍 Good stuff
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