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Good kitty litter list and bad kitty litter list. (Formerly known as the - Good cat litter list and

Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
(List is meant to be updated. If you have any experience with other litter brands, good or bad, please pass along your knowledge and I'll add it to the list.)

I feel it's a good idea to post a list of brands "acceptable for use with cigars" for all who wish to begin using cat litter to control humidity in your humidor. Or for anyone who might need to switch brands. The list will not be in any particular order and I don't intend to get into all the "how to" aspects of this subject. I only want to point out the specific brand Kitty Litter products that can safely be re-purposed for use in our humidors. I will edit this list in the future with input from members and/or my own experience. I will update the list as needed here in my first post. Feel free to recommend, or advise against specific brands. If you have experience with and can testify that a particular brand and type is ok to use, or if a particular brand is not ok to use, please share your knowledge. (Please be specific in your descriptions and provide pictures if you can)

"GOOD" cat litter:
#1. ExquisiCat® Crystals Fragrance Free Cat Litter (This litter is most often mentioned as used by members on this forum. Found at PestSmart. Large granules = less dust. There are two kinds. Make sure you get the "Fragrance Free" and not the "Lavender" scented.)

"GOOD" cat litter #2. Mimi Litter, Cat Litter (found at walmart) (Members have been using this litter with good results. Pro: No apparent scent. Con: Small granules = more dusty.)


"GOOD" cat litter #3. Crystal Clear Litter Pearls (Original) Crystal Clear, by Ultra Pet. Recommended by forum member KingoftheCove. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001HWE6F0/ref=oh_details_o03_s01_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1

"GOOD" Cat Litter #4 Amazing Cat Litter (Recommended by forum member ehehat)
Available at LOTS of grocery stores. Check out all the stores listed on their website. http://www.amazingcatlitter.com/where-to-buy.html
This is the ideal label information. 100% silica & Odor Free.



"BAD" cat litter:
#1. Fresh Step Crystals. (Found at WalMart) (Does not mention scented or unscented anywhere on the bag and doesn't seem to have any odor but after spritzing with distilled water it has a noticeable "air freshener" scent.)

"BAD" cat litter #2. Dr. Elsey's Long Hair Cat Litter, Available at PetSmart. (I haven't tried this and only included it as an example of things to watch out for. Hopefully you would know to avoid this silica cat litter because it states on the front of the jug/container, “herbal attractant”. What is “herbal attractant”? Is it catnip? It could make your cigars irresistible to your cat and then how will you explain all your cat’s burns to the vet? )

Bad cat litter #3. (Shoulda' been Bad cat litter #1 or maybe he's doin' a #2 but,....whatever.)

"I'm gonna say also used cat litter should go in the bad section." - Lee mcglynn.




  • CigaryCigary Posts: 630
    I'm going to agree with this..Exquisicat Formula is what I use and have been for years...it's probably the best KL to use for humidors and the dust factor is negligible. The blue crystals don't add or detract from the KL itself as some assume and I can't think of a better brand.
  • musicman3musicman3 Posts: 622
    Sweet! This is a question I have been wanton to ask. I am going to switch my dads humidor over to kL. and I am thinking about the switch too.
  • Gray4linesGray4lines Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Already a good list!
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • perkinkeperkinke Posts: 1,572 ✭✭✭
    Great idea! i was looking at a jug the other day and decided to pass because I couldn't tell if it was scented or not.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great idea! i was looking at a jug the other day and decided to pass because I couldn't tell if it was scented or not.
    Thanks. If you can tell us all more about this brand that you saw, we might find out if anybody has tried it.

