Ok, seriously, this clown johnnywalkerblue has got to go. All in favor of him being booted and banned from here post your vote in this thread. This forum is full of good people like Jozer and many many more. We don't need this crap poisoning an enjoyable place.
This guy wouldn't have the nuts to say any of ths crapp face to face, ignore him.
5... by the way
"Long ashes my friends."
Oh, 11
Oh yeah, never mind they are safely loaded in the bin by now, my bad.
And BTW Krieg, you never said 11 so I did. I assume that makes you 12 ? LOL
I gladly volunteer, but I think somebody who has been around for long time would be better. Just a thought
"Long ashes my friends."
this right here is the mark of a true ****. Annoying everyone by posting openly mean spirited posts and blaming it on the forum at large when he wont stop.
dont blame BigB, Me, or any other forum member for your continuing to post mean spirited posts. you can stop any time you like. ultimately, your actions are your responsibility, they belong to no one else.
This place is scary!
Up is White, Black is East... I'm gonna go outside
"Long ashes my friends."
Well now that that is over with, I'm going to have a cigar!