Disapionted by Gurka

Gurkha 60 Ring Cigars Just $3.49 Each, Double Perfecto, Connecticut, 6 X 60
10 Cigars - beware of theses beasts is the most disgusting cigar I have ever tried. They tasted like crap, outer leaf unfurled while smoking and foot of cigar was mushy.The same things happened on 6 out of ten cigars. I threw the other four away. Cigar.com shame on you for passing these on.
10 Cigars - beware of theses beasts is the most disgusting cigar I have ever tried. They tasted like crap, outer leaf unfurled while smoking and foot of cigar was mushy.The same things happened on 6 out of ten cigars. I threw the other four away. Cigar.com shame on you for passing these on.
I will also add that you are probably not the first person with this experience. At times Gurkha's can be hit or miss.
Also I'm always weary of the one post wonders.
You show up bash a cigar and then bash the company that sells them without offering any information... troll life is hard.
you arent the first.
you arent the last.
You recieve a box of Gurkha cigars,, you open the box of cigars,, they look like ordinary cigars,,, thats when you hear this....
Good Morning Mr Phelps,,,,Blah,, Blah,, Blah,, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to ,Blah Blah Blah,,and as always should you or any member of your IM force be caught or killed, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions , These cigars will self destruct in 5 sec,, Good Luck Jim!!!!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
On another note, I tried a cellar reserve and it was pretty damn good, and it was great construction-wise too. Still a little pricey.
I am fortunate not to have had a tremendous problem with consistency, as many others have attested to on the board. I have bought Gurkha by the box after having tried individual sticks first and enjoyed the contents as much as the loosies I sampled. That being said, I don't see myself making box purchases anymore and will probably only herf the once in a blue moon Gurkha single if the price is right (if at all). I actually haven't had a Gurkha in some time and I think that subconsciously I really just don't want to financially support a company with the philosohpy I perceive them to have. My issue with Gurkha is the budgeting I mentioned. Too much is spent on labeling and packaging. While I appreciate the artwork and really like the way some labels and boxes look, it doesn't justify the price differential. I don't mind paying more for a cigar, but when I do it should be not just for a prettier packaging, but for a more outstanding smoke as well.
Ironically, it is some of their lower-moderate priced product that I enjoy most. It seems that the more expensive a Gurkha is, the more warped the ratio of packaging:blending becomes. At a certain price point, the additional perceived investment from Gurkha on the actual cigar starts to be too marginal with respect to the definite increase in investment on packaging. The Royal Challenge, the Evil, and the Grand Reserve are low-moderate in price and really hit the spot and deliver to me what I look for out of each stick: cream texture, smooth earthiness, and sweet infusion, respectively. Most notable is that while I consider these to be gems, none of them come packaged in a treasure chest.
after that last post i feel the need to link this again: An Open Letter to Gurkha
Perfect. I have not purchased or even accepted as a gift a Gurkha for a very long time. Nothing but crap IMHO. I wrote them off years ago. I have been tutoring a friend whom is getting into cigars. I have gifted him brands based on his likes and have had great success in giving him grins. As with a good bomb, this makes me happy! He recently came to me and proudly reported that he went out on a limb and purchased a box of sticks.... he was giddy and I was happy for him. I assumed he bought a box of something I recommended, he tried, and liked as I told him to not commit to a box without knowing he will like them. I was wrong, he got a "good deal" on some Gurkhas..... I didn't want to rain on his parade and was hopeful that he may be one of those rare folks who actually like them. He let them rest for a while.... and reported on a Monday morning. He was not happy. He was pretty down. I felt bad and gave him some goodies to replace the crap. For a comparable price, there are a ton of good sticks to choose from. No, they were not purchased from CCom (another error) and the retailer is not helping. Shame on Gurkha. Like Kuzi stated, they belong in the trash. I am glad I could show this guy that really good cigars exist and this won't put a damper on him enjoying a great hobby.
Well, considering that within 2 hours of the OP's first posting here, he was told that he was wrong to post a complaint and called a troll, he might not have wanted to return.
I don't get the board complaints. New consumer buys something from a seller that has a comments section. Buyer is dissatisified, goes to comment board to complain. Whoa, outrageous, right?
I know you folks are sticklers for spelling here ....
Their parejos are a different case. I don't recall any problems with them.
I'm a big fan of the Ancient Warrior series (an 8" cigar that burns swell), the Class Regeant, and although it gets bashed a lot too, I dig the Bklack Dragon line.