    (I just thought of something. Maybe a store owner or manager might let customers have a small sample if we just say that it's important to know for certain that the product is unscented. And explain that some brands don't mention scent but when they get wet they do give off an scent. I guess whether or not you tell them it has nothing to do with cats is up to you.)
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Already a good list!
    Thanks. I guess the list will always be "Under Construction" until we (as a group) have tried all the brands and put our two cents in. If anybody's had a good experience or a bad experience with a particular litter, I wish they'd tell us right here. Also next time I see some litter that I'd like to test out, I'll ask for a small sample and see if I can get some test results without having to spend any more money on entire bags or jugs just to find out that there is a sneaky floral scent in there that the manufacturer didn't tell us about.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm going to agree with this..Exquisicat Formula is what I use and have been for years...it's probably the best KL to use for humidors and the dust factor is negligible. The blue crystals don't add or detract from the KL itself as some assume and I can't think of a better brand.
    Yep, ExquisiCat seems to be the cigar lovers favorite choice. (ExquisiCat® Crystals Fragrance Free Cat Litter) But I'd like to expand on the list and provide more info on more brands so if there are any other brands that anyone has tried,.......Y'all speak up.
  • blurrblurr Posts: 962 ✭✭
    Good list, and great idea to keep it all consolidated in one place where we can all update with our experiences. I've been using the Mimi, and it works flawlessly as far as rh and no scent, however I'm going to have to get a bag of the large granules Exquisicat brand just because I prefer larger silica chunks. Maybe i'll order online in a few weeks and have it shipped. Considering I have enough Mimi to last me like oohhh 10 more years, I don't really need to order yet.
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    heres a good question, i'm asking since i refered someone to the use of litter, just because i dont use it does not mean i wont suggest it,
    anyway the question at hand is, on average whats the KL to water ratio? lets say 1 cup of KL to how much water ? 1 ts. spoon, 1 oz. etc.
    my co-worker thats going to use it asked that and since i would not know, i figured that would be a good question to ask, and if someone has the answer it would be a good starting point to add to the KL threads to help out some that using it or going to use it.
    i know you guys says you spray it but theres has to be a volume amount that is being sprayed
  • Gray4linesGray4lines Posts: 4,691 ✭✭✭✭✭
    heres a good question, i'm asking since i refered someone to the use of litter, just because i dont use it does not mean i wont suggest it,
    anyway the question at hand is, on average whats the KL to water ratio? lets say 1 cup of KL to how much water ? 1 ts. spoon, 1 oz. etc.
    my co-worker thats going to use it asked that and since i would not know, i figured that would be a good question to ask, and if someone has the answer it would be a good starting point to add to the KL threads to help out some that using it or going to use it.
    i know you guys says you spray it but theres has to be a volume amount that is being sprayed
    Hmmmm, I guess it really depends on what rh you want, and if youre starting a new humi or adding to an already seasoned one.

    That said, for a cooler prob no more than an ounce of water per 2-3 cups litter. Not much is needed, and you can always add more. Humidor seasoning may take a little more, orbyou can just sit a shot glass in there with it.

    For maintenance, on a few sprays are needed.
    LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    so the KL is not satuarted with like 2-3 oz. more like a few spoons at most depending on what Rh your after, i'm not sure how the Kl works outside the litter box on absorbtion of the water,but if it only takes a few sprays to get it to the RH your looking for, should not be a issue for him, but let me get him to either look on here or online to see if he can read for him self and go from there,
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    so the KL is not satuarted with like 2-3 oz. more like a few spoons at most depending on what Rh your after, i'm not sure how the Kl works outside the litter box on absorbtion of the water,but if it only takes a few sprays to get it to the RH your looking for, should not be a issue for him, but let me get him to either look on here or online to see if he can read for him self and go from there,
    I wouldn't add any distilled water at all until you know that you deed it. Depending on the situation you might want to keep it bone dry. Catfish has a great thread on here that's about 11 pages long that has lots of good info. I believe the thread is titled "How to season / re-season a humidor with Kitty litter". Here it is http://www.cigar.com/cs/forums/thread/610297.aspx
  • thedjfish@comcast.netthedjfish@comcast.net Posts: 1,692 ✭✭✭
    im not concerned about it, if my bud wants to look on here or what ever up to him, i gave him the info, up to him to follow up,
    he seemed a bit fixed on something he heard from someone else so i'm letting him do what he is doing
  • ehehatehehat Posts: 1,536 ✭✭✭
    Just to add to the list, I've been using this and as you can see have a ton left. Found at my local grocery store. I paid special attention to the labeling: 100% silica, No perfumes added, order free.


    It's worked rock solid for me. A little dust but keeping in a sock has eliminated the issue. The crystals look pretty big to me, dont know how they compare to others.


    Sorry for the big pics. Still havent found a way to resize in PB.
  • ddubridgeddubridge Posts: 3,978 ✭✭✭
    Use the edit function in pb. KL is looking good. I'll have to research that brand. Nice big chunks!
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    im not concerned about it, if my bud wants to look on here or what ever up to him, i gave him the info, up to him to follow up,
    he seemed a bit fixed on something he heard from someone else so i'm letting him do what he is doing
    OK DJFish. Sometimes when I write "you" I don't necessarily mean "you". Just generally addressing anyone who's reading what I wrote. I Shoulda' wrote “He” or “Your friend” maybe.
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just to add to the list, I've been using this and as you can see have a ton left. Found at my local grocery store. I paid special attention to the labeling: 100% silica, No perfumes added, order free.


    It's worked rock solid for me. A little dust but keeping in a sock has eliminated the issue. The crystals look pretty big to me, dont know how they compare to others.


    Sorry for the big pics. Still havent found a way to resize in PB.
    Thanks Eric. Great post. Just what I was hoping for. Some first hand experience with new / different brands. I'll add it to the list as soon as I have time. Thanks again. (BTW which grocery store?)
  • AVJimAVJim Posts: 449
    The only KL to use is "Drew Brand". He ships regularly and is cheap cheap cheap!!!! Drew, I think there is an open window here for you to start up a new venture! Throw some of your KL in a ziplock, slap a "Drew Brand" sticker on it, mark it up by a decent margin.....
    In all seriousness, I still really appreciate your bomb. Still holding at 68 percent!!!!! Thanks!!!!!
    "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member"
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Posts: 937 ✭✭✭
    I've been very happy with this:

    Runs about 68/69rh out of the bag, a tad high for my tastes. Very easy to "train" for cooler maintenance. Use 4 to 6 containers (depending on size of cooler) and if/when your rh rises or drops, either mist 2 of the containers with distilled water, or give the litter from those two containers the "oven treatment" (200 degrees for 20 minutes in a 1/4 sheet pan).
    Be sure to always use the same two containers/batches as your "adjustment" units.
    Eventually you'll have it all where you want it (63/64 in my case) with minimal maintenance needed.

    I always run all my KL gently thru a coarse flour sieve before putting it to use................... I lose a bit (maybe 10% at most) - but who cares!?
    It's cheap.
  • ddubridgeddubridge Posts: 3,978 ✭✭✭
    The only KL to use is "Drew Brand". He ships regularly and is cheap cheap cheap!!!! Drew, I think there is an open window here for you to start up a new venture! Throw some of your KL in a ziplock, slap a "Drew Brand" sticker on it, mark it up by a decent margin.....
    In all seriousness, I still really appreciate your bomb. Still holding at 68 percent!!!!! Thanks!!!!!
    All thanks truly goes to Dustin who introduced me to the stuff after an issue I was having. Sent me about a lb. and some good cigars. I am just PIF-ing from there. (you can thank Shizz for that)
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been very happy with this:

    Runs about 68/69rh out of the bag, a tad high for my tastes. Very easy to "train" for cooler maintenance. Use 4 to 6 containers (depending on size of cooler) and if/when your rh rises or drops, either mist 2 of the containers with distilled water, or give the litter from those two containers the "oven treatment" (200 degrees for 20 minutes in a 1/4 sheet pan).
    Be sure to always use the same two containers/batches as your "adjustment" units.
    Eventually you'll have it all where you want it (63/64 in my case) with minimal maintenance needed.

    I always run all my KL gently thru a coarse flour sieve before putting it to use................... I lose a bit (maybe 10% at most) - but who cares!?
    It's cheap.
    Excellent Info. This will help clear up some of the confusion I had about which "Litter Pearls" brands are good to use. Thanks King. As soon as I get a minute, I'll post this to the list with credits to your experience. (Ultra Pet Cat Litter Pearls (Original) Crystal Clear, 7-Pound Package by Ultra Pet )
  • Glock1975Glock1975 Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I use the Mimi litter, and so far so good, but I pour a little distilled water in a bowl and the panty hose I spray them down
  • reggie713reggie713 Posts: 2,517 ✭✭✭✭
    i use the exquisiact in my cooler, its been rock steady at 69 percent since i closed the lid about 3 months ago, i have not had to respray since i put it in there! so imo it works great!!
  • taythegibstaythegibs Posts: 2,025
    I saw the Mimi Litter in the store today, the price tag on the shelf had it classified as Silica Gel instead of cat litter and on the Back it lists Silica-gel.com as their website. it was also only $5.38 for the bag!
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bump for anybody new to kitty litter and not sure which brand/type to buy. Also I want to hear from anybody who'll tell us about other brands that they've had experience with so we can add them to the lists.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Posts: 2,833 ✭✭✭
    Bob Luken:
    Just to add to the list, I've been using this and as you can see have a ton left. Found at my local grocery store. I paid special attention to the labeling: 100% silica, No perfumes added, order free.


    It's worked rock solid for me. A little dust but keeping in a sock has eliminated the issue. The crystals look pretty big to me, dont know how they compare to others.


    Sorry for the big pics. Still havent found a way to resize in PB.
    Thanks Eric. Great post. Just what I was hoping for. Some first hand experience with new / different brands. I'll add it to the list as soon as I have time. Thanks again. (BTW which grocery store?)
    I like your ring man.
    One God, One Truth
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Posts: 5,960 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm gonna say also used cat litter should go in the bad section
    Money can't buy taste
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm gonna say also used cat litter should go in the bad section
    Right! Done done it.
  • kingdavid5kingdavid5 Posts: 293
    Where can I find he equsistecat crystals cat litter I've called petsmart and checked online no where to be found
  • Bob_LukenBob_Luken Posts: 11,055 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Where can I find he equsistecat crystals cat litter I've called petsmart and checked online no where to be found
    Not sure if they quit carrying that type at petsmart. I did a quick search just now from my phone but I came up empty too. When I get time in front of a computer I'll give it a more thorough search. I bought mine back in late may so things could have changed by now.
